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- November 5, 2020 at 2:08 pm
- in reply to: Primobolan vs Anavar
Originally Posted by rubsd
What dose are you running primo at? 200mg twice a week? That would be so expensive to run for 12 weeks. Even though anavar isn’t cheap it would be way cheaper than that. Not that you’d run anavar for 12 weeks….Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
Why not? Anavar is one oral you can run pretty much indefinitely if you want to
- November 5, 2020 at 10:44 am
- in reply to: PCT recommendations – 250/week test C 1st cycle
Originally Posted by gree
Unfortunately that thread is assuming you’re running a 500mg/week cycle, this is a specific question about 250mg/week cycle.Nobody really runs 250mg as a cycle, because you’re shutting down your natural testosterone production to basically just replace it with the high end of normal.
With that being said I don’t feel like 500 is much better.
All in all though it’s your cycle, and if you made some gains, good for you. OBS’ pct protocol is solid, just make sure you’re in a caloric surplus and you’re lifting heavy during your PCT so you don’t lose your new muscle.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:44 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by OldBoy
perhaps rectal insertion would workYou had to go there…
- November 5, 2020 at 7:33 am
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
Originally Posted by OldBoy
heres why some guys can end up with "deca dick" .. there are two things needed for an erection, androgens and estrogen. DHT is needed for the physical action itself, and estrogen is needed for the mental (as estrogen controls the male libido) . also estrogen is needed for blood flow (its a hormone responsible for vascular elasticity and nitric oxide production).those two things are pretty much the very things that Deca does NOT produce. Deca is not androgenic in that instead of converting to DHT it converts to DHN , which then binds to DHT receptors and occupies them yet doesn’t illicit any androgenic effect . also natty test levels are going to fall off so you won’t be getting more DHT coming in either . which is also why your estrogen levels will also begin falling off.
over time you’ll have no androgenic load and no estrogenic load to work with (and thus struggle with sex drive and erection ability).Then there is a third thing . Deca is a progestin thats going to bind to progestin receptors. this in turn can elevate Prolactin levels, which when way too elevated can also cause erection issues .
and an un-related to deca its fourth thing that often times happen , guys start taking a high dose of an AI from day one of their deca cycle , mistakingly thinking they need it cause they think deca aromatizes a lot (which it doesn’t, again your e levels will go down on deca, not up) , and then they crash their estrogen super quick and of course have lethargy, no sex drive, etc ..
so whats the best bet. stack some androgenic and aromatizing based compounds in with your deca. first one is clearly test because it converts to both DHT and Estrogen . also you can stack another androgen like Masteron which will lower SHRonin , which then thus allows for more androgenic activity by freeing up bound DHT into the blood stream . Mast will also blunt some of the progestin effects . and also you can add in low dose Dbol to get even more estrogen if need be.
kinda starting to feel like Tren , Mast, and Dbol are more like ancillaries to any good cycle
- November 5, 2020 at 6:16 am
- in reply to: Best time to take Dbol
Originally Posted by OldBoy
I’d take it in the morning , then take it again in the afternoon about 40 mins pre workout. I like it pre workout because of the mental St07 and drive it gives me . I’m not sure though what mechanisms that Dbol acts so directly on mood. probably about 8 out of 10 guys feel the mood enhancement benefits from Dbol . it was actually used for a short time , I think in the 1950-60s, to treat depression .I am definitely one of those. I always wondered if it had an affect seretonin or dopeamine. Dbol is my favorite pre workout. I’m guaranteed to fuck shit up.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:33 am
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
Originally Posted by sdg_sdg
What else can you do counter this, I thought increased test ratio was the only optionWell first, this isn’t something that happens to everyone, just like most people don’t grow tits from taking testosterone .
Introducing Masteron to your cycle will also prevent this.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:06 am
- in reply to: Pct with no clomid
Originally Posted by Nik75
PCT is for quitters hahaa.. true I guess!!So, I should just do nolvadex for PCT on its own?
It’s a good idea. It’s going to help things along faster than doing nothing
- November 5, 2020 at 4:54 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by OldBoy
look at the guys in the late 90s early 2000s . worked pretty darn good for them. guru Ameen Alai was well known for making Finaplex pellets, grinding them down, using a solution and solvent to break down into a liquid form and shooting it in the TrueMaxders he was helping out. pretty sure thats how Tren became popular.. of course now raw powder tren ace is so avaialbe it doesn’t make sense to take the time to do that. but you still can (Finaplex is out there at vet supply places)I actually meant injecting the pellets under your skin cattle style
- November 5, 2020 at 3:10 am
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
Originally Posted by Kalison
I have heard that is due to the test deca ratio, is this incorrect?It’s due to deca converting to DHN instead of DHT. Throwing more test in your cycle is one way to counter it, but not the only way.
- November 5, 2020 at 1:10 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by OldBoy
the Tren given to cattle are in under the skin pellets , called Finaplex (which contains 200mg).. they are shot with a special gun that implants the pellets under the skin. not very expensive and easy to merQister. very available at vet stores. heck you can buy it and make your own tren injection out of it if you wanted (has been done quite often)Theoretically how do you think this would work in a human subject?
- November 5, 2020 at 12:52 am
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
Originally Posted by Zikka
How common is Deca dick? I would really like to try running Deca but I have just read horror stories about people having Deca dick up to 6-12 months after they stoppedIf you get deca dick for 6 months, you’re an asshole. It’s completley preventable. Just keep some mast prop on hand.
- November 3, 2020 at 6:36 pm
- in reply to: Dbol – Only Water Weight?
Originally Posted by sdg_sdg
I am not sure if anyone else feels that way but every time I go on Dbol (use it before gym) my penis is erected in the gym most of the time, so freaking uncomfortable …..Just wanted to put that out there
Oh, so you’re that guy…
- November 3, 2020 at 5:16 pm
- in reply to: nolvadex and tren?
Originally Posted by renepjd
You mean shredded to death….I see what you did there…
- November 3, 2020 at 9:55 am
- in reply to: Tren and Masteron Benefits?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
its good to see guys like Davimeireles paying attention to posts with an open mind and taking his time to do his own research as wellanti-tumor effects? Fuck yeah, throw it in mix.
Kinda out of context… Does mast make anyone else just like… feel good? Which I feel is sort of uncharacteristic of most heavy androgens
- November 3, 2020 at 8:16 am
- in reply to: nolvadex and tren?
Originally Posted by Oman
You are right, it was a mistake and misinformation on my part.I researched and found that only the high estrogen above the testo that causes gynecomastia …Thank you for your contribution and correction.Nice Munzer avatar!!
My man was shredded to the gills