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- November 10, 2020 at 9:41 am
- in reply to: Confusion between Test E and Injecting
Originally Posted by McGrey
Good luck bro, people do what they’re going to do. Im 23 which is to young but I’m enjoying my cycle and the results.Edit: just read your cycle… Oh shit son, ohhh shit
there is a huge difference between 23 and 18…
if 25 is safe you are just 2 year away and 25 is just a general age where HPTA finish developping.
at 23 you might be perfectly fine.but at 18 you cant be fine its just too young…
next time keep that stupid comment for yourself
- November 10, 2020 at 5:35 am
- in reply to: Alcohol on a cycle?
switch a cheat day for a drunk night test/deca you are probably bulking do not worry about that. unless you are competing you need to keep a social life.- November 10, 2020 at 3:35 am
- in reply to: Injecting in abs? is it safe and effective?
Hummm… Just noticed its from 2012…Damn…
Why bumping it in the first place…
- November 10, 2020 at 3:28 am
- in reply to: Are you guys afraid of the long term effect of steroid use??
When that guy gonna be banned… not the first troll thread he did. Marcus Can’t you do something??I’m tired of seeing retard like him poluate the forum… I prefer the young willing to take tren , at least these kids are really seeking for information and not just an attention whore like this one is…
- November 10, 2020 at 2:09 am
- in reply to: Steroids and alcohol ??
Originally Posted by mambetus
Just leave.agreed ^^
- November 10, 2020 at 1:30 am
- in reply to: Masteron and hair loss(Not again…)
Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
Oh, I love not having hairI would think that mast would be one of the worst for hair loss – But, I personally can not say
I understand that XD
I started to shave my head about 6 months ago.
I LOVE the look and it is judt so.simple to shabve dont have to worry about haircut 😛but a stupid idea went throught my head to let my hair grow for a year and see… Im two.months in and tired of my long hair 😛
anyway I love having Mohawk or special haircut otherwise I dont care…- November 10, 2020 at 12:53 am
- in reply to: Hgh benefits and side effects
Originally Posted by L1pton
First of all 2.5ius will nor results in anything but the general feeling of well being. For fat loss you have to be using 4-6ius for muscle gain 8ius and up. Second, if your new you should definately not start with GH. Its expensive, your too young for it and you could be using your money in better ways. 25 is established as the minumum age for AAS, 30 should be the minumum for GH. You should have a couple cycles under your belt also. HGH is not a wonder drug. If your body fat is at 20% its not gonna take you to 7%. What HGH will do will help you surpass your limits. But, you need to get to them first. At 25 yrs of age your body is still producing a decent amount of naturak GH, you could ruin your body’s GH pulse.IDK about the protocol
however, the rest is perfectly said…
AAS will gives you what you need no need to start HGH. This is a complete different world…
With aas only you can reach your goal for sure. No need for gh.
Good luck
- November 5, 2020 at 1:24 pm
- in reply to: Confusion between Test E and Injecting
^^^my step brother is mentally challenged and still can do basic math… damn he has his own appartment, job and live by himself, do his budget and food and grocery…not to bash but if you are unable to do that kind of calculation by yourself you should not play with needle and still less with steroids …
using that kind of drugs require a minimum of intelligence…
- November 5, 2020 at 5:29 am
- in reply to: Winstrol Effectiveness
50mg tabs… I doubt of he legitimacy… you could post a pick on the appropriate section to have an answer on that- November 3, 2020 at 12:29 pm
- in reply to: Highest dose of T3 you have run
I wont ever try that much but Im curious to know whats the health issue 200-400mcg can have on the body…
Im.going to look into it eventually XD- October 30, 2020 at 6:22 pm
- in reply to: What are steroids capable of?
the only factor qheee steroid can take you with optimal nutrition and training is genetic…some.could abuse Grams and grams of gear and never pass 220.
some may use low dose and reach 250 easely…if natty you are 215 13%
with steroids 250 is adark_sideevable in way less than 7 years IMO…
- October 30, 2020 at 1:05 pm
- in reply to: 700mg test vs 300mg test and 400mg deca
I personnaly dislike deca .And love test (except for the acne)
so I would say go with test only.
But… I do think than test deca would yield better gain.
As you wish. Both have potentiel.
- October 30, 2020 at 11:06 am
- in reply to: Masteron and hair loss(Not again…)
Originally Posted by dips
I always thought it was the DHT’s that hammered the hairline, not the 19 Nors.Dht is extremely androgenic so steroids with a high androgen affinity affect the hair the most.
I may be wrong however As far as I remember of my.reading thats what comes up.
and tren is suposed to be very harsh on the hair too. therefore it makes sence with the androgenic property above.
- October 30, 2020 at 5:28 am
- in reply to: Winstrol Effectiveness
Anavar > winstrol IMOBut I think you should try it to compare yourself.
At 14% I think it will be pretty effectif
- January 16, 2020 at 10:12 am
- in reply to: Been training for long clean want to try steriods
Where’s your hcg and AI???!??!!
You NEED these.Plus you should add clomid to your pct. 100/50/50/50
Nolvadex MAY be enough but ,for pct, more is better because you cant overrevover.Winstrol should be ED not EOD…
Except that its ok