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- October 13, 2021 at 12:47 pm
- in reply to: Injectable Dianabol dosage
Originally Posted by LUCKY PUNCH
You will get varying opinions on that. Some swear the inject version is better. I’ve always gotten such good results on the oral I never
seen the need for another injection in my regimen.oh yeah I agree with that. heck I’ll get varying opinions from people on politics that can’t even define the term "politician" . or people telling me how a new mustang is better then a new camaro (from guys that have never owned either one).
on paper though as well as through my personal experience —
what do you think is going to get you drunker the most quickly
8 shots of whisky in an hour
8 shots of whisky spaced over 8 hoursOral dbol is more like the former and injectible Dbol is more like the latter (this just from my practical experience using them over the years and from my research knowledge of how each compound is metabolized).
- October 13, 2021 at 10:16 am
- in reply to: Injectable Dianabol dosage
injectible Dianabol is not as potent as oral Dbol , but it has a bit longer half life.IF you wanted to get the effects of like 30+ mg of oral Dbol . then run the injectible at 50 mg per day (thats one full cc/ml). you’ll need quite a few bottles
- August 8, 2021 at 2:47 pm
- in reply to: Boldenona + Dianabol
Originally Posted by MaxBoss
What’s your experience with using different brands of dbol? I just started using dbol a few weeks ago and purchased 3 different brands and they each seem to have a slightly different effect. Many people that used dbol in the 80’s say that it was much more potent than today and brands like ciba came in 5mg and you only needed 10mg to get huge. Would you say that the quality of todays aas has declined from the quality of the 70’s and 80’s?I’ve ran a bunch of different ones over the years.. hands down Balkan is the best
but use these as well.
Body Research Blue hearts
Vermodjieas well as some injectible Dbol from MR Pharmacuetical that was pretty good
also used several different us domestic UGLs.. have not been impressed with them though. heck had 50mg tabs from a UGL and took those daily and didn’t do shit but give me heart burn.
with Balkan , I’m good with just two 10mg tabs
I think quality today is just as good as it used to be. its just that its flooded with a bunch of crap as well. where as back in the day there was not all this crap floating around and watering down the market.
- June 21, 2021 at 9:54 am
- in reply to: Tablets or Injectables Test
yeah methyl test has been around for years . but just because it contains the word "test" in it does not mean its going to act as actual testoerone in the body , kinda like 1-test is not actual test, and how methyl tren is not anything close to actual "oral tren".. the liver metabolizes methyl test wholly different then injectable exogenous test and it acts as an entirely different compound in the body..Op- if your wanting to run Test, then I’d go with injectable Test Enathate .. adding an oral steroid to the mix like a Winstrol or Anavar is not a bad idea as well
- April 2, 2021 at 3:34 pm
- in reply to: Pct and women
Originally Posted by fed
My girlfriend wants to do Blast Cruise with Primobolan and Oxandrolone. What do you think?just start with the Var 10mg a day for a couple weeks and see how that goes then add the primo. then if all is going well can slowly taper the dosages up
- April 2, 2021 at 12:57 pm
- in reply to: Pct and women
Originally Posted by fed
What drugs can women use on a cruise ?on cycle AAS for women –
Var, Winny, Primo, Deca , NPP (in some cases low dose Dbol )
Sarms , like Ostarine and LGDoff cycle cruise –
Clen , T4, HGH, Mk677, IGF, Sr9009 or Cardarinebasically the cruise is coming off of things that stimulate the androgen receptor and running things that promote muscle gain via other mechanisms of action
- February 9, 2021 at 6:59 am
- in reply to: Primobolan vs Anavar
Originally Posted by Proximal
Love my Var & just recently received my order of Primo, but have a question? Noticed after the fact that on the Steroid profile here, they list primo among the MOST hair unfriendly compound. Do any of you have any experience with this? My ugly ass head does not look good bald.its considered ‘hair friendly’ because of its mainly anabolic properties with very little androgen load .. but keep in mind it has a strong ability to lower SHRonin . this can result in a much higher level of un bound DHT and ultimately hair follicle binding by the DHT , and if your prone to hair loss from DHT , then primo will indeed increase those odds.
- December 1, 2020 at 9:20 am
- in reply to: First Cycle with Sustanon and Anadrol
Originally Posted by devastator
Okay fellas, I talked to my friend who told me that clomid is redundant when using HCG in PCT, but this person has been cruising and blasting for over 8 years and obviously doesn’t care about PCT and maybe has some outdated information.big difference, not "redundant" at all (otherwise HCG with Clomid wouldn’t be prescribed together by doctors). HCG mimics LH and thus directly stimulates the testes ,, Clomid on the other hand works on the brain (not the testes) as a selective estrogen receptor modulator to get the pituitary to produce actual LH itself . in order to restart your HPTA you need your brain to begin producing LH and FSH. ,, HCG does not do that at all. it has no effect on the brain, only the testes
- November 28, 2020 at 2:21 am
- in reply to: First Cycle with Sustanon and Anadrol
Originally Posted by devastator
Thanks for the info. I have not taken any AI. My libido is still decent (I did fuck my girlfriend 3 x’s throughout last night), just not as intense as it was before i made those changes. My main concern is with the testicle pain, but as you know since i began this thread, i am paranoid since this is my first time.
