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- November 10, 2020 at 6:10 am
- in reply to: steroids helped me succeed in getting a body and girls
Originally Posted by parfar
Threw in some dbol for preworkout. Got a nasty pumppYou’re right, that is a nasty pump. You almost look like you lift now.
- November 10, 2020 at 4:11 am
- in reply to: Steroids and alcohol ??
My view on roid rage is that there is no such thing.
I am a dark_sidelled out person, easy going and I have a firm grip on my temper. When I’m on gear, I’m the same. I can easily control my anger like I normally would.
A twat that is gobby, aggressive and boisterous normally, typically the type to go looking for fights after a couple of Stella’s. this person has no control over their anger or actions. When they take steroids , they still act like this.
The media doesn’t notice the thousands of people on gear that control it. They St07 on that one "roid-head" that punched an OAP.Sorry to derail. I just hate the thought of people blaming substances for their actions.
- November 10, 2020 at 3:57 am
- in reply to: T4 for girl
Originally Posted by OldBoy
I’m going to argue with you here brother .. T3 and unregulated metabolism is not that catabolic , unless its coupled with low estrogen levels.
sure, anecdotal evidence. lots of guys have been known to lose muscle mass when taking large doses of T3 prepping and dieting for a show,, but these same fools are also taking a shit ton of AIs and trying to crash their estrogen.. thats why they lose muscle. its not the T3 itself.females generally do very well with T3 and don’t lose muscle or become catabolic because they have naturally higher estrogen levels.
estrogen is the key to muscle preservationThats why we’re here bro – debating is not the same as arguing!
My understanding was that they are seperate systems. In its natural state, the human body wants equiliberium, it wants to be efficient. Muscle tissue is very demanding.
When T3 is taken and metabolism increased, and calorie deficit is pretty well distrubuted. Those with larger amounts of muscle tissue will suffer with greater amounts of tissue loss. (The bodies way of bringing the BMR down quickly to remove the deficit). I thought only a large amount of anabolics would allow you to mitigate that.*Edit*
Thats just my mind logically playing it out.- November 10, 2020 at 1:22 am
- in reply to: T4 for girl
Hey Viktoriia,as these guys have already said. The two drugs T3/4 and Clen are very different, and work synergistcally.
Depending where you read, you’ll find different answers on the T3/T4 opinion and downregulation of the thyroid.
You can take as much T4 as you possibly like, your body will only convert T4>T3 as required, but if i recall this still only works at around 25% conversion maximally.
Ingesting T3 directly will give you the uplift to metabolic rate, but at a cost, unless you are on a large amount of hormones, your body wont discriminate on its energy sources making it quite catabolic if larger doses are taken.I dont know your current starting point, but it sounds like you’re not in a bad place if you’ve competed before. I would personally only use the clenbuterol for the moment, working up to an effective dose and maintaining that for a 2 on / 2off period to keep it simple.
I dont know enough about female cycles to comment on the var or primo usage.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:20 am
- in reply to: When To Use Anavar
Originally Posted by MBDN313
The stuff is all from a lab, including the Anavar, so I’m hopeful it is legit, but who knows.Everything is made in a lab. Yours will almost certainly be an Underground Lab. It was made in someone’s kitchen.
Regardless of what your dealer tells you.
So the real point isn’t was it made in a lab. But, do I trust the "lab"- November 5, 2020 at 12:02 pm
- in reply to: injection- before or after workout
Originally Posted by basejack
You know what, good luck. Pin whenever the fvck you want.Why even come here for advice if you’re not gonna take it, duh!!!!!!!!
Your question is self defeating. If you had done sufficient research prior to buying your stuff, you would know.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:36 am
- in reply to: sex life and steroids!!
Honey king, I would heed the advice and wait. I am also 23, and I have a thread over in the TRT section now. My test levels are so low, I have zero sex drive, erectile problems etc.
Just my 2cents.18month plateu? You’re doing something wrong, and STERIODS won’t help you. Post up your diet and training in the relevant forums.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:21 am
- in reply to: Steroids for weight loss
Firstly, post up your current diet.Secondly, calculate your TDEE. You will need your body fat %. Jump on the professional scales at a pharmacy. They tend to have BF% readers in them, or if you can, BodPod.
Thirdly, post up those bloodwork results if you have them. ‘Within normal’ can mean a lot of things, the experts here know more than the average doctor about hormones.
I really would not suggest any steroids until your duet is in check and you are making marked progress in the gym. Once you get down to a reasonable BF% then we can discuss cutting cycles etc.
Krugerr- November 3, 2020 at 2:49 pm
- in reply to: Highest dose of T3 you have run
Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
DO NOT DO THIS! Ok, I wanted to make sure everyone’s careful. I blended my own T3 capsules and I miscalculated the measurement. I ran about 1500mcg/ed. I started to get shakes and started feeling really bad at about 2 1/2 weeks. By 4 weeks I was shaking, lethargic, practically couldn’t get out of bed. I lost 45 lbs in 4 weeks. I looked like a skeleton. Guys, T3 is really serious stuff. It took me about 7 weeks to recover. It is AMAZING how resilient our thyroids are. Within 7 weeks my T3/T4 blood work was back to normal. My T3/T4 was literally off the charts for the first 2 blood work. The endo wanted to do emergency surgery and remove my thyroids. Whew, good thing I waited.And people said my 300mcg was wreck less!
I honestly only felt a little warm and thirsty. Might have had increased appetite. I took mine right before bed though, to sleep through the worst of it I guess.1500mcg, I applaud your self experimentation. Thank you for sharing.
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- November 3, 2020 at 8:26 am
- in reply to: Highest dose of T3 you have run
Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog
I would guess your T3 was bunk or greatly underdosed if 300mcg of T3 didn’t cause you any sides.This could well be the case! Dodgy UGL bastards.
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- November 3, 2020 at 4:39 am
- in reply to: Highest dose of T3 you have run
Highest I used was 300mcg a day just to see what the sides were like. I worked up to it.
Besides being thirsty as hell, my temp wasn’t noticeably different to 100mcg. No other sides.Had my usual bloodwork done afterward and levels were normal. So no damage done! ??
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- October 30, 2020 at 1:40 pm
- in reply to: How to comsume right dosage of T3.
Originally Posted by Lunk1
I believe ug is the same as mcg (I think) so I would just take one a day…..The symbol for ‘miBamb’ is a Greek letter that looks a lot like ‘u’.
Milli = x10^-3 (m)
MiBamb = x10^-6 (u)
Nano = x10^-9 (n)
Pico = x10^-12 (p)- October 30, 2020 at 12:22 pm
- in reply to: Steroids and jaw growth.
Lol. I’d say its the TrueMaxder a look like they have a defined jaw because of their low bodyfat.Steroids shouldn’t make your skull or jaw grow, they’re Androgenic , so you may get hairier, deeper voice etc.
GH might possibly make jaws grow, but only at very high doses and for long periods of time.That’s just what I think. As you can see above, apparently Marcus had some abnormal jaw growths!
- October 30, 2020 at 8:24 am
- in reply to: why did you start using steroids?
I was making good gains, but despite my progression, I wanted to experiment. That’s about it!!