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- November 10, 2020 at 3:10 pm
- in reply to: Dbol Cycle gaining a little slower
Please pardon my ignorance… I cannot make the link of not being able to wait for TRT as to running a dbol cycle. There are two entirely different AAS.
If your doc has not prescribed TRT yet, then there is a good chance there are more tests to come. Now you are screwing with the Dr. Rationalizing the changes based on the test results. Probably continue with more tests depending on the Dr.
I hope that you are taking something for your liver while on dbol.
Dbol only cycle is useless. Dbol is usually taken to kickstart the results while taking long ester AAS.Originally Posted by M0ey
Hahaha thank you, But in saying all this I’m not some big timer that is going to jab mass amounts I only have 1 vial of decs and 1 vial of sus it’s just to help me get some sort of gains didn’t think it would be this much of a problemYou still do not understand. They are trying to help you. I guess that you know better than the vets….
- November 10, 2020 at 6:41 am
- in reply to: Winstrol injections
The brand that was bad for me was astrovet, but I am sure that there are more. I get great results from astrovet, but winnie is a negative.
I cannot remember the brand that was acceptable, but was from musitiontralia and has a kangaroo. I just ask for the kangaroo and get what Im looking for. I adapt to the providers. Hahahaha
I do not like the oral because of the effect on the liver and it is much more expensive ( so I’m told)- November 10, 2020 at 5:00 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Fenix7
Stop taking pictures of your arms right after you finish jerking it. The pump is misleading.Look at the other hand. Also pumped…. it takes two hands. LOL
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- November 10, 2020 at 3:55 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Wickedg8gt
I’ve heard that same thing about the pants pocket area. Do you still pin on top too or just at top of quad towards groin but on the upper outer?I inject daily so I also use slin pins. Even down low I hobble with slin pins. Anywhere in the pocket area. When I front load, I have 4 slin pins. So I do about 45 degrees and 90 on each leg.
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- November 10, 2020 at 3:18 am
- in reply to: Anavar or Winstrol
I prefer mast over primo when cutting.- November 10, 2020 at 2:28 am
- in reply to: Can winstrol/test cycle be effective to cut 30% bf to 15% bf?
You mentioned something that makes me think that you and winnie may not agree. JOINT pain. Glucosamine may help, but with winnie, watch out. Did legs the other day and i felt like 70 years old after upping the winnie.
Try an elliptical or treadmill. It is much easier on the joints.
I agree with 150 being high for carbs. When your body is deprived of carbs, you will defintely know, which is why i agree with carb cycling but much lower than you are now. When your source of carbs is brocolli, that is low carbs ( maybe a couple 1/4 cups of rice thrown in there).
I d finitely commend your efforts. I dropped from 240 to 165 ( on competiton day) all natural. I would split up the cardio (running) to 2 times per day of 30-40 minutes each session in the morning and afternoon. Drink alot of water.- November 10, 2020 at 1:29 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
For those of you that hobble with the quads…. try up around the pants pocket area. Works like a charm for me. Down lower and I’m hobbling.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- November 5, 2020 at 6:06 pm
- in reply to: Clen Vs Yohimbine for weight loss
Originally Posted by OldBoy
this would likely only be because of the stimulant effects and people sensitive to elevated heart rate (these same people probably can’t drink more then 2 cups of coffee) . because on the actual mental effects clen increases tryptophan and serotonin levels, which is going to work as an anti anxiety and anti depressant. clen also has neural and brain protective attributes , like increasing kynurenic acid which is a brain protective molecule.again most people would get positive mental benefits from clen. not negative. unless you just happen to be a person sensitive to stimulants in general.
If you put them up against each other, who would be the winner: ephedrine, clen, and GW (cardarine)?
