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- July 21, 2021 at 4:29 pm
- in reply to: Anavar for healing and joints?
Originally Posted by White_Trip
Thread is over 2 years old.Damn you beat me to it! Lol
- July 21, 2021 at 1:32 pm
- in reply to: Anavar for healing and joints?
Originally Posted by VAYDER
I know this forum is dated but I had to add my 2 cents… "Drying compound"? Please elaborate where you’ve researched and read such information. Does anyone do their own research on supplements?? Try it you’ll be amazed at the information you can find. Anavar (oxandrolone) was designed for burn victims. How do I know this? I RESEARCHED. Never have I ever read anything (besides uneducated forum posts) about a "drying compound" related to anavar. Oh and btw Anavar and Winstrol may provide some similar results. But, they are working much differently within your body. If you have nothing informative to add to the thread please DON’T POST. So, DEPENDING on the shoulder issue it could provide some healing. It all depends on the severity of the injury.You just bumped a 3yr old thread to argue?!?! agreed you’ve made some good points…. Just check the tread date next time
- May 13, 2021 at 8:56 am
- in reply to: Should I increase anastrozole?!
With high E2 you wouldn’t be getting these hard ons throughout the day! Lol ^^^ what clarky said above its the opposite…. It’s high test(due to pinning exogenous testosterone … Causing a rise in test leading to increased libido etc!Now if you weren’t getting erections then that could be high Estrogen, etc! Make sense?
- April 11, 2021 at 8:07 am
- in reply to: Liquid anavar
Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog
Are you sure it’s not 25mg/ml in a 10ml bottle?
Seems crazy too me that a 10ml bottle has only 25mgs.^^^ I was thinkin the same thing… I can see 25mg/ml(in like a 50ml bottle at that dose)… But a 10ml bottle(you’d think it be dosed much higher)…
- December 4, 2020 at 7:08 am
- in reply to: What role does deca play in a cycle?
Originally Posted by LACOSTE
I take what you said about shut down and recovery to mean that using deca is much more suppressive to natural testosterone production compared to using just test?Being a 19nor and a progestin as well as the long decanate ester, in Nan Deca , it’s the hardest compound to recover from!
One shot & your shut down immediately… also has Avery long detection time, it can stay in your system for up to 18months etc)
musitiontinite has posted if one PCT for a test/deca cycle doesn’t bring back your natty T production about 6-8wks after PCT is over, Then One’s best bet would be to run another PCT — first PCT I’d extend nolva to 6wks
Clomid 100/75/50/50 — Nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
Second if needed – 75/50/50/50 40/40/20/20(could throw 10/10 in as well) – obviously retest 6-8wks after PCTHere’s musitiontinites exert from that post…
musitiontinite – belowNot really. I mean, no one really knows exactly what formula to use. Deca is likely the harshest steroid on your HPTA, therefore it is wise to extend PCT timing. The 2 week difference between the cycles mentioned (14 weeks vs 16 weeks) is not an impactful amount of time. 10 weeks vs. 18 weeks is a big difference and would call for a more aggressive PCT.
We have to remember that all of this is very individualistic and cannot be quantified with a formula, but based on history and how drugs interact with the majority, you can make judgment calls for the betterment of recovery. In other words, you can assume you’ll be OK, or you can take some extra measure to better your chances at recovery.
The best method in my opinion for the common cycles with Deca (12 to 14 weeks), is to extend PCT for 2 additional weeks. You can use Nolvadex and drop clomiphene after the 4th week. Then you would wait 6 to 8 weeks and confirm recovery with blood work. If the results fail, run another PCT for 4 weeks and retest. If you’re good, you’re good.
Originally Posted by mighty joe young
What about a summer stack?Test 600x,Clen,Var-10,Winn-50,what would that do for me?Are you talking about the site sponsors stack? If so its good w/a proper diet and training program but that’s just like w/AAS! They are not steroids but will yield good gains… If your looking to run a cycle then you must use testosterone – first by itself as Oki stated you’ll know how you react to it! IM(intra muscular) injections are actually healthier as its by passes the liver instead of Orally taking something will always affect the liver!
- November 16, 2020 at 6:25 am
- in reply to: steroids helped me succeed in getting a body and girls
Originally Posted by Kito
You look good but you also look like alot of people on this site.I’m not knockin ya – you’ve got a good build – from the front I see – and take this as constructive criticism (traps can use more height – tris need widening/thickening/bis are good(what’s your peak like)?, back wheels?
That’s the common theme in this thread(many members on here look just as good/or better and don’t compete! Your still very young(did your parents or anyone in your family compete? I ask NPP/c they’re bank rolling your dream! You know sooo many up and coming BBers work double/triple jobs(don’t sleep) and scrape by w/barely nothin until that one person believes in you! If your going for it – make up your mind now and since your behind(I’m thinking of the elite at age 18 – Khai Greene sp – was a freak at 180 when 18 and he was still raw(rough around the edges) but his legs were SICK!
