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- November 5, 2020 at 8:43 am
- in reply to: Question about Caber
As a general rule of thumb only take a drug if you need to for health reasons.Imo you shouldn’t take caber without good reason.
It would be a good idea to have some caber on hand and if bw indicates elevated PRO or you have signs of elevated PRO then begin taking caber.
If your going to use low dose deca for joint relief then you probably won’t see an increase in PRO.
The range for PRO is 4-15.2 µg/L.
You need some PRO in you system to feel like a man and if you bottom out your PRO then you will likely experience sexual sides such as premature or delayed climax.
Post pct numbers. Need advice with prolactin
- November 5, 2020 at 8:35 am
- in reply to: Testosterone Enanthate and Water Retention
If one has a crappy diet and does not control e2 then they can have more blot on 250 mg/week than a person who diets and manages e2 correctly while taking 1 g/week.- November 5, 2020 at 7:46 am
- in reply to: Oxandrolone cut in half every 9 hours…
Hey Kimbo Imo you’re over thinking this.I highly doubt you’ll notice any difference by taking your var once a day.
Besides using half life to determine how much active compound is left in your system is unreliable.
There are literally dozens of different factors and pharmacokinetic equations that effect the blood concentration of a compound.
There’s no need to split the dosage up throughout the day with orals.You can take multiple doses if you prefer but you won’t notice any difference.
I always prefer taking orals while there’s food digesting in my stomach, it seems to help avoid any stomach discomfort.
Seven weeks of winny at 50mg/d is fine but to be on the safe side I think you should stop at six weeks.
Would be a good idea to increase your NAC to at least 2400mg/d.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:17 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
I take 12.5mg/EOD of stane on 175mg/week of test.Have you used stane previously with that amount of aromatizing compounds?
- November 5, 2020 at 6:54 am
- in reply to: Test prop vs test e/test cyp
So you’re 22 years old.What are your stats?
- November 5, 2020 at 6:02 am
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by Silabolin
Interesting. Didnt get that info from pubmed. Maybe aas create large particles then. And i think i remember Bostin said that too. As long as your diett is cholestrolfriendly, u shouldnt woory too much about aas and cholestrol.A VAP cholesterol test will tell you the size the size of the cholesterol particulates in your blood.
But wouldnt a dht and 19nor have more synergy than two 19nors?
That question is above my pay grade.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:20 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
You should have a sensitive estradiol assay.Your symptoms correspond with high e2.
- November 5, 2020 at 2:36 am
- in reply to: Arimidex , how often?
Originally Posted by Marcus G
OK but why *3,5?There’s 7 days in a week.
Every other day is the same as saying every second day.
Therefore 7/2=3.5
e.x. If you pin 75mg of tren a EOD then your taking 263mg/week of tren.
- November 3, 2020 at 6:41 pm
- in reply to: First tren cycle
OP it may seem like BIB is being overly difficult but he only has your best interests in mind.He’s one of the most knowledgeable members on this board, especially when is comes to using 19 nors.
If I were in your situation I would love to get advice from someone of his experience level.
- November 3, 2020 at 5:56 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex , how often?
Originally Posted by Marcus G
If he takes 0.5 eod he’s still taking 2mg per weekYour algebra is incorrect.
- November 3, 2020 at 3:25 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex , how often?
Originally Posted by oplox07
Ok I will start with 0.5 EOD pills cut in half nicely ,my last cycles I never EVER ran a AI and never had problems but this time around I wanna see what happens with an AI
You mean you didn’t experience any physical side effects of elevated e2, or you had a sensitive estradiol assay and the result was in range?
- November 3, 2020 at 12:57 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex , how often?
OP’s cycle is 600mg/week test, 400mg/week deca and 50mg/day of dbol .He doesn’t need 2.3mg/week of dex.
Jon take 0.5mg EOD then pull labs at week 6-8 that include a sensitive estradiol assay.
If you experience high/low e2 sides early on then pull a estradiol assay sooner.
- November 3, 2020 at 8:31 am
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
Originally Posted by Silabolin
Wtf man. Increase the ar in the neck only?. What are you trying to do to me there numb, make me look like a belgian blue? .guess the ladies do not like a bulldude with traps bigger than the shoulders. That what the last one concluded. Doesn’t increase ar in limbs. .just the neck….usj..
F.uck man…that was cheapHaha those Belgian blues are crazy looking.
I just wanted you to see that the effect on AR from steroids differs depending on muscle fiber.
Some muscle fibers adapt to cycling by up regulating, the AR in other fibers become more sensitive.
- November 3, 2020 at 6:38 am
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
Originally Posted by Silabolin
Ah…yeah. I guess now its at least a 50% chance of me doing another susshot thirsday.but…i will reasearch this one first "The body doesn’t buid up a resistance to test." -numbere 2016
Large amounts of exogenous test will cause muscles to increase the density (create more) of androgen receptors.
This is why long time AAS users like Piana are able to run such large amounts of androgens and reap all the effects.
Also, this is another reason why it’s advised to use 500mg of test for your first cycle, because adding in other compounds may be a waste if they can’t be full utilized by the body.
The expression of androgen receptors in human neck and limb muscles: effects of training and self-merQistration of androgenic-anabolic steroids