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  • MuscleInk
    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah
    If one does not want to inject and/or ever do hardcore AAS (Tren, Testosterone etc) then Anavar is very good. I’m actually thinking of doing an eight week cycle of Anavar and Dianabol – Dianabol for the first three weeks (at a low dose, probably 20MG or 30MG a day), then for the next five weeks have some anavar (first two weeks at 30MG a day, then the next three weeks at either 50MG or 60MG). Supplemented with Liv52 or TUDCA/UDCA, Nolvadex and an AI on hand. Anavar should, theoretically, help to maintain the weight created by the Dianabol, yes? As well as packing on some LBM and giving you a harder look as opposed to a soft bloated look.

    Sharmabrah!!!!! Bro what happened!?! Only a few weeks ago you were on here saying you had no plans to cycle for a long time and you were going to invest your time, money, and energy into training and diet. Now you’re condoning and admitting to cycling at young ages.

    Again, this isn’t a judgement call bradda. It’s your life, your body, your decision but when I see and hear things like this it makes me wonder about the sincerity of some of the younger guys who say, "oh no, I won’t cycle. I’m just here to learn".

    I guess the vets who have been around longer than I are more familiar with this and aren’t phased by these things anymore because it is far too common. My bad for being naive.

    Just try not to hurt yourself and don’t fool yourself thinking steroids are benign.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx
    alright great, i appreciate all the help! only thing im wondering about now is the serm’s you told me to purchase says not for human consumption on it, lol. how am i supposed to take those btw? what i had before was a pill form, not a liquid

    The disclaimer is for legal purposes (I won’t elaborate beyond that here).

    Did MickeyKnox or any other member prescribe a usage protocol for the clom/nolva?


    Quote Originally Posted by Motivate
    Yeah your right, what a shame.

    However what really impresses me about this guy is his receptivness to the answer, its a damn shame we do not have more young men with the intelligence to come to those obviously know the answer but who have nothing to gain or loose by how they answer. So many ask a coach or an older friend, or worse case scenario a guy who sells them. Its a shame this guy will get the axe but I am sure he is smart enough to read the nutritional and workout forums and finish as a guest learning what he needs to adark_sideeve his goals natually.

    SteM & FFM…..

    You guys certainly don’t need my accolades, but great advice to the kid. Despite being too young to have an account, I applaud him for asking before he leaps into something that could have irrevocable consequences. The best thing he could have heard was the truth about the risks as well as encouragement to read as a guest and to St07 on nutrition and proper training. It’s shocking to hear a 15 year old considering steroids but I’m sure he’s not alone. Rather than blow him off or belittle the guy, he got some sincere advice about what was truly best for him and his health.

    In any other board he probably would have been ridiculed or berated but our wise members dealt with this in a very professional and courteous manner. I just wanted to acknowledge the great advice and say thanks for being reputable amHomeradors on this forum. This kind of advice and encouragement to current and future members makes be proud to be part of this forum.

    Well done gentlemen.

    Quote Originally Posted by SCOTT PROBABLY
    If you dont mind me asking, how much are you paying for your 300mg vial?

    No price discussion! Board rules.

    ….and this thread is more than two years old.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steroyden
    I think i am quite disciplined with my diet i eat around 2500 calories when dieting and 3500 when bulking I am 180 lbs 7% bodyfat (Bench 300, Deadlift 525 and squat 455) and train very hard. The reality is that i am a competitive and train so frequently that it is very difficult to recover between sessions. Anavar has helped me do that and I feel that the benefits of steroids even at my age outweigh the detriments. With that said however i liked anavar because it is not a testosterone based steroid in it requires very little PCT. I am quite young so i do not like to use steroids that have a strong effect on my bodies natural testosterone levels . musitiontinite why would you advise so strongly against anavar use at a younger age? There is very little information about this so I would really appreciate all of your feedback .

    Impressive stats, but I’m going to disagree on the benefits outweighing the risks. You are seeing benefits now but just because the risks haven’t manifested themselves and the absence of risks today does not preclude their emergence later. At your age, the risks are real and as mambetus pointed out, you are indeed arresting your testosterone production.

    Ultimately the decision is yours. We are not your mother, father, or conscience, however ownership of the decision must be equally yours. I’m all for a bigger, better, body but I think you’re cutting yourself short cycling anything at 19.

    Lastly, few people really have an understanding of diet and the commitment to nutrition in this area of sport. You may be one of the exceptions and I’m certainly not trying to pass judgement….but we do lie best to ourselves.

    OMG! The responses from our members to this blatant and slanderous pathetic excuse for reporting is making me laugh so damn hard!!!!!!!


    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g
    Hey bro, I don’t think anyone is flaming you. And you will get solid advise if you ate willing to listen and learn. Why make the same mistakes others did when it can be avoided right? But remember, your the one who started out by saying you had you your mind made up and that was that. With an attitude like that you won’t get too far Round here. But it sounds like you do have alot to learn and you might be willing to listen when people talk so I hope you make the right choices that best fit what you want out of life. And on the gaining water question, yes, some AAS will cause extra water weight. The use of an on cycle AI will help this. Other compounds have almost zero water weight gain associated with them.

    These are reasons why if you take the time to read the steroid profiles you will better understand how they work and what they can do. Also take note that none of that will matter if you don’t eat right and train hard while getting enough rest in between. Stick around and you will learn alot. Most will come from reading other threads a d then, if you get stuck, ask. You will get help.


    ^^^^Precisely. Posting a nutrition and training plan will be helpful so we can so the bigger picture and help with a total plan to adark_sideeve goals.