If it’s your dream – it’s your body – I’m not one to tell people they can’t do it – b/c one who says they can or can’t are usually right in what there thinkin – it’s their mind thats weak when they when saying ‘I can’t’) – or strong when thinking they can and will fulfill their/your dream! GL!
Originally Posted by Oki-Des
You will probably notice that you are on it, but I would have to say no to it giving you body builder results. Hell, many of us do many compounds and will never get body builder results. I would have to say that great body builders have great physiques to begin with, then work out like crazy, eat perfectly and do many compounds; all for many years. Steroids can take you beyond your personal limits, but will not make everyone look like the pro’s do.Like mentioned above… When you’ve got your diet nailed down and your training regimen(that’s proved to give you size/thickness) and rest(we don’t grow in the gym but rather outside of) you’ll make great gains…
However, never run a cycle w/out test(as any compound will suppress or shut you down) therefore one at least needs to be on a TRT dose(150-200mgs wkly at least) to replace your endogenous test which has stopped producing and replace it w/exogenous test(pinning it)!
Of course you’ll feel it, var always gave me great pumps!
Originally Posted by mikegilbert1986
this is the second time you answered to my reply to the other person commenting in the thread (pa). bro my anadrol is in capsules full of powder.. cost me $50bucks. i do have late meals before bed and most of the time wake up twice s night to eat. tren wakes food sleeps me.You can open the caps up and split it into two equal piles!! I too get woken up at around 2-230 daily just b/c my body needs the food…
Well from now on I’ll just keep let you doing your thing(as your asking ?’s and receiving good advice) you just don’t want to hear it!
So you won’t be needing/nor receiving any more advice from me! Even though I don’t like you one bit; I would never want to see something bad happen to anyone!
And learn how to control the AAS as it’s got total control of you!!!
- November 13, 2020 at 3:40 pm
- in reply to: steroids helped me succeed in getting a body and girls
Originally Posted by parfar
3 cycles so far started at 19. 21 nowNice… What was your starting weight/& weight now(in pic above in thread)?
I agree w/the above posts… But hey many BBers have been told they weren’t good enough etc – if you’ve made this decision I hope your living breathing eating shitting BBing! Because that’s what it will take – and then much more falling on your face and getting back up!!
FYI genetics is key when you get to where you want to be…
- November 13, 2020 at 1:49 pm
- in reply to: Does everyone use Armidex on a cycle?
Originally Posted by Lex_Foktis
Any recommendations on which one to run or which one would be better once I start my Test-E, Tren-E asking that ? I’m wondering about these things – How many cycles have you done? Age, weight height bf and cycle layout including AI HCG DA PCT protocol?
And I’d suggest starting a thread in the Q&A for more responses… But answer those and layout and I can help!
Your 23 you’ve got no business toudark_sideng AAS let alone Tren ! Is this your supposed first cycle??? If so let’s stop and talk about this….
- November 13, 2020 at 1:30 pm
- in reply to: Test E 750mg
Originally Posted by stang
Yes my heart rate is back down to 67 I feel much much better!! Is the 17% high?Yes… ^^^ look at above post(39)… Your hemoglobin(iron) is multiplied by 3 to get your hematocrit % – anything at or above 50% is the cut off on the range used… You were above 52% so yes that’s High… Any cycle always pull BW to see where your ranges are!
- November 13, 2020 at 11:02 am
- in reply to: steroids helped me succeed in getting a body and girls
Originally Posted by parfar
This was me 1.5 yrs ago . U can imagine how much shredded and big i got nowHow many cycles in that time? Or how long of one? Your not blasting and cruising at your age are you? Not that any age is safe for blasting & cruising…
- November 13, 2020 at 11:00 am
- in reply to: Test E 750mg
Originally Posted by stang
Ok I got blood donated. Iron was 17.6% I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I know I feel much better since i gave blood. I’m taken A.I eod my breathing feels much better now I feel like I should.. Thanks for all the help guys and guiding me all the way17.6(iron/Hemoglobin) x 3 = crit% 52.28% > 50% anytime your at or over 50% donate blood only bw will tell you or you’ll have the same probs – your BP & HR are surely back down as well!
- November 13, 2020 at 10:56 am
- in reply to: Does everyone use Armidex on a cycle?
Originally Posted by Lex_Foktis
I have a question involving Aromasin /A-dex now that we are on the subject….Would their be any positives, negatives in running both of them as AI’s while on cycle?
Pick one, they’re different types(Jimmyinkedup wrote "the ancillary reference guide" sticky it explains very much! Have a read! But only choose one,
Aromasin is a suicide AI which once it breaks the aromatizable enzyme up it doesn’t bond back together, where dex continually needs to break the aromatizable enzyme up time after time… Many other functions to an AI too!