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  • Werewolf998
    Quote Originally Posted by Art62View
    Which is the best AI to run IYHO?

    Both arimidex and exemestane are excellent choices. I ran dex for years and switched to stane a couple years ago. I had some trobule dialing my stane dose in but once I did I like it. Honestly you would be hard pressed to go wrong with either, the key is dosing whichever one you choose properly, using blood work to get dose properly set.

    Quote Originally Posted by SworderView
    I am pretty adamant about not insulting somebody personally especially in a discussion, I think it proves lack of self-control and knowledge on the topic at hand. I haven’t said anything about Marcus300’s character and I usually just look at what message is posted and not what their title under the name is. Unless it is MD The funny thing is that along with insulting me personally he included a lot of other respectable people in that their opinion is congruent with mine. Also, Swifto’s many posts include studies done on animals, that is how science is done. Matt had a great post as well based on his knowledge are you discrediting him as well? I am sorry I offended anybody but I am merely stating my opinion and ideas.

    The most humorous thing is that NOBODY touched on any of my key arguments nor ideas. The only rebuttal was that "you are a kid" or "you read too many studies".

    I agree that AAS can hurt youth before they are 25. It is stretdark_sideng it far though to claim that their HPTA needs to mature and most data I can find supports the opposite. So if I were to question something which lacks any logical or scientific information, I get bashed on my age. I have seen this in other threads too where one person’s post go unread and repeating the same thing over and over again is done. Read through my posts and argue the points I make. That is discussion, not pointing the finger and saying "you are too young".

    Look I know you from another board and im going to tell you straight up you come off as arrogant and condescending to people here that have earned respect via years of input effort and work on this board. Now I’m not saying thats your intention , but I am saying that is the perception. Do with it what you will.

    As far as data supporting the opposite ..how can it possibly exist? If peak testosterone output is around age 25 , and someone shuts down the hpta prior to that , how do you know where they MIGHT have been? Do they come back into clinical range faster than older men? Perhaps …but dont you think they should given a 22 yr old has double the test levels of a 40 yr old? Proportionally they may recover exactly the same. Look we will prob never know for sure but given the fact that we will never know what the endogenous T levels of that 22 yr old may have been had the hpta not be shut down before peak test output was reached …there is no way one can say they recover better.
    I find it ironic that all this going back and forth and ultimately you agree that there are prudent reasons not to cycle at these younger ages anyway.

    Walking on the "phased" edge
    phased blades
    phased stubble

    Get it

    Quote Originally Posted by The KernalView
    there isn’t enough evidence to say that AAS at a young age isn’t detrimental – there also isn’t enough evidence to say that doing AAS at a young safe. Its a risk!

    ^^ Excellent Point.

    I dont know when the HTPA is fully "developed" ..I do know that our natural testosterone production levels peak at age 25.
    It seems to me shutting that system down prior to that isnt very prudent.
    The funny thing is , just as its said it cant be proved its bad to cycle under 25 , it sure cant be proved its ok either. The ypoung "recover better"??? We have no idea if the young recover at all because we have no ida what their natural test production would have peaked at or what their baseline test levels would be.
    Its cost / benefits to me.
    Then the emotional maturity aspect.
    I just cant see where its a good , well thought out , prudent decision…even just based on the unknown.
    Thats just my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by death star View
    Your DNA doesn’t change over time. Unless you live in Chernobyl.

    The reason why there is a decline in LH/FSH/Testosterone due to age, or even after doing several cycles is simply wear and tear, and/or aging. Some of these occurances can be sped up by improper use of AAS, inadequate or no PCT, and so on and so forth. Your genetics will also determine at what point in time your body is going to naturally decline in production of these hormones as well. We all have peaks in our optimal reproductive cycles, and then it naturally slows down over time. It is a combination of wear and tear, age, genetics, and what we do to ourselves (what we consume and expose ourselves to, etc.).

