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Well y0u have to remember that these Bodybuilder guys take 100+ mg of the substance a day. Medically prescribed for weight loss tops out at 20 mg a day. Obviously 25 would not shut a guy down or it would not be prescribed without test. it is when you take 4-8 times the daily dosage is when it shuts you down. Little bit of a no brainer.
It is a good substance if your diet is right….so is jogging if your diet is right.
- November 13, 2020 at 3:28 am
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
A few more points. Just off Tren 500mg/weekSides started popping up on the way down after last pin. The worst one was sour stomach / LBM. Nothing prevented vomiting for me. During cycle LoSec (Prilosec) was a beast against it. Catdark_sideng it early prevented the LBM from becoming bad. On the way down nothing worked. 8-days of sour….not keeping anything down.
8-days off magic. At this point the Lo Sec started working as advertised. Sour gone and LBM corrected.
12-days after last pin muscles still hard as rock from nitrogen retention.
14-days after last pin nitrogen retention finally releasing. Shoulders relaxing.
16-days after last pin all that is left is ribcage cramps. Feel exceptionally good. I know there is still Tren working but low dose. Took Aromasin and threw my TrT shot in.
Another note.. on the way down sweating was super profuse. In air conditioning standing at bank counter and i leave a puddle of water. Drinking up to 5L a day but once the stomach issues started it did not matter how much water. Body wanted carbs and it got none. Was not pretty until stomach cleared
- November 10, 2020 at 4:02 am
- in reply to: Testosterone Binding vs Tren Binding
Originally Posted by Xself
Your conclusion is correct, but the hypothesis is not.But simplified;
1) Yes you’ll need testosterone no matter what
(trestolone being an exception in some studies,
well, there’s actually many exceptions in studies but fuck that)
2) trenbolone won’t raise your need for testosterone.
A TRT dose of test can be run with any other AAS.As for receptor binding I’m not even gonna go there.
The SHRonin bond to T is quite strong though.
But might be changed by conformational change in the protein 3D structure.You are correct. I went back to read. The albumin to testosterone bond is weak and reclaiming that testosterone (very significant quantity) is easily retrieved.
Bizzaro..I wondered why my hair turned into a friggin squirrels nest. Exact same hair as I sport now.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:56 am
- in reply to: Pharma Anavar how good is it?
UGL is UGL. From my POV all crap. I am sure there are good UGLs but it is not the simple path or the smart one.Also as a male why the hell would you buy 50x10mg? That is 5-10 days of dose. If 5 days dose of a substance falls into the expensive category you need a different hobby. AAS are not for you.
- November 5, 2020 at 2:22 pm
- in reply to: Test and tren
Best advice I can give on Tren …Have your acid reflux pills ready.200-300 is considered an intermediate dose. If you are using UGL you most likely are only getting 100mg for every 300 you think you should be getting. Most underdosed item on the planet. We took 10 different vials from the more reputable UGLs of Tren E to a spectrograph and it completely blows the mind how much time people waste on a tren cycle that is no where near what they think.
If you can afford Tren buy the powders and make it yourself. There is a reason for so many people saying they shoot 100mg ED of the substance. I was so disheartened by all the "Tren dont like you" talk and I should give it up. It all came down to UGLs scamming people.
- November 5, 2020 at 1:12 pm
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
For me the ONLY difference in my labs for the Cholesterol was good HDL moving to low end of the range. The others never budged.I guess if you cruise at high enough levels it could run you into the area of "worry". Maybe I am just lucky in this aspect.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:18 am
- in reply to: First time ever using steroids.
1. Depends on if you brew them or buy them from an UGL. After initial investment brewing is pennies. UGL is not cheap. Remember this is as illegal as cocaine in the USA.2. Depends on your choice of steroids . In general you can get away with 2 pins a week for your first two cycles….or up to 4 a week (both using just one substance). Match your compound esters and you can minimize pins.