    Quote Originally Posted by brianmcmahanjr
    I’ll keep all this in mind. I dont drink heavily or anything. I drink maybe once a month, have like 8 beers or so. I drink water between beers and if I drink liquor, I drink water between shots/drinkis. After Im good and buzzed, I try to stay up til I sober up and then go to bed.

    A friend told me staying up until the buzz is gone, helps keep from getting a hangover…. Is this true?

    A lot of hangovers are influenced by dehydration. Drinking a lot of water will help reduce the hangover, so if you stay up and drink water as much as you can, the hangover should be minimal.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx
    Is the metabotest an AI or..?

    Clomiphene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that inhibits/reduces estrogen binding resulting in a rapid pulsatile secretion of GnRH and an increase in FSH and LH. In men, this triggers an increase in spermatogenesis.

    Tamoxifen /nolvadex is also a SERM having both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. It is used during PCT to inhibit estrogen receptor binding.


    Quote Originally Posted by Notsigned
    I don’t know if your doctor told you, but beta blockers can cause "sexual side-effects." Keep your doctor notified if you experience problems. I take Metoprolol twice a day and it’s lowered my BP from the 170+/100+ to under 120/80. I’ve been a lot more sleepy from it though.

    Ya every drug has its undesirable effects. I’m not a fan of hypertension meds for many reasons, but I’m less of a fan of heart attacks! Lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Notsigned
    I think you need to do a lot more research. You could start by asking those endocrinologists to cite sources of studies they read which indicated the stuff you wrote.

    And by the way, virtually all of those wrestlers and TrueMaxders you were referring to dying young were taking OTHER drugs along with AAS. If somebody who happened to use AAS sniffed an OZ of cocaine and their heart stopped, what would you honestly claim the cause of death was?

    As far as your creatine claims go, I found this study within 30 seconds of Googling:

    Agreed. There are numerous factors that determine cardiac health. There are several publications on Pubmed that cite relationships between AASs and reduced cardiac output or ventricular thickening/enlargent and even HGH at high doses can be detrimental to the heart. As pointed out earlier, low T is also inversely correlated with heart health as is body fat and lifestyle. Familial history is another important factor that has to be considered as well. Clearly AASs have some impact on cardiac function but just how much and how long one needs to be exposed before cardiac function becomes compromised is not so clear cut and individual differences will come in to play.

    My view on the subject is that if your going to spend so much time, money, and energy on improving your appearance and performance, take the time for regular check ups and blood work to ensure optimal health and address emerging problems before they become serious life altering events. It’s a lot easy to prevent a major event from happening than it maybe to recover from one.

    Quote Originally Posted by lifeofdefiance
    That’s true and you bring up some good points. I guess all I’m really saying is that I think there are certain circumstances when it’s alright for someone to use steroids before 25, but only if they have many years of training and have assessed the risk and are willing to put the proper dedication into cycle. Obviously though waiting is the best case, unless you are very dedicated to training and dead set on running a cycle. I can’t say I regret cycling before 25, but if complications had arose, I definitely would, so I see where you’re coming from certainly. I think a lot of the bad stigma comes from so many young people running cycles with absolutely no clue of what they’re doing and then messing up their hormones due to lack of PCT. Not saying that they aren’t at a higher risk, but I’ve read far too many threads from younger people who just injected some stuff into themselves with absolutely no concept of what it even was.

    To conclude, most people under 25 just aren’t at a point in their life (experience or maturity wise) to run a cycle, but I do think their are some exceptions to that.

    I’m inclined to agree. Many of the problems with younger guys comes from a lack of education and the maturity needed to be committed to all parameters of training. As you know, building the near perfect physique is much more than pinning steroids . It’s about nutrition and training more than anything else and many young guys often lack the discipline and commitments required to be successful and limit risks.

    I think it’s important that the younger guys understand we aren’t trying to dissuade them, rather encourage patience until they have reached a level of mental and physical maturity to accept the responsibilities and dedication needed to be safe and successful.

    Thanks again for your valuable input and experiences!


    Quote Originally Posted by Raven
    That makes sense, maybe cardio once in a while wont effect the gainz as much! Thanks for the correction

    No worries. Cardio 2-3x per week is ideal. Fasted cardio is my preference for gaining lean body mass. It won’t impair gains if nutrition intake is designed to drive and support increased body mass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    Am sure he will identify with over 50% of those symptoms

    Absolutely, but its better to be safe than dismiss an infection as PIP. In the majority of cases these issues will resolve on their own and without the need for medical treatment. I’ve had cellulitis from an injection and its not something to be ignored.

    I agree with your assessment but all we have to go on is a subjective description rather than an direct observation or ddx with BW or other diagnostic measures.

    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor
    i dont know what maBambs are?

    This is one of many of your problems. How do you expect to accomplish anything when you don’t even understand the basics!?! Steroids aren’t magic – too many people don’t understand this. If all it took was injecting yourself or popping a few pills to gain lean mass and look good, everyone would have a much easier time! Hell, why workout or eat properly if all it took was some steroids? It’s simply untrue. You will ONLY adark_sideeve your goals when you have the right nutrition plan with the correct maBambs, a training program tailored to your goals (gaining OR cutting), and THEN after these two basic pieces are developed, use of a proper steroid cycle to support your goals.

    What your friends have or have not done is irrelevant. You are telling us you are taking large doses of gear and seeing no results. You have already received great advice here. If you’re not going to listen and instead, keep referring to your friends and what they’ve adark_sideeved, go ask THEM why you’re not getting results.

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