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  • Gre-k
    Quote Originally Posted by Art62View
    I recently completed a cycle of Test E and Tren E. I ran nolva from the third week through my cycle.
    Gains were really big for the first four weeks then tapered down.

    Is there a reason people don’t run nolva during the whole cycle?

    because it doesnt lower estrogen or control anything other than block breast glands…….

    do more researcha nd use an AI next time.

    var is only going to cuse issues.. and your development will be done near 24 IMO. if you where 4′ 4" then i would go to doc to ask for hgh. but at your hight dont mess with that either
    Quote Originally Posted by cruelView
    Thanks for your replies guys. I know what you’re saying but I actually read a few articles claiming that even more so than test, its Estrogen that actually controls libido in males also. Maybe I’m getting a bit confused….

    At the end of the day I think I’ll just up AI to 0.5 mg EOD and see how my body reacts. It’s a bummer to split a miniscule Anastrazole in 4 equal pieces…besides I think this is still a very safe dosage.

    Yes bloodwork has to be carried out by a doctor here (I’m not in US unfortunately) and is very hard to get done.

    "control" doesn’t = "raises" …… test and estro play a part in it of course… but I think you might be misunderstanding it.

    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3View
    With high E2 you wouldn’t be getting these hard ons throughout the day! Lol ^^^ what clarky said above its the opposite…. It’s high test(due to pinning exogenous testosterone … Causing a rise in test leading to increased libido etc!

    Now if you weren’t getting erections then that could be high Estrogen, etc! Make sense?

    I agree.
    sounds normal OP…. i know it can be a pain… but it is part of it…

    Quote Originally Posted by RupertView
    you should read up about steroids a bit more
    any added hormones before 21 can really mess with you physiologically permanently
    if you are really interested in taking these you should look into all the consequences , how to use a pct , what to do if you encounter the unexpected such as gyno or high cholesterol. read up on the affects they have made onto the younger guys on here,
    last thing you wanna do is end up with a limp weiner unable to get it up in the prime of your life
    alot of guys here started using steroids in their late teens and early twenties now they are forever stuck on testosterone replacement therapy because their glands no longer produce enough test anymore. these hormones arnt like whey powder or creatine where you can be very flexible and just start and stop without any repercussions
    not trying to be a douche about anything im saying its just a strong word of caution

    before 25 man before 25… 21 is legal age but you are not finished developing till about 24-26. I would start no sooner then 24.

    also higher BF% means more conversion to estro and more side effects. get BF% down before usind any aas.

    Quote Originally Posted by mihhhailView
    I have never ran Primo, but have it ordered and on the way. I am really excited about replacing my EQ with Primo in my summer "cruise", along with test & tren.

    my issue with it is the sheer volume on oil often. its why I use 400mg/ml test, I like less volume and pinning, and why I’m not a big fan of primo. i did 700mg primo ew and its just too much imo. I found 2ml of maste at 200mg/ml nicer with around 400mg test ew .
    primo is a very nice compound in itself though.
    have you every tried low test with mast? say 200-300mg teste ew with 400mg maste ew in summer?

    I feel these are my favorite cycles:

    wk1-16 test 500-750mg ew
    wk1-14 or 16 200-300mg deca ew (on hrt, not pct)

    wk1-16 500mg-750mg test ew
    wk1-16 primo 400-500mg ew

    wk1-16 500mg-750mg test ew
    wk1-16 400mg maste ew

    and honestly just 600-800mg test ew is great, sometimes also with 100-200mg deca ew

    No orals, liver toxic so why? havent used them in yeas, plus i enjoy my whisky at times any how.

    Its not whats the best steroid (thats a silly question in itself) its whats the best first cycle or noob cycle.
    You are not ready for that yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by NephetsView
    I think we should take up with a collection here and see how much money it would take for you to post the video here. I’m laughing just thinking about it.

    agreed! LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbytsView
    Sure, just like riding a motorcycle without a helmet is a good idea, until you crash. At your age and stage in life the only good/safe way it to not do them yet and wait. You have made it very clear you are also very lacking in knowledge about aas and even how to merQister them properly. Ill bet you spend more time researdark_sideng and deciding what video game to buy than you have about aas.

    I agree with you on this one. PLEASE op just stop for a while and think..

    Quote Originally Posted by TricepticonView
    I’ll check in everyday and post my whole experience. Either nothing bad happens and I made some nice gains or I mess something up and regret it the rest of my life. Btw, an anavar only cycle is actually fine if you use a pct.

    actually its not… even if you were 25.. when on var your body shuts down its own production of test, test is needed for many functions.. why test should be base of all cycles and why its bad to do oral only cycles IMO… and being younger is bad! even just the PCT compounds can mess with your development aside from the Var…

    dont be stubborn ..

    wait till age 24-25 yrs of age. male development is mostly unfinished until this time
    Quote Originally Posted by defender228View
    Your 19 don’t do anavar it’s pointless waste of money anavar alone will do nothing for u and compromising your heath for 6 to 8 weeks of a anavar cycle is dumb

    yeah possibly messing up or halting your development is stupid even for a heavy cycle, oral only cycles are dumb IMO, and this one is bad even if you were 25_..
    you are not finished most development till around age of 24-25 so please wait untill then and RESEARCH non stop .

    good luck

    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxxView
    Is the metabotest an AI or..?

    i dont even know but you should get an AI for on cycle use to control estrogen and a SERM for pct.
    here is a thread on them i made:

    also you are not finished development till about the age of 24-26 so i would avoid aas till then.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxxView
    Definitely not blowing you guys off, I was counseled to take it, counseled on how to combat the negative effects, and obviously misinformed. And trust me, im absolutely thankful, just trying to figure out whats going on, theres a ton of mixed information online, it can be a bitch to figure out whats true and whats not. But i get what your saying man, I’m just saying i recognize i made a mistake, and am now trying to repair it. Btw, should i take the metabotest along side the recommended PCT? and should i be taking both the clomid and nolva or just one? thanks

    there is a reason we always (i always) say NEVER do oral only cycles and ALWAYS have a testosterone base.
    you had issues on cycle because what you where taking (any aas) shut down your natty testosterone production, thats why test as a first cycle or test + an oral is best, NOT oral alone, or any other aas for that matter.
    NOW your having issues because you need time to recover.
    it seems like you got your cycle from anabolicM forum. its full of kids that use MANY oral only cycle and bs hyped supps, shit I am even there as an LG sciences rep ha, but to the point. you need to do more research and there is lots of good info here on this forum.
    and before you ask; no there is not oral test ( i mean there is but you would need a pitcher full of pills to get what you would get from one shot, into your body, not worth it and i doubt you would ever find it) there is topicals… but again you need to put it on every day and raise in test can differ person to person + there are risks on getting it on others.

    also 99.99% of oral aas are liver toxic, so avoid orals overall.

    good luck

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