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- November 10, 2020 at 8:18 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by nohanam
Yall quit being pussies, my wife can handle 100mcg, and she’s sensitive to stimulates lol. Seriously, clen and t3 works very well for me, but I never go over 100mcg, usually not over 80. And I like to take it 6 weeks on, with benadryl. Then I like to swap to ecafor fat loss and getting shreddd, thats perfect.. also just to add some more info here. the reason why T3 works so well with Clen (actually reason why its almost a necessity),, IS that when taking clen it will raise your body temp. well guess what happens when your body temp is elevated (and it does not know its elevated from the clen), it automatically thinks your thyroid and metabolism are revving too fast. so what does the body do to lower that .. it starts slowing down its metabolism . so guess what, you need some T3 to keep that metabolism revving when your on clen
- November 10, 2020 at 6:23 am
- in reply to: Clen Vs Yohimbine for weight loss
Originally Posted by Androgen
If you put them up against each other, who would be the winner: ephedrine, clen , and GW (cardarine)?
From a contest prep point of view.Clen, hands down. its going to do most everything that ephedrine would do in regards to fat loss , only its not going to target beta receptors in the heart like ephedrine does (so clen is more selective in the receptors it hits, whereas ephedrine hits them non selectively).
its also anabolic in muscle tissue and all that good for comparing it to GW , which is a PPAR agonist. they work differently. Gw is not going to carry any of the anabolic properties like Clen has, but clen is not going to have quite the endurance and Vo2 output benefits that a GW would give. GW would be the better athletic performance enhancer, but clen would likely be the better overall physique enhancer (though I mainly have experience with Clen on clients not GW so I don’t know for sure .. I’ve ran GW myself a hand full of times)
if you were 12 weeks out from a show . Clen would be the no brainer choice imo if you could only chose one. combining Clen with GW may be beneficial as well . however I would not combine clen and ephedrine.
if someone was sensitive to simulates.. then GW is the way to go . a combo of GW along with DNP would be very effective non stimulant based fat loss stack
- November 10, 2020 at 5:40 am
- in reply to: Simplest most effective cycle
Originally Posted by muzonk
How much masteron would be needed to reach that effect?I think 100mg EOD works great on cycle
- November 10, 2020 at 5:35 am
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
Originally Posted by rapture18
I know this is off topic, but I wanted to run Tren for years. However the few times I tried witch was with Ten A. So I could get it out of my system fast of I had to. I didn’t make it past 10 days because of anxiety, and due to my job I can’t have shaky hands. Is there a way to combat this? ( obviously besides drugs like benzodiazepines)I’m guessing you got anxiety from Tren based on a couple things .. you didn’t run a high enough dose of test (or have another highly estrogenic compound in there like Dbol) , OR you were running way too high of dose of an AI while taking it. too high of androgen load with too low of estrogen will cause anxiety for sure . your brain has both androgen and estrogen receptors. Tren is super super androgenic (and not estrogenic) so its going to saturate those androgen receptors in the brain, but if you don’t have enough estrogen to also saturate the e rescptors in the brain to counter H10 the two hormones , then you can get anxiety and an over stimulation of the nervous system .
next time you run tren do NOT run it with an AI . run around 150mg of Tren, 400mg of test, 20mg Dbol day, 10mg nolva a day . and you likely won’t have anxiety issues from it, cause you’ll have a better H10 of estrogen to androgen load in the brain.
- November 10, 2020 at 5:05 am
- in reply to: Running test and deca but getting fat
my guess.. you upped your calories some when getting on cycle. which is totally reasonable. but your protein is likely way to low and your carbs and fats are way to high.. and your protein is likely coming from some incomplete sources (if I recall correctly your vegan, correct ?).
so whats happening is your spilling over and not getting all the thermogenic effects from a higher protein/complete protein diet (which when on AAS does not need to be super high like when natty because the AAS makes you more efficient at using protein, but if the sources are not complete sources like meat, then you don’t get near the thermic effect). so you really need to St07 on dialing in the correct sources of protein when on a vegan diet (don’t think about eating rice alone for example , always combine it with beans . the two together give you a better amino acid profile then either by themselves )so calculate your maBambs and I’ll bet your protein is low and fats and carbs are high and your not getting enough complete proteins.
let me know what that maBamb break down looks like and I’ll see if I can help you optimize it.also, one more thing to think about is your training work load . I would NOT lower my cals when your on cycle and your goal is trying to grow. your going to be better off by simply increasing your workload , ie, increase you workout volume and intensity. your better off burning up cals in this capacity then simply taking calories away.
also, if you want to stay ‘lean’ while on cycle, your better off running more androgenic compounds. deca is not an androgenic compound at all (however its a great tissue builder). but again I think you need to adjust your diet more then need to mess with compounds right now.. however I do like the suggestion of adding Tren , this will give you the androgenic load your looking for to help you stay leaner, if you want.
- November 10, 2020 at 4:55 am
- in reply to: Cant lose weight on Tren
between the Tren (which is thyroid suppressive) and the huge calorie deficit, your metabolism (and thyroid) is likely crashed. if your going to stay doing this with drugs then you need to get on T4/T3.- November 10, 2020 at 4:02 am
- in reply to: Adding Trenbolone Acetate on my bulk?
Originally Posted by McGregor
Yeah i’m going to run 750 – 1000 mg of testosterone enanthate as my main bulker. 1000 mg of testosterone enanthate + 50 mg of tren ace ed and 50 mg of dbol ed sounds dope. Funny thing is i have test, tren and dbol left to use.