3. Online…go do your source research. Tons of sponsors on sites.
4. Diet is the key to looking big believe it or not. It is also the key to using steroids.
5. My first cycle I saw results at week 3 and at 10 weeks it was incredible.
Read the stickies on this site and you will get a level of knowledge you need. Before you even think about steroids get your diet and nutrition down..or you are just wasting your money.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:50 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Small Recommendation on neither of your questions.Adex is a compound that blocks and that is only as consistent as your dosage is per the half-life. Aromasin is a binding compound and per an earlier write up by musitiontin it is hard as hell to bottom out with it due to how it performs its task. If you have the means switch to Aromasin a bit and see if you can get dialed in better with it. As low of a dose of test as you are on the Aromasin should work easy peasy. Adex is like the second step up for Estrodol treatment because it is so much more powerful due to it blocks binding at the receptors (ALL ) Aromasin blocks at the receptors it has bonded with not the ones it is not bonded to.
My 2 cents for the libido.
You do not need to make yourself a second issue and get all out of sorts by unstabilizing your test level. Let it return normally.
- November 3, 2020 at 3:23 am
- in reply to: Test E, should I increase my dose?
You have to live with the word "Cut".
Less Strength
Less Gains
Less Energy and More Negative Feelings.My two cents. Focus on what you are doing…ie lifting weights and dieting. Do those to your best degree.
Cutting is a completely different ballgame from bulking. My personal experience is my two cycles I cut on were wasted time. Losing half your gains to calorie deficit hurts my feeling. You have to be mentally strong to cut. I would be owned by the Jedi Mind trick during a Cutting Cycle.
- October 30, 2020 at 10:52 am
- in reply to: Primo vs Deca?
Primo is not a guaranteed no sides. (sorry double negative)Ran 700 test 350 deca to break me in due to a shoulder that was hurt from long ago. Deca put it right till I could get enough muscle to help stabilize it properly without grinding sounds.
Most this day and age understand AIs and can get the same no side result at 500-700 test p c e. So why mess with Primo unless you can get no AI….in that case you should not be shooting Primo either.
Why they recommend the 500 Test cycle as THE cycle. AI makes the world go round.
- October 30, 2020 at 8:26 am
- in reply to: Steroids & Fertility
Even on cycle my LH and FSH did not drop to 0.- October 30, 2020 at 6:11 am
- in reply to: Testosterone Binding vs Tren Binding
Originally Posted by Dreamer
SHRonin binds to testosterone leaving about 2% of Testosterone as Free Testosterone. This is not a big deal because the bond between SHRonin and Testosterone is a weak to super weak bond and can be broken easily and the testosterone reclaimed if there is work to be done. How do things change when you add a second dose of product like Tren ?The Questions:
1. Can using a component like Tren ever block Testosterone from going where it is needed? I know Androgen receptor battles between a TrT dose of Test and a 200 dose of Tren has about 3mg of test fighting for the spot against the 200 mg of Tren due to SHRonin binding. Some places I read say there are infinite Androgen receptors. Any source that can scientifically clarify this battle or is it just speculation?
2.When on cycle even if Tren is carrying the work load I would hypothesis that there is an increased need for testosterone over the normal levels because there is "work to be done" in building muscle and such. I use the two levels of 125 as a TrT dose and 350 as a muscle protecting dose while cutting as reference. Withstanding the negative like E2 conversion and amplification of sides, is there a positive for running the higher dose? I do not think 225 mg a week of test results to a measurable growth item but could it actually be needed due to the increased growth from the Tren?
Thank you in advance
Found the path to the answer. Andro receptors are not all the same. True Andro receptors in sex tissue and such actually react to testosterone at a much greater strength than non-True receptors. (True ad non-true are just terms I made up to make the point without all the scientific gab.) In the True Recptors Testosterone acts at a three times stronger binding afinity than other substances (We will use Tren as an other substance). So one key for this lock only. In non-True Andro receptors (Fat etc) it is open market to what binds (Many keys one lock) and Tren will beat Test if it is available.
The body is a frigging incredible thing.
I was given with much certainty that the True receptors will not accept anything but Testosterone. Testosterone Analogues need not apply. So in the end THIS is why Testosteron is an absolute must for cycle.
1) No Test cannot be blocked from where it needs to go by Tren
2) A larger dose of Test is only needed if you want the added strength of the added dose.