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- November 5, 2020 at 11:29 am
- in reply to: Steroid effect on sexual performance and or volume
oh and Lunk…you’re not well man….(lol)- November 5, 2020 at 11:04 am
- in reply to: Info on steroids for beginners? Turanabol and Winstrol.
Originally Posted by Butch
Nothin is going on, I need to be a plethora stronger by football season and wrestling for me to do my best and I know the gains I would make in the off season because I’ve done it twice and I need to make bigger gains and either test or roids can do the trick, I’m not in it for a long time usage, a cycle or two, I don’t want to be in it for anything but my sports so I can go to collage with them b/c my family nor I can afford collage.Its college bro, not collage.
18 is waaay too young. I think a little more reading and research would benefit you, particularly for someone your age. Your natural testosterone levels are sky high right now. I would concentrate on taking advantage of that as you can make tremendous gains in following 6 or 7 years.
It’s best to know the complications and associated health risks that could affect you should you decide to embark on this journey sooner than later. A few more years to allow your developing endocrine system to finish growing, and then perhaps look at using AAS.
Its also important to understand what it is your putting into your body and the associated roles these compounds play, and the dreaded side effects that are bound to creep up on you – especially if you didn’t do your homework. Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a host of unwanted side affects including premature closure of your growth plates, Erectile Dysfunction, Gynecomastia (b*tch t*ts), and more..
The Young and Steroids
- November 5, 2020 at 10:56 am
- in reply to: Is it safe to assume one would make better gains on short esters than long esters?
Originally Posted by BcK
The onset of said gains will come quicker but I find it easier to maintain the slower earned gains of a long estered cycleThis ^^
- November 5, 2020 at 10:48 am
- in reply to: Test cycle, start at higher dosage?
Lots of guys report increased sides with Frontloading. If you want to explore the idea, check out this link..Frontloading Unraveled
- November 5, 2020 at 10:37 am
- in reply to: Anavar good for loseing weight and puting muscle on?
Dieting 101: Cutting- November 5, 2020 at 10:13 am
- in reply to: Steroid effect on sexual performance and or volume
pretty sure the porn stars of yesterday, perhaps even today still, used caber and something else.. this is something ive heard so its second hand info. im sure someone will dark_sideme in on the exact cock tail. (pun intended)- November 5, 2020 at 9:27 am
- in reply to: Post Injection Pain?
that’s an individual thing – hard to predict. in fact it could happen this cycle, but not the next. the key is to keep your diet on point and fight through it. it will break, stay positive.- November 5, 2020 at 9:03 am
- in reply to: what is proper dosing cycle for Equipoise?? what u like better eq or cyp?
Not a ridiculous question at all. And the answer is a resounding yes.Everyone metabolizes compounds/drugs a different rate than their gym buddy – even if they share similar stats. This is simply human biology. And also keep in mind that each compound is not produced entirely the same, if separate Labs/UGL’s are compared.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:00 am
- in reply to: erectile disfunction after cycle
Liquid Clomi = Clomid. (yeah thats a tough one)Liquid Tamox = Nolva (another brain twister)
Just giving some more grief. You deserve it for doing PH’s. Ok im done now. We’re friends.
- November 5, 2020 at 8:47 am
- in reply to: side effects post pct???
Originally Posted by Tron3219
kinda what i figured but just wanted to get some confirmation. yeah i was pretty pleased with the lack of side effects on cycle. only side effect that i got on cycle was a bit of limp dick on the last week of tren . good ole tren dick. lolthanks for the help guys.
btw, im kurtiss. this was technically my 3rd cycle, but the first that i was really cognizant about what it is, what its doing, and the process. ive been working out religiously since i wa about 19, 6′ and 160 lbs. im 27 now and about 219-223 depending on time of day lol. when i was younger (20-21) i took 2 cycles of dianabol but didnt really know what i was doing and that i was too young to even think about it. i only gained about an accumlutive 10 pounds that i kept. then i decided to go natural. i decided to cycle again because i was stuck at about 200-205 no matter how much i ate or the type of lifting i did. i felt i needed a nudge. im on here quite a bit, but mainly reading and hardly posting. i found that if you just read most if not all answers will be answered.
This is so true.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:57 am
- in reply to: First time steroid user
yup wait a few years. don’t mess yourself up before youre finished growing naturally.- November 5, 2020 at 7:16 am
- in reply to: Post Injection Pain?
Originally Posted by eXploit
Oh shoot I didn’t see that. My bad. Is it goin to happen every time I pin the test?that’s ok.
im not sure bro. im trying to figure out if its gear or virgin muscle. you’ll simply have to keep it going and monitor. no reason to be alarmed at this point that’s for sure.
take you time with it, inject slowly, make sure your ‘Mise en place’ is clean.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:44 am
- in reply to: Steroids @ 20 yrs old? Cycle of testosterone. Thoughts?
How big are your dreams when it comes to performing with a girl, or having dark_sidelCrash007, or a multitude of other setbacks and complications? Dont do it man. You’ll be back here crying for help faster than a Bugatti Veyron.Read this thread bro..
The Young and Steroids
- November 5, 2020 at 5:42 am
- in reply to: what is proper dosing cycle for Equipoise?? what u like better eq or cyp?
Youre welcome bro.^^ Agree with Oatmeal. PH’s are not recommended here.
- November 5, 2020 at 4:31 am
- in reply to: Post Injection Pain?
you just asked me that and i said i thinks its test flu and will go away with time. its common. post #19