I don’t think i’m estrogen sensitive at all, i can run high amounts of dbol and test with no gyno. That’s why i love test so much.sounds like a man with a plan right there..
yeah a gram of test, 50mg a day Dbol, 50mg a day tren, with No AI (but perhaps 20mg a day of Nolva) is a pretty efficient cycle for putting on some size . very straight forward and does the job. just gotta make sure your able to have the appetite to consume the needed calories for this
(as Dbol and Tren can suppress appetite , plus Tren is so androgenic it raises your metabolic rate quite a bit,, meaning that your body is burning through more calories then it would while not on tren)- November 10, 2020 at 4:00 am
- in reply to: Pct and women
women blast and cruise or come completely come off and then go back on eventually.. the idea that guys need to run a full PCT after every single cycle they ever do is BS and far from optimal , imo- November 10, 2020 at 3:58 am
- in reply to: Deca works
side note – I’ve got a guy I’ve been helping for over a year . he consistently runs very LOW hemoglobin/hematorcrit . so low they do not let him donate (but he doesn’t need to donate anyhow) . even running Deca and Anadrol his hemo does not seem to elevate like it should .. coincidently , this same guy struggles big time to add any size , even a couple pounds. even running 2 grams of ‘bulking’ gear per week and 6000 cals a day he barely can put on any size (his training is on point).if I was to guess. if he had the opposite effect and had too high of hemo, rather then too low , and the drugs worked like they were supposed to at increasing his RBC ,, then I bet he would be putting on size much more easily .
again, increasing RBC is NOT a negative side effect of AAS , its a positive side effect and what a lot of these drugs are designed/used for
- November 10, 2020 at 3:44 am
- in reply to: How much to gain from first cycle?
Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
Dang, how old r u n e way43… but lived a lot of life and feel a heck of a lot older then that
- November 10, 2020 at 3:43 am
- in reply to: Nolva during cycle
Originally Posted by Wyatt 88
Great way to put things in perspective. Was kind of worried about the negative effect Nolva had on IGF. The past few posts reassures me I’m making the right decision running Nolva instead of a Arimidex .Thanx
if I recall correctly off the top of my head,, in your situation Nolva made a lot of sense.
but , I don’t want to come aBambss like I’m against AI usage at all or against using Arimidex. thats a great tool for the right job when needed.. I utilize an AI myself when its called for (eg., I just came off of cycle and did a short anti estrogen phase and used Aromasin )
- November 10, 2020 at 3:39 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
I’ll add some information here that a lot of people probably do not know .. Clen was used in the randark_sideng industry for a long time until it was banned for such purposes by the FDA.. now why the heck would ranchers used Clen? to get their cattle stimmed out and lean. No. at high enough dosages clen is very anabolic and will upregulate protein synthesis. ranchers used clen to help put on quality tissue and increase the feed efficiency of their live stock.
as a beta agonist it will help with lipolysis as well and thats why you’ll see it used in a lot of fat loss or cutting stacks. however if you skim through some of my threads you’ll see I often times advocate using clen during ‘cruise’ phases or even when bulking. but I do have it stacked with T4, HGH, and Insulin . the 3 of these a very syerngetic together and will stimulate the production of an enzyme (can’t remember the name of it) that is anabolic. you can get anabolic effects out of much lower dosages of clen this way.
so the benefit of using such a stack while cruising and off cycle, is again not for fat loss, but to stimulate anabolic growth factors apart for androgen receptor binding. so when off cycle you can continue to grow yet allow your AR’s to re-sensitize.I’ve got a few clients right now currently on an off cycle cruise utilizing 40mcg of clen per day. again NOT for fat loss purposes. at these low dosages 20-40mcg per day any negative side effects are not usually noticeable .
guys running that 80-100mcg range in an effort to lean out are the ones that usually run into some negative side effectsimo, Clen is a super useful TrueMaxding drug. you just got to know how to utilize it and keep your dosages low. more is not better with clen. yes higher dosages can provide more anabolic effects, but to get those same effects with low dose you can simply add other compounds like HGH, slin, and T4 to work synergistically with it
- November 10, 2020 at 3:23 am
- in reply to: Reason for Primobolan being the highest cost substance
because it was Arnolds favorite.actually even though Primo is an older steroid , its one of the more ‘advanced’ chemically/structurally. it requires several extra steps to produce on top of the raws being more expensive (more overhead and more production time to make it)
- November 10, 2020 at 3:15 am
- in reply to: Anavar + Dbol?
I’d have to look at your entire cycle lay out again to really determine whats best .. but in general, a short 3-4 week run of Winstrol at the very end of a cycle up until the day PCT starts (so even after main cycle has ended) is not a bad idea at all.
I have this in a lot of cycle lay outs that I’ve done. I label them as anti cortisol and anti estrogen phases. Winstrol or CytaCrash007 being the preferred compounds. lowering Cortisol and Estrogen just before going into PCT is going to help optimize your recovery- November 10, 2020 at 3:06 am
- in reply to: Does HCG build muscle?
protein synthesis coupled with hormones like insulin that drive nutrients into muscle cells builds muscle when there is a stimulus need (receptor signaling for the cell)HCG has nothing to do with any of that..
hard training and food/nutrition do. thats what provides all the co factors for muscle building.
now sure AAS will bind to receptors and up regulate a lot of different processes, like protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, glycogen super compensation, communicating with cells.
but HCG has nothing to do with any of this.. boosting natural test levels doesn’t either. it doesn’t work on a linear basis. meaning as natty test levels increase muscle building capacity increase along with it. it doesn’t work that way . your natty test could be 300 or it could get boosted to 600 and your not getting any more muscle building capacity out of that.
getting better nutrition in place and proper training (stimulus) is what builds muscle.. HCG , not so much