    It also prob has to do with a desensitization along the entire HPTA if I had to speculate. Years of gnrh triggering lh fsh (cliffs obviously) etc ..i would imagine some desensitization would occur. Also possibly the age related effects on specific cyp enzymes. Now im going from memory here so bear with me or if I am incorrect in my recollection jump in please. ie: cyp 19 (aromatase) increases with age and cyp3a4 genrally decreases with age. Increased aromatase and a decrease in the enzyme that metabolizes estrogen results in higher e2 levels and a stronger negative feedback. Also aromatase has a proportional relationship to shbg …so increased aromatase = increased shbg. Just some speculation on my part.

    Yes several people in this thread have no idea what hcg is actually doing for them and why it is prudent on cycle.
    Oh and the Rich Piana ref doesnt applly at all. He uses thousands of ius hcg/week to bridge between cycles, not as a pct or for any other reason. Which for him, ok fine, but for anyone that wants to maintain leydig cell function and avoid desensitization it makes no sense at all to do.

    The question that always arose in my mind is how do you know you recovered fine?
    How do you know what your endogenous hormone levels MIGHT have been had you not shut down a developing HPTA ? You dont.
    You know what is , but you have no idea what might have been .
    Also as Matt pointed out the emotional maturity issue is one important point to consider as well that often gets overlooked. Thats on an individual basis IMO as sometimes i see 30 yr olds that i dont think are emotionally ready or capable of undertaking androgen use.
    Ketotifen is amazing when running clen or albuterol. It allows you to run without a break and keep dosages reasonable. Im not big on these pre set clen cycles where after day 6 you are at 100mcg blahb lahblah. If you respnd well to say 60 or 80 mcg..keep it at 60 or 80 mcg.
    Anyway back to ketotifen. 1mg/day – at night right beofre bed. It will knock you out sleep wise and keep clen or albut effective. Also yeah it prob help with itchy watery eyes as well. lol

    I have come to feel that when you look at sides vs rewards clen is not worth it for me. Is it an effective aid, yes. Is it worth the sleeplessness, jitters and profuse sweating, imo no.
    I personally like to use albuterol now. It makes me feel good, I can sleep, and for me it is virtually side effect free. I even use it as a pre workout in phases.
    The thing with clen and albut is they really are just an aid. The more on point you are the better they work but they wont perform miracles. Adding T3 seems to be a different ballgame. That changes results pretty significantly and provided you have anabolic support you dont have to lose a bunch of muscle. One thing about clen and albut is muscle loss is very minimal. I think my optimal is a T3/ albuterol stack.

    You cant even compare the 2. Deca blows it away for gains, not only at the dosages you outlined but at just about any dosages.

    Quote Originally Posted by crauserView
    Hold on, I think someone is peeking through my blinds. brb

    I damn near spit my drink all over my keyboard I laughed so freaking hard!

    I used to take it 2x/day and no later than 3 in afternoon. It really could just be taken once in am given its active life.
    Quote Originally Posted by bolden1View
    Sounds good to me thank you I will go check the nutrition forums now

    Great we will see you over there. Welcome to the forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by TurboOneView
    From my experience and out of concern for you, I’m going to ask you to read up on Finasteride Syndrome before taking Propecia. Maybe you have already, but at least you know what you’re getting into. A lot of guys don’t recover from the life altering side effects, and that’s why there is a foundation setup to assist. Even heard Dr. Crisler mention it and how he is trying to help guys after they have taken it. IMO, Keeping your hair isn’t worth the potential permanent side effects. It’s bad news…

    While I am not dismissing this by any means I think it is important to keep it in perspective. If I recall correctly the numbers are like 1.3% of users experience this in some form. While it is obviously a serious side effect that warrants concern those #’s are very, very low. I have always steered people towards dutasteride over finasteride but i would imagine the premise is the same. It seemed to me in my readings that duta is not only the more effective 5ar inhib mg for mg, it also inhibits both 5ar enzymes, not just one like finasteride does.

    Quote Originally Posted by St07View
    Never ran test above 400mg. Have previous deca or tren cycles I loved, but if I try out propecia then deca wouldn’t be an option. I guess I’ll just have to try the higher test only cycle to see for sure how I like it. Thanks for he replies so far, very much appreciated.

    Be sure to keep your e2 in check at your blast dose of test. You probably know this already but just making sure!

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