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  • clob4
    ASS can effect your heart i think mainly to the increased extra strenght and battering you give your body in the gym, i mean a good friend of everyones died here a few years ago and he was whacking mls and mls in him daily and ruptured all the vessals around his heart and died in his sleep so you have to be carefull not wanting next days results is best just do it slowly and gradually and i think a healthy life would be on the cards but not if people out rightingly just jab loads of differant drugs and amounts in the body thats gonna def lower your age group i think, so like said it can be attributed but not the cause depends on the individual and how they use it!
    dont believe this to be true at all^^^^^^
    Everyone is different it depends on the individual how and if they recover at a young age, i am also one that started at 18 but never had any problems and shut down was very minimal didnt or doesnt ever really last any longer than a week after cycle …where as some people are waiting weeks to recover properly after cycle my friend is around 6 weeks before he notices hes getting back to normal so it all depends on your body BUT that being said to cycle at a young age is a lottery if your body dont like it then the damage is done then thats it your pretty much screwed and on other meds or trt for life so you do have to be very carefull and not having your dick working but looking the bollocks must be the worst ever feeling lolol so be carefull all be wise!!

    (To the young ones reading this)^^^^^^^

    treadmill day and night for a well conditioned body BUT no diet no fat loss buddy 😉
    youd get great results if you cut right down without gear got down to 15 percent as everyone has said then your body is well conditioned and youll think to yourself its worth the wait even if it takes you 2 years bud 40 percent is far too high buddy , its basicaly for you nothing but dark_sidecken,brocholi,basmati rice,whey,oats thats your diet for at least the next 10 months lolol cuts you down really fast and make sure you do 45 minutes cardio in the morning before you eat lolol have a good time bud see you when your ready bud good luck!
    ok first get some vitamin b5 powder u can get it any where and it cheap mix this up for 3 moths at 10ml a day i know it alot but itll clear things up nicely also us benzoyl peroxide gel rub that on ur back once a day and use 2.5 strength u can get 5 but just start off light! shower rub the gel on and ull be spot free in 3 months small price to pay for the hassle u all get hope this helps! (mine have almost gone in 2 weeks)!!
    lol muscle memory def exists mate as does the power with it … it wont take you long youve already been there buddy good luck;-)
    ?????????? what do you mean mate your not making any sense youve done 6 cycles you havent done 5 cycles??? are you really 28 bud and your 105kg so your quite heavy whats your body fat bud post up some pics???
    why do you smoke why do people take drugs why do people religiously get pissed up every weekend why is the moon so far away why why why ????
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