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- November 3, 2020 at 10:48 am
- in reply to: Steroids for knee injury
Originally Posted by renepjd
Marathon for enjoyment? You drinking MI?Right!?! Those skinny marathon freaks are loopy. I pick stuff and put it down. They run for enjoyment.
If I’m running its because I’m being chased.
- November 3, 2020 at 9:19 am
- in reply to: Deca as first cycle for the young?
Originally Posted by redz
worst cycle idea out there. I have no idea where people come up with this crap, and no pct?That and the expectation that you’ll gain 20lbs of lean muscle in a short time. Where DO people come up with this stuff!?!
- November 3, 2020 at 8:09 am
- in reply to: Steroids for knee injury
Originally Posted by NoACL
Cheers mate. I am stupidly still looking to try and play football again next year, maybe getting my knee muscles really strong and wearing that brace you mentioned could work? I also read that Dejuan Blair the NBA player is playing with no ACL’s in both knees, so it seems a possibility.It’s not impossible. Some guys do make a comeback. Everyone is different. I still play hockey but just recreationally. I personally think having an intact/reconstructed ACL would be better if you wanted to play again but I know a few people without an ACL who resume sports – but rarely contact sports. A few friends of mine still run marathons but for enjoyment not for competition.
- November 3, 2020 at 5:59 am
- in reply to: Steroids for knee injury
Originally Posted by NoACL
Haha another bro without ACL. Have you found that your knee is fine without an ACL and have you tried playing sports on it? I can’t afford another reco right now but if my knee is good down the road I might not even opt for surgery even when I can afford it.I had a very long conversation with a surgeon two years ago. We discussed several options. The autograft seemed like the best long term solution but also the longest and most painful recovery. The allograft was the second choice – faster recovery but not as permanent. The hamstring resection was discussed but the prognosis was not favorable enough IMO. I opted to put off all surgery for now – possibly indefinitely.
As far as sports, my workouts aren’t really affected although I am more cautious about the load capacity on my leg work. Leg extensions put more strain on the knee than leg presses or squats. I used to play hockey for 15 years up until semi-pro but that’s in the past. For any sport that requires lateral displacements, I have a good Ortho-brace that restricts knee movements.
- November 3, 2020 at 3:29 am
- in reply to: Best way to heat up Test before injecting?
Originally Posted by ellotlorien
Muscle Ink you are scaring me. I doubt its infected. The area of my glute looks normal. The other glute that I injected just three days ago on mon is less sore that the other glute. The difference was I rubbed the second injection area longer than I did the first injection site to see if that helped with the pain. Also I injected a little higher and a little more out for the second shot to see if that would help. The soreness in the first injection site that was injected last thursday is starting to feel better but still sore. Leg day is tomorrow for me so I think that might actually help me out a little. I guess I just want to know if 6 or 7 days for a first-timer normal as far as soreness goes. If I am still sore by next week I will make my way to the doctor.No need to panic and my apologies if I contributed to your angst. As long as the pain isn’t getting worse, the area isn’t hard and hot to touch and you aren’t spiking a fever, its likely a contusion or possibly a hematoma. These will both resolve on their own.
What bore size (gauge) and needle length do you use for your glutes?
- November 3, 2020 at 2:28 am
- in reply to: Steroids for knee injury
Originally Posted by NoACL
Yes, I started PT after the surgery but re-tearing again has sent me back to square 1. So you recommend just continuing with the PT gaining muscle, then could I potentially take steroids after to further increase the strength?Yes, I would recommend working through PT right now. Peptides might help but I’d St07 on regaining basic function and strength before jumping the gun. If you take anything that builds muscle mass before you’ve had time to heal and recovery, you could set yourself back further.
I know it’s aggravating. I blew out my ACL years ago and still have no ACL in my right knee.
- November 3, 2020 at 2:10 am
- in reply to: What is the best oral steroid for muscle gain?
Originally Posted by Shadowmaker
umm… it’s not how this stuff works dude…
you cant keep most of your gains since its mostly water retention that makes you look bigger… i can bloat up to 22-25lbs on a cycle if im lucky but doin 3-4 of these a year i have never gained more than 8-10lbs in any year.the faster you gain weight, the more you will lose because muscles dosent grow that fast…
Exactly why I stay away form dbol , abol, etc. All water based gains. You’ll inflate while on it and then deflate when you stop. Not worth the money or time wasted. Do it right. Get your diet nailed down. If you aren’t consuming enough of the right calories and correct proportions of maBambs (carbs, fats, proteins) you’ll have a very tough time holding onto any gains. Nutrition will get you there and keep you there. Until you have a successful nutrition plan in place, you’ll be on a rollercoaster of gains and loses.
- October 30, 2020 at 5:21 pm
- in reply to: Workout programs for newbie using Steroids
Originally Posted by pokermonster29
Hey I wanted to take a small to medium dose.
How long should I have to workout 2 hours after taking it to get best results.I usually go in and workout doing one set until it hurts so bad I have to quit which is how you are suppossed to lift weights.
Wait….what??? This has to be a joke. Anyone taking a steroid and then asking what workout to do to get the best results shouldn’t be any where near steroids .
This is one of the dumbest things I have read on here.
- October 30, 2020 at 4:09 pm
- in reply to: Beer and winstrol
Originally Posted by Domus
What do you mean? A recurring event where you have 11 drinks each? If it’s just that once I wouldn’t worry about it. Just drink in moderation going forward. Pretty silly if you ask me. Hopefully it’s not winny alone and hopefully you’ve got some decent liver support.He was already told. He ignored everything.
- October 30, 2020 at 2:38 pm
- in reply to: erectile disfunction after cycle
Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
You should have done more research.Another satisfied prohormone customer! These things are garbage, plain and simple!
- October 30, 2020 at 2:15 pm
- in reply to: What should my diet and training be like while on steroids?
Originally Posted by death star
You should know all of these things prior to beginning anabolic steroids. This is why we advise training for at least 5 years naturally prior to using anabolic steroids. You must know your own body, how it reacts to natural training stimuli and nutritional protocols. Anabolic steroids will not create, they only enhance what you have already been doing.I can’t believe the number of threads along this same theme lately. How should I eat? How should I train? How much gear do I take? What’s PCT?
Does nobody read anymore? We’re here to help but sometimes it gets ridiculous.
- October 30, 2020 at 2:06 pm
- in reply to: First time steroid user
At 22 you should not be taking anything except working in a nutrition and training plan. You will do more harm than good because your HTPA has not finished maturing and steroids will adversely effect you and your natural hormone cycle.The person giving you advice is clueless, moreover the questions you are asking indicates you have no knowledge of steroids. You are putting yourself at too great a risk right now. Develop your nutrition and training, spend time on here learning and in 3-4 years you can consider your first cycle.
- October 30, 2020 at 1:59 pm
- in reply to: Beer and winstrol
So despite all the advice NOT to do that, you blew us off and now you’re back.Good luck wrecking yourself.
- October 30, 2020 at 11:28 am
- in reply to: Will steroids get you strong without training?
Originally Posted by BLACK RAIN
I know of someone who is a real pill popper. He’ll take anything. Supposedly he has been taking oral aas. He doesn’t even lift. He is under the impression that they are going to make him huge.
What do you think?He’s dreaming. If it was a simple as popping a pill, why would most of us be busting our ass in the gym and kitchen?
- October 30, 2020 at 9:12 am
- in reply to: What steroids are safe to take while on probation w/ UA?
Originally Posted by david9111
A great diet never shows up!!! What are your stats?Of course not. They want to start at the finish line.
He’s 20…..FYI