Sgt. Hartman

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  • Sgt. Hartman
    Quote Originally Posted by SworderView
    Hormone changes, in general do it. Androgens do it too, increases the sebaceous glands output and gives you acne as well. There are so many things that can cause it you can’t simply look at E2. E2 should be in normal-low range anyway and he should supplement with an AI if it is high. Should be able to tell without tests. It would be silly to think that E2 alone results in acne, if so all the ladies would be covered in acne all the time.

    It’s ridiculous to try to compare estradiol levels and side effects in males to females.

    If high E2 doesn’t cause acne you should run a couple grams of test with a properly dosed ai for the first half of a cycle but discontinue the ai for the last half and then try to say high E2 doesn’t cause acne. I guess you could still say it’s the hormonal change of the E2 elevating…

    Sgt. Hartman
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInkView
    No. I should but statins are nasty drugs IMO.


    I recently started taking a very low dose beta blocker for hypertension. My bp always elevates on cycle and sits around 167/92 which is too high. Since I’m asymptomatic I used to ignore it (mambetus’s gonna read that and give me hell) but since hypertension can be one of those "silent killers" in cardiology, I finally decided to take something to manage it. My bp is down to 140/78. Systolic is trending a little high still so I might bump my Bystolic to a full dose (5mg).

    My BP was approadark_sideng that on my last cycle and 10mg cialis ED lowered it considerably. After a while though the other "side effect" of cialis got to be too much so I’ve got clonidine on hand if BP climbs that high again.

    Everything I’ve read on BP/heart disease/AAS seems to show that the risk for left ventricular hypertrophy is considerably lessened if BP is kept in check. Sure the androgens alone can cause hypertrophy to some degree but add high BP (ie. resistance) and the risk increases dramatically.

    Sgt. Hartman
    Acne can occur from any significant hormonal changes. You said you recovered good from pct which means your endocrine system went from shut down to functioning properly again = massive hormonal change and possible acne breakout.

    High E2 can also cause acne

    Sgt. Hartman
    ^^I don’t know where you’re getting your info from the the majority of that is nonsense.
    Sgt. Hartman
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex83View
    How bad are steroids on your body? What does it damage the most of? Just wanna see the responses I get on that

    That’s asking way too broad of a question to give any reasonable answer. How bad are any drugs on the body? Obviously it depends on what specific drugs we’re talking about, how often they’re taken, and how they’re dosed.

    To answer your question though, imo steroids can be cycled safely without damage if taken responsibly.

    Sgt. Hartman
    If steroids really do shrink your penis then Marcus’ would be inverted.

    So this question would really be better suited for him, well Marcus?……..

    Sgt. Hartman
    Quote Originally Posted by SEL1CView
    Size and shreds, nothing but shreds and veins and size.

    Lol I think you need to do a lot more reading and training and reevaluate your goals.

    Sgt. Hartman
    I don’t think high testosterone levels can directly cause paranoia but I’d guess that any fluctuation of your hormones could intensify paranoia, anxiety, anger, etc. if you’re already prone to them to begin with.

    If you’re prone to it I’d especially make sure that you’re estrogen and BP are kept in check.

    Sgt. Hartman
    So now alcohol converts testosterone go estrogen? Better do that google search again…….

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