So, 400 mg a week of Masteron makes sense?100mg of Mast EOD is about the right dosage for your situation (which = 350) .. 400 is fine as well.
testicle pain is completely normal and is going to happen your first few cycles . this completely goes away by your 5th + cycle and your testes get used to getting shut down .
hcg can help. but I’d save that for the last part of the cycle and then going into pct (you can run it the whole duration if you got the funds though)- November 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm
- in reply to: First Cycle with Sustanon and Anadrol
Originally Posted by devastator
Hey guys, I was told to use 100 mg of masteron prop EOD. Is this excessive? I’m on 600 mg of sustanon a week and 50 mg of anavar a day. My libido has dropped a bit after I added the masteron, which was one week after switdark_sideng from anadrol to anavar. I wonder what has caused the drop in libido
Testicles started hurting immediately with introduction of masteron. I haven’t felt testicle pain since week 3. I believe I hit new level of suppression.are you taking an AI at all ? Masteron is lowering SHRonin and thus freeing up a ton more DHT into the blood stream . this is usually a good thing for Libido, unless your keeping estrogen too low with an AI.
as your androgen levels elevate you estrogen levels should elevate along with them . masteron is going to dramatically increase androgens with NO increase in estrogen conversion.
if you are taking an AI , drop it- November 13, 2020 at 2:34 pm
- in reply to: Simplest most effective cycle
Originally Posted by hey sol
yes Broderick is great, watch here from 48 Min : explains that zinc and chromium supplementation makes sense for enhanced athletes.
The hormones just trigger the metabolic pathways at a greater level. In order make them work properly you need more cofactors, the threhold for zinc suppl. e.g. increases.Would be interesting if a good multi vitamin is sufficient…
exactly . this whole idea of "co factors" is a big part of AAS usage that is often missed. a lot of guys are supposedly ‘non responders’ to some gear simply because their nutrition is not in place and they lack the co factors needed for the AAS to properly work and build muscle.
this is part of the coadark_sideng experiment I will be doing with Charlie , starting Jan 1
- November 13, 2020 at 11:39 am
- in reply to: Simplest most effective cycle
Originally Posted by Fenix7
This reminded me of something I heard Broderick say once. “Drugs don’t grow shit. Drugs just send information to your cells to tell them how to do things. Your body still has to be able to do the biological work.”Broderick is someone I follow and respect highly . me and him think the same way about a lot of AAS stuff. the "biological” aspects of AAS use is often times completely disregarded, yet its highly important. his having a degree in biology definitely is refreshing
- November 13, 2020 at 9:07 am
- in reply to: Simplest most effective cycle
guys keep in mind that the drugs you take can effect your TDEE , maintenance calories and nutrient if your TDEE is 2000 calories per day normally then you take a gram of Test and 500mg of Tren , suddenly your TDEE is now 2500 yet you’ve changed nothing else.. add caffeine, clen , T3, or any other drugs and that also changes.
not only does the TDEE change and alter, but the partitioning of the nutrients themselves also do. depending on what your taking you now may be able to store way more glycogen, minerals, and nutrients in muscle cells . you may be holding more nutrients and water in your blood and organs. the protein you now eat is used more efficiently and when natty you may of needed 250g of protein per day but now on drugs that 250 is optimized and utilized all up (you could easily take in more and use it up, or you could take in less yet still have sufficient protein synthesis) .
things change when you add drugs to the mix.
if your natty and making gains at 2200 cals per day, If you add in drugs you may find yourself eating 4000 cals per day.
a lot of guys make the mistake of adding in too many drugs with not enough food/nutrients (not just calories but actual nutrition). the drugs REQUIRE certain nutrients and mineral as ‘co factors’ in order to work. the food isn’t only a fuel for your body its a fuel for the drugs themselves to carry out their actions. you don’t get something out of nothing. drugs are not magic. they need nutrients and co factors to work properly.
your cycle is going to be best optimized by your diet and fueling not only yourself but the drugs your taking as well. they need energy. they don’t just make something out of nothing
- November 10, 2020 at 5:41 pm
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah
I think it’s two fold. I’m parroting here so take this with a grain of salt. Like to give that caveat. From what I understand, the diphenhydramine down regulates beta receptors keeping the tolerance to clen from increasing. Benadryl slows desensitization of Beta receptors, .yes this is true and often times why guys run Benadryl with Clen . however its completely unnecessary imo. the idea of Clen tolerance and de-sensitization is completely over blown in my opinion.. wither its Benadryl or doing something like 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, etc.. in an attempt to keep ‘sensitized’ to clen, its really not necessary. Clen does not magically stop working after a couple weeks of being on it.
take your resting heart rate. lets say its 70bpm.. then get on 60mcg of clen per day and now lets say its 90bpm. well if after 4 weeks your resting bpm is still 90bpm then the clen is still obviously working
- November 10, 2020 at 10:42 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by Proximal
Got to tell you, I had great results with small amounts of clen , t3 (and var).But ultimately realized it was the clen that was making feel like absolute crap. I don’t see myself trying it again, felt that bad.
for some people its just the opposite .. they can actually get addicted to clen. not just the stimulant effects but its ability to promote energy output (ie, performance enhancement) becomes something they depend on and seek.
for me personally. I do not tolerate clen very well at all. I’ve got heart issues since birth (hear murmur) and clen even at low dosage gives me palpitations. I can use 20mcg per day without issue for synergetic effects with a cycle , but I cannot use for fat loss.
its interesting.. I’ve rarely had female clients have issues with clen, but men clients often times do