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- April 18, 2021 at 9:02 am
- in reply to: Do deca rather than tren for bulking?
Originally Posted by Narkissos
Didn’t check through his posts.
My bad.It’s cool man no need to apologize.
I don’t think anyone realized.
I just remember OPs previous threads and don’t want to see him hurt himself.
- April 18, 2021 at 4:38 am
- in reply to: Do deca rather than tren for bulking?
Originally Posted by Narkissos
Truthfully though, nothing wrong with running both.Good call!
Nothing wrong with using both… unless it’s your second cycle and you don’t have blood work or end cycles in a timely manner.
Cough, cough OP.
- December 20, 2020 at 12:19 pm
- in reply to: Anti Depressants and Steroids
Something to consider is that Bupropion is a potent inhibitor of cyp2d6. This may have a negative impact on PCT.The Cytochrome P450 System: What Is It and Why Should I Care?
- December 1, 2020 at 1:11 am
- in reply to: The young and Steroids
Originally Posted by Luccuss
in reply to this comment
most people my age will just say, yeah whateva..
so i would recommend putting down both options, let them know the details of ages n effects but also give them a cycle that they can use, and if they use properly they will not be in the way of any harm, i know people who supply heavy anabolics for first time users. i recommend just put up a cycle, very easy to understand as if a 12yr old was reading, including how much to eat, what to eat and what not to eat for either gaining just muscle, just bulk or inbetween,(sounds bad) but its better than getting it from black market and having no idea of whats happening. thankyou.I would recommend that if you would like to see a thread written to spoon feed young men how to cycle that you do the research and compile it yourself. You can be the forum’s specialist on cycling with an undeveloped endocrine system. No no one on this forum who fully comprehends the dangers of cycling at young age would make a thread like that because it completely undermines the morals of this board. There are many reasons why this is the best AAS forum on the internet. One of those reasons is the overlying stance on AAS use and the young. You may be aware of the risks but you don’t fully understand them because if you did then you would know there is no such thing as safe cycling at a young age. Welcome to the forum!
- November 13, 2020 at 4:19 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by Silabolin
How is the sides?…im a guy that cant stand clen. Looses my strength and mentally lost when doing it.Ugh I hear you Sil, clen sides are terrible.
From my experience the most common side is headaches that are mainly brought on by not drinking enough fluids.
Don’t ask why but drinking BCAAs makes the headaches dissappear.
Some experience diarrhea as it speeds up you digestion but this along with headaches are largely dose dependent.
Most of the sides are positive; You build up less fat, have more energy and it makes better sex.
Plus when you have a BM when taking gear and t3 only a few little rabbit turds will come out lol.
- November 10, 2020 at 6:15 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by bizzarro
What do you know about tren and reduction of endogenous thyroid hormones output?Ever had bloodwork about this?
Yeah it lowers t3 my slightly but it’s nothing to worry about as far as weight gain.
It’s not necessary to use t3 with tren because it still increases your metabolism somehow.
- November 10, 2020 at 5:18 pm
- in reply to: Updated steroid cycle plans
Originally Posted by Stephen051
Hey guys I read the entire article today. I will post my new steroid cycle plans in the next few days. Will have two months between cycles as I think Tengens suggestion of 20weeks between cycles is a bit of an overkill. Don’t you?However PCT (oral novalex and clomid) for 4 weeks with it starting 3 days after last injection of testosterone propionate followed by 2 months break before starting the next cycle is what im working from now. Someone let me know if its still wrong.
I think Tengen’s advise is spot on. You planning a second cycle 2 months after the first is overkill.
The general rule of thumb is time on plus length of PCT is equal to the least amount of time between cycles.
Regardless, you are jumping the gun to even be considering a second cycle at this point. Work on successfully completing the first cycle.
Test p is not the best compound to use for a first cycle. It would be in your best interest to use either test e or c. Read the thread attached in post #2 about a dozen more times.
- November 10, 2020 at 4:11 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by Silabolin
U have good experiences with t3?Yes great experiences especially during a bulk, that’s why I brought it up.
Helps keep bf low(er) on a bulk.
T3 works well with tren , nandrolone or tren/nandrolone on a cut or bulk.
It’s much better and less expensive than any SARM or peptide.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:38 pm
- in reply to: Updated steroid cycle plans
Originally Posted by Silabolin
pct The famous PoWeR PCT Program by Dr. Michael Scally – Steroid and Testosterone information – UK Muscle Bodybuilding Forumall you need to now. And it differs quit a bit from what most experts pray in here.
The Power PCT Program is excessive for a normal cycle. Like everything in life there is a correct time and place for that type of PCT.
The Power PCT Program should only be considered if one has been on a very long cycle,.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:10 pm
- in reply to: Test and tren
Originally Posted by T-boner
I started at 145 lbs. Putting on weight has been a struggle my whole life. I thought I was doing good. Dodnt realize my gains aren’t very good. I feel great though. Putting on that 30 to 35 pounds has helped me a lot in the way I feel and my confidence.I’m not that saying your gains are bad, you’ve come a long way.
Cycling isn’t healthy so it’s kind of a waste of your health to use AS of your diet isn’t on point to meet your goals.
You can use any compound stack or dosage you want but they won’t make up for large deficiencies in diet raining.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:04 pm
- in reply to: Question about Caber
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
Sorry, still nothing scientific. But thats cool.I’ve had 0 prolactin with no problems holding the load, of course also anedoctal evidence.
I’m afraid until some University bigwigs get their act together and approve some prolactin in men funding all we have is anecdotal evidence.
- November 10, 2020 at 11:42 am
- in reply to: Test and tren
Originally Posted by T-boner
180 lbs
42 years old
13-14% body fat
Lift 5-6 days per week.
2800-3200 calories depending if protein is from dark_sidecken or beef.With respect you don’t need tren at this point you need to learn how to eat for growth.
Considering your stats and your previous cycles you should be over 200lb.
No offense but someone who’s 5’10" should be able to get to 180lb before their first cycle.
- November 10, 2020 at 11:40 am
- in reply to: Question about Caber
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
Numbere was mentioning maintaining prolactin at certain level, from my research they still havent found a use for prolactin in males, dont know where he was getting his info.I agree it’s a way under studied hormone in men.
The point I was trying to make that too much or too little prolactin may cause sexual problems.
See the attachment in post number 3 and the one below.
Prolactin in Men
- November 10, 2020 at 8:46 am
- in reply to: Test and tren
There was no question mark after my sentence which would make it a statement.From May 2016 to April 2017 is less than a year.
Look buddy I’m not trying to give you an attitude or start an argument.
I’m literally just offering impartial advice.
If my original assumption was incorrect then I apologize.
Again, what are your stats?
- November 10, 2020 at 7:24 am
- in reply to: Anavar 3x per week???
Originally Posted by ALIN
If you were working with me I would have you taking 2.5-10mg MAX per day.
You need to use ANAVAR daily for best results.That’s a wide range.
What factors would you take into account when advising a var dosage for women?