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Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
Winstrol half life is 9 hours. Here’s my thinking, bear with me. You take the winny an hour or two before you workout. I mean take all of it. While you’re working out you get the biggest blast of winstrol into the body. When when you’re done working out, you body continues to require energy to repairs itself and Winny is still massive in your system. After 9 hours, there’s still 50% of the winny still working in your system. In 18 hours, you have 25% in your system. If you take half dose in the AM and half in the PM you have a more constant level of winny in the blood stream. Honestly, I think they both work. Are we over thinking this? LOLI hear you scotchguard its now just become personal preference for me having done it both ways many times…convenience really…
- December 17, 2020 at 10:20 am
- in reply to: Summer cycle advice
Originally Posted by Serke
I am not worried about the pinning as much as the liver damage from running 2 orals. I hear winny is over-rated anyway. My question would we run anavar for 6 weeks and cut the winny or run winny at the end for 6 weeks and drop the anavar. I would love to do both but if it’s super toxic it’s not worth it to me. I don’t care for the strength as much as gettin a bit more cut so i would prob lean towards the winnyyou could use either one bro, I like them both…your call…
- November 16, 2020 at 6:57 am
- in reply to: Whats the best Post Cycle Therapy after Winstrol
but big come on man he has a toned bicept……. hes told us so like 10 times so he must be ready right?……sorry….- November 16, 2020 at 5:00 am
- in reply to: Steroid effect on sexual performance and or volume
Originally Posted by Arnowt
HAHAHA I actually Lol’d at this.Awesome. And yes LittleMan we had our rough times but I’m still crazy about her too!
awsome bro….
- November 16, 2020 at 3:44 am
- in reply to: Steroid effect on sexual performance and or volume
Originally Posted by Lunk1
GB, we are in the same boat, 40 and together 20 years. I can sometimes go for hours and she SOMETIMES complaines. I just tell her I am finally where I wanted to be at 20 and I am making up for all those "oops sorry about that" momentsLMFAO **** yea brother i can totally relate to that ha ha….
- November 13, 2020 at 1:22 pm
- in reply to: Steroid effect on sexual performance and or volume
Originally Posted by Arnowt
I’m 22 and have this ‘issue.’ I think it’s a ‘too used to the other half’ thing to be honest haha. I’ve been with the same girl for 6 years but we recently had a rough go for about a year so I ventured out. Didn’t have that problem with the other ones.. New and exciting, I guess?you may be right ive been with the wife for nearly 20yrs but i try not to think of it like that cus im still crazy about her…
- November 13, 2020 at 10:57 am
- in reply to: Steroid effect on sexual performance and or volume
Originally Posted by Times Roman
shit. and after a few years, delaying ejaculation is never a problem. once you hit about 35, maybe 40, it becomes a conscious decision to, if you want to try some peptides, PT-141 is a sexual enhancer that is good for multiples. You will have to experiment with it and find the dosage sweet spot for you. but be careful, erections lasting multiple hours is fairly common.
i hear you on the not having to delay ejaculations…my wife told me reacently that i take to long to nut cus after she’s done her buissness she wants me to finnish right away like when i was 20….i truely have to concentrate to finnish otherwise i could go all night…i never thought of it as an age thing though but i am 40 so it makes sence…
- November 10, 2020 at 1:18 pm
- in reply to: Updated steroid cycle plans
you need to spend less time looking for a source and spend just a few minutes on the planning my first cycle link that was provided for you…you are so far off from being ready to use aas when you don’t even understand the very basics of a first cycle which is sooo simple man…do yourself a favor and do more research and get a good understanding of it before you start throwing away money to the first site you find on the net…scammers will be more than happy to take your $$$ so be careful…you really don’t have to split the dose I prefer to take winni 2hr before I work out…the thing is with half life, is that the compound is not eliminated from the body after say 16 hrs(wintrol 8 hr half life) so that you would have to split it to have it in you for 24hrs…what half life really is, is when you take something like 50mg winstrol after 8 hrs you then would have 25mg still in your system…8 hrs after that you would have 12.5 ect…you may already know this, im just throwing that out there for everyone because it seems there is a bit of confusion for some of what half life really means…but like someone said earlier you wont notice a difference done either way…good luck…- November 10, 2020 at 4:42 am
- in reply to: Summer cycle advice
your cycle looks fine to me except id run the adex at .25mg eod and bump up if necessary but you have done a few cycles so you may be in tune to your exact needs…if you don’t mind the pinning there is nothing wrong with running prop the 12 weeks as you proposed…good luck…- November 10, 2020 at 2:59 am
- in reply to: Advice needed for beginner cycle for crossfit
your cycle is fine and it would work for bbing or Bambssfit not shure why anyone would think differently…my only concern and maybe im reading you pct plan wrong but you only need to wait 2 weeks not 3 for the test e to clear before pct…good luck…- November 10, 2020 at 2:50 am
- in reply to: Alcohol and Winny
Originally Posted by rubsd
TouchdownSent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
Pics or it didn’t happen lol…
- November 10, 2020 at 2:47 am
- in reply to: Cycle of sust 250?
frontloading with deca is a bad idea imho what is the goal of this?…if you want to use it for joint relife you mentioned then run it at a low dose like 150mg every week…run the test and deca together but longer than 6 weeks it will take at least that long before you might feel any relief from it…anyways good luck- November 10, 2020 at 2:43 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by Bekas
You people are seriously miserable holy shit!Get the fuck off whatever you’re taking and honestly fuck off! You look like a fucking teenage boy and are talking about how you know alot about this sport!
Sorry not sorry, It’s so fucking annoying when people who have not had the success are trying to refute stuff that I know to be accurate. Follow the advice everyone else says with little thought and you will end up looking like them.
it pisses me off even more when someone like yourself pretends to know so much about something you know very little about…its time to check yourself before you wreck yourself kid…clen is NOT a stimulant it is a beta 2 agonist and was designed for asthmatics and isn’t even legal here in the united states because as you stated there are many side effects that out weighed the benefits…also remember that everyone is different and dose not react the exact same way you do…there is no need for the fuck offs but I see one coming my way so be it…
- November 5, 2020 at 9:42 am
- in reply to: Advice needed for beginner cycle for crossfit
Originally Posted by motivated247
1) NO, for Bambssfit this will not adark_sideeve what you want, I think most guys here are BodyBuilders and will give you advice related to that only.2) Depending on you pre cycle blood work, 250 of pharmaceutical grade might be an improvement, but as others have said 500mg minimum
3) Use recommended HcG
4) Don’t half the test
5) mornings I believe.
Also other people here will disagree, But this is for a Bambssfit benefit add in AICAR and GW501516 this will improve conditioning, along with AAS you can improve strength and cardio and metabolic conditioning at the same time.
Test will improve protein synthesis but it will decrease collagen synthesis, with Bambssfit you might damage some tendons. You can combat this with other AAS, a GH or there is some TB-500 or Bpc-157 to heal you.
Most people will say to keep it simple for your first cycle, which is right, They only care about BodyBuilding. No body would offer you anything more than that on this site for fear of being flamed.
If you use test for a few weeks and feel good, add in the extras and monitor symptoms, all the additional’s I have mentioned have been reported to work with low sides. This is from research websites Not Bro sites.Food for thought, I have not done a cycle yet, but I am researdark_sideng heavily. particularly for Bambssfit. take all information lightly and do your research.
seriously buddy, you have been here a month and you think you know just what "everyone here" will give for advise and that its undoubtedly wrong for Bambss fit…yet you give advise with absolutely no real world experience and think your spot on no less…wow man that’s pretty bold/arrogant to say the least imho…not bashing you man just shocked…