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- March 26, 2021 at 9:16 am
- in reply to: Test and deca side effect
Originally Posted by Marcus G
That sucks.Well I can get all the caber I’d like from abroad, but I will just let it be for the moment.
- March 26, 2021 at 4:49 am
- in reply to: Test and deca side effect
Originally Posted by Marcus G
They should refer you to Endo if you present them with elevated prolactin, surely?Of course GP know nothing about prolactin, especially in males. But again, anything relevant clinically has already been checked out, so it’s probably not worth my time.
- February 21, 2021 at 11:25 am
- in reply to: Question about Caber
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
Get some MT2 or PT141.Melanotan 2 might also help with my paleness…
- November 16, 2020 at 1:08 am
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by numbere
Don’t ask why but drinking BCAAs makes the headaches dissappear.They interfere with tryphophan entry in the brain via uptake competition at the Large Amino Acids transporter. Anti-migraine meds are basically serotonin antagonists.
- November 13, 2020 at 5:40 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
That means you can get EITHER a reduction or an increase between -23% up to +49%, according to this study. But the MEAN concentrations actually show a decrease. It seems rather individual.
- November 13, 2020 at 3:24 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by Silabolin
How is the sides?…im a guy that cant stand clen. Looses my strength and mentally lost when doing it.My guess is your unfit for T3, clen works in similar manner. What are your natural levels?
- November 13, 2020 at 9:34 am
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Just had some basic bw results after five weeks on 200mg pw Tren -E plus 100mg Test-E.Thyroid is unaffected.
Prolactin is untouched too, though still high like it was before at 55 ng/ml.
Red blood count is down by 0.5 and hemoglobin by 0.8, comparing to 200mg test. Tren does nothing to my blood.
Should have pulled a lot more, but I plan to do at a later date. Might show this "clean" bw to an endo attempt to get a DA prescribed.
- November 13, 2020 at 6:09 am
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Of course I have tried. Moderate carb from whole grains is what works for me now, but I was feeling BEST back in 2013 on proper low carb diet. I still have my 250g of daily carbs which is nowhere low. Probably I need less just less grains and more fresh fruits, but I need to be wary of excess fructose as my intestines don’t seem to tolerate it well.Anyway, I say my lipids where fine, not the rest (sigh).
- November 13, 2020 at 5:49 am
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Originally Posted by Dreamer
A few more points. Just off Tren 500mg/weekSides started popping up on the way down after last pin. The worst one was sour stomach / LBM. Nothing prevented vomiting for me. During cycle LoSec (Prilosec) was a beast against it. Catdark_sideng it early prevented the LBM from becoming bad. On the way down nothing worked. 8-days of sour….not keeping anything down.
8-days off magic. At this point the Lo Sec started working as advertised. Sour gone and LBM corrected.
12-days after last pin muscles still hard as rock from nitrogen retention.
14-days after last pin nitrogen retention finally releasing. Shoulders relaxing.
16-days after last pin all that is left is ribcage cramps. Feel exceptionally good. I know there is still Tren working but low dose. Took Aromasin and threw my TrT shot in.
Another note.. on the way down sweating was super profuse. In air conditioning standing at bank counter and i leave a puddle of water. Drinking up to 5L a day but once the stomach issues started it did not matter how much water. Body wanted carbs and it got none. Was not pretty until stomach cleared
I’m not feeling much from being five weeks into tren-e but I do notice the carb thing, I would get irritable if I don’t get enough carbs.
- November 13, 2020 at 3:40 am
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
What recent research?? Please dont bring Maria Fernandez crap…30 years ago or today, the principles are the same.
USDA, AHA and WHO are not reading the research you mentioned as the daily Cholesterol recommendation is 300mg.
Those RDA are in their place, if you consider the average western diet.
In my imhos, if you keep things in H10 you are never going to run into a problem. Overabundance of multiple factors triggers issues.
Be on a high carb diet whilst keeping dietary fats/cholesterol low, and you will be fine. But, introduce dietary sources high in cholesterol and I’m sure you’ll run into the results showed by study above.
I do absolutely zero refined sugars and carbs, consume eggs daily, eat moderate to high amount of fats, and I’m fine, even with tT levels above therapeutic range, lol.
The problem with the RDA is they have to deal with the western type of diet. They are western organizations after all. It’s sooo much easier to tell the average man to skip the eggs than to cut on refined carbs and sugars, because they know it will just never work.
Try bulking on high carb / sugar / cholesterol / fats like Sila does and you’ll end up with poor lipid profile. It’s not rocket science
- November 10, 2020 at 5:26 pm
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Originally Posted by michael30
Op I am not trying to be disrespectful. But I disagree with your statement about keeping estrogen as low as possible without hitting rock bottom. Recently this train of thought is being thrown out the window. For people that would like to research what I’m saying. Please google Dr Eric Serrano "estrogen" Dr Serrano is an expert in this field and is a mentor to ifbb pro john meadows. He talks about in this video if your estrogen is to low you cannot get lean(or as lean) and where he likes to keep average estrogen levels. unfortunately I can’t remember his name but if you want to research more google Dr michael Scally and his mentor. (Most know who Dr Scally is) his mentor wrote a very large article just about estrogen. Which changed the way I personally view estrogen. Now before all the newbies start posting like crazy I am not saying estrogen should be sky high. I am just saying I personally believe we as TrueMaxders have been keeping our estrogen levels to low for extended periods of time. Which does have a negative impact on our gains and on us cutting( not to mention our health and longevity). The only way to know if you should be using an ai or at what dose, is with blood work.I believe that’s what he wanted to state, as low as possible yet enough to function normally, but this is probably best adark_sideeved without AI, and via mid range Test levels instead.
Tren is hard enough on HDL and AI can only impact it further.
- November 10, 2020 at 5:04 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by numbere
Yes great experiences especially during a bulk, that’s why I brought it up.Helps keep bf low(er) on a bulk.
T3 works well with tren , nandrolone or tren/nandrolone on a cut or bulk.
It’s much better and less expensive than any SARM or peptide.
What do you know about tren and reduction of endogenous thyroid hormones output?
Ever had bloodwork about this?
- November 10, 2020 at 4:28 pm
- in reply to: Question about Caber
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
I have taken caber at 1mg per week (and a bit more) without any symptoms whatsoever, except the sexual sides which were the objectiveIt would be great to get those sides, it feels dead down there
- November 10, 2020 at 3:25 pm
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Originally Posted by PT1982
I do brew a custom blend of 100/100 test e/tren e and pin it as I would my basic trt. I get 0 sides at all. No need of an AI, but I do use prami. The prami is only used to have a little fun thoughBut I want them sides.
My prolactin unfortunately was already very high, but even if Tren raises it further, it shouldn’t make a difference, so high it is.
Prami… it would be great to have it scripted. I want some fun too.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:46 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
Why are you looking at cholesterol synthesis when the problem is clearly in dietary cholesterol???I don’t know what you are talking about since all the recent research points in a different direction. The liver can regulate the amount of serum cholesterol balancing synthesis and absorption of dietary intake. I’m not gonna buy a 30 years old research paper on eggs.