From a contest prep point of view.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- November 5, 2020 at 5:30 pm
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyI’ll bet I could do it. LOL
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- November 5, 2020 at 4:12 pm
- in reply to: Winstrol injections
Originally Posted by TestoSuper
So do you think it could be mixed 100 mg of test prop oil base with 100 mg of winstrol water base in the same syringe without any problems?I do not have any problems.. The only thing that I would be cautious of is your reaction to the Winnie at the beginnng. The brand (really how they manufacture it), makes a big difference to me. If you have unbearable pain, it is not the winnie, it is the brand. Maybe I used a brand that was so different, but the vets on here knew what the problem was so I am sure that the brand that I used was not the only brand.
- November 5, 2020 at 2:19 pm
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Originally Posted by PT1982
I don’t know if its the same for everyone else, but if a use tren a daily, my sides are notably easier to deal with. Some sides don’t even exist when I pin daily. If I do pin EOD, I sometimes feel it isn’t even worth using. With tren E I’ve had good experiences with few sides, and I’ve had it with horrible sides. So I don’t use E anymore because of that. Well, sometimes I’ll use 100mgs of E weekly alongside my trt.I agree. No noticeable sides when pinning daily. Even tren E i was pinning daily and no noticeable sides. That is the best way to minimize the sides. I even see that it allows me to control myself when people come aggressive to me….. Or maybe its just my age. Lol
- November 5, 2020 at 12:53 pm
- in reply to: Winstrol injections
Although I have heard not to mix water base with oil base, i always mix winstrol with my test otherwise way too many injections. I have not had any issues.
The brand of winnie makes a big difference. I was told the way that they manufacture it makes the difference. I took this one brand in the delt and could not raise my arm for like 3-4 days. I thought that I must have injected incorrectly so the next one I went to my glutes…. Difficult to sit for 3-4 days. Could not workout the area of injection during that time. Damn it hurt.
I purchased a different brand and had no issues. This was from musitiontralia and had a picture of a kangaroo on the box.
I am convinced that the more frequent injections, the better results and the less the sides even for long esthers like decca.- November 5, 2020 at 11:58 am
- in reply to: Anavar or Winstrol
I like both and usually take them both precontest. If I had to decide, it would be winnie.
You are getting up there in age and I think that the older you are, the more the dryness of the joints. I need to have my supply of glucosamine ready when I take winnie. I can handle the joints as long as I have glucosamine. My knees have also had issues.- November 5, 2020 at 9:22 am
- in reply to: Cycle deca and sustanon help
Originally Posted by Earthworm_Jim
Hello every buddy , Age: 24 Height : 180cm ( 5,9") Weight : 75.5 kg ( 166.5 Ibs) Body fat % : 17.5 Year of training : 1 years non stop Cycle : my only first cycle 1 week : 50 mg of deca 2 week : 50 mg deca 3 week: 250 sustanon 4 week : 50 mg deca 5 week : 250 sustanon I’ve been running for 5 week as above Goal; want to increase by bulk and get shredded, in good shape . Supplement : nitro-tech Performance ( protien) , creantine ( but I’ve stop after 40 day of using ) now I am using BCAA ( Cellucor COR-Performance Beta-BCAA) , carnitnie , , PCT : no idea I’ve seen some change but not that much , I run less dosage because I don’t want to face side effects . oI really don’t know what to do after that , in one side I want to stop and now I want to continue, oSo please 1- if you recommend me to continue can you please tell me the right minimum dosage cycle ( less side effect ) 2- and if you are recommending me to stop the cycle what do I need , like ( pct , nolvadex ,etc ) 3- or if can guide me about my cycle ?I agree with all of the above comments however I see more issues than have been addressed..
1- you should wait another year until you are 25. Maybe hota is fully matured, maybe not. Why take the risk?
2- body fat is high to start cycling
3- you take an AI to help control estrogen
I recommend that you stop, hope that there is no damage, and use nolva and clomid for PCTStay around here and learn before starting another cycle. Your first cycle should be test only. Keep it simple and you will be surprised of the results.