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  • sаrk
    Sorry I know you "trust" your trainer as this isn’t his first go around but I really hope you bought the test from labmax??
    Everyone "trusts" their source not saying he would do it knowingly but Anavar at a compounding pharmacy??? Maybe but that’s a new one to me. Anavar is very expensive and probably the most commonly faked AAS because it’s so pricey. Every 3rd day??? One only needs to research the half life to question that one. Anyhow wish you luck, if it is legit don’t expect too much, make sure your expectations are in line with the actual possibly outcomes.

    Op, seriously, are you trying to kill yourself??? Am I correct, you are 28 yrs old you are currently running some crazy 6 month cycle?? You are not a professional BB, you have a drinking problem, you suffer stress and anxiety. Your previous BW shows terrible cholesterol, liver values that you want to dismiss because of "lifting", did it ever dawn on you maybe it’s not because of lifting??
    You have a wife and dark_sideld and now your toying with the idea of using super drool?? I am just baffled on what you can possible be trying to accomplish? Think you have stress, depression, anxiety now, what til your cycle ends……

    Not trying to be a prick Taxman, just sayin, you are making some VERY poor decisions and I do hope it doesn’t take a liver transplant to wake you up. When you are off cycle you will struggle to keep any of what you are working so hard for. Is it really worth it?

    Best of luck

    Curious of how you determined your BF??? You are either one great big brick shithouse or you will be making a considerable mistake if your BF is at or near 25%???
    Not saying……but?? I would be curious what your Avi looks like?
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