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- November 10, 2020 at 2:38 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
go buy some VITEX, higher dosages in men tends to increase LH secretion and lowers prolactin, resulting in higher free test ranges, worth a try and doesnt cost much, Ive been experimenting on it myself 4 tabs before night or otherwise 2 at night 2 in the morning (12h split) and my libido gone up significantly, more facial and chest hair growth, less moody, just good things to mention, and Ive been trying it few months ago, then month or almost two off, and now started again about half month in and I can tell you there is a difference. Bought mine on ebay and its natural stuff too. Also, are you supplementing with Vitamin A and Iron? Raw frozen liver is super dense in Vit A so I just take ~20g ED or EOD and ~15mg of iron from your diet or you can supplement with likes of 21st century brand- November 10, 2020 at 6:59 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Originally Posted by Dj hard
…my Total Testosterone was 484, so doc said it was very high for a man of my age… 73…and I was going trough hell of my own, thinking what the hell is wrong, me being 29 now and testosterone lower than one of yours at 73, man, I am literally jealous hold strong
Talking about poor doc’s – same terrible practice can be found in Ireland.
My labs shown FREE TESTOSTERONE – 11.80 nmol/L ( Range 8.80 – 35.00 ) Did conversion from nebido website: 340 ng/dl
TOTAL TESTOSTERONE – 13.93 nmol/L ( Range 9.9 – 27.8 ) Did conversion from nebido website: 402 ng/dlAnd supposedly I’m absolutely fine by the doctor, "here, just take these SSRI’s and let me know month later, there’s the door… >>>"
Hold strong Baldur
- November 10, 2020 at 5:01 am
- in reply to: HCG for still wanting to have kids
Thanks for fixing me up on typos folks, and about 500iu hcg a week is right dose to be at the safe side, however, higher doses may desensitize receptors in your testes and that be a problem. To my knowledge 250iu x 2 a week is about right, and like fellow advised ^ get yourself checked, if doc says go for improvement, discuss and suggest all the options available until you’re in an optimal place and go from there Id say. And btw, while trying to improve your sperm count on hcg or whatever protocol for the best results, yes you should be off the trt or off cycle all together to my knowledge.- November 10, 2020 at 3:10 am
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
~11-12%- November 10, 2020 at 1:13 am
- in reply to: Steriods have changed my life
Human nature is greedy, one lives with low test and has to deal with all the symptoms on a daily basis and feel miserable, and ones who are aware of their situation will seek to improve and may go TRT route to improve their quality of life, but others who are unaware why their lifes are sub-par/miserable would think that "this is the normal thing most people have to go trough in life and just deal with it in an uneducated fashion" , however, once ones improve their health and well being trough means of TRT – usually realizes, that somewhere in their life something went wrong that caused them to suffer low-T symptoms, and they too realize that they had full potential to have the testosterone levels that they are having now with TRT, but naturally, and thats where this looking back on one self comes in to play. I would just say deal with it and leave it at the back of your head and be happy with what you have. Its just another routine you have to do in addition to all others in your life, like eating, bathing, brushing your teeth etc. Like BB said, its just hormones- November 10, 2020 at 12:55 am
- in reply to: Gain muscle and lose fat? Possible?
I dare say unless you eat at maintenance or just slight kcal deficit and then you barely need up to 200mg test if you choose to run test at all – you should maintain your muscle mass and should lose fat but not gonna gain muscle and loose fat at the same time unless you stack shit load of gear, and it’s lengthy equation…Also if you chose to keep you bf level constant – you can go on lean bulk watdark_sideng your maBambs closely but dont expect anything dramatic, its a long game.
Im sure more experienced folks will advice better so keep an eye for more replies
- November 10, 2020 at 12:52 am
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by Slacker78
Going to guessing it’s pretty hard i’m sorry for you. As you know, with blood work, there’s no guessing but reliability.I know, everyone should know.
- November 5, 2020 at 3:56 pm
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by Slacker78
It would be good to have a blood work in the exact moment you felt bad with ache on joints to see if it was E2 related; Although joints ache is a typical low E2 symptom, AIs could cause that in itself, without E2 out of the normal range level.I suspect it was low e2 as my legs routine was about 5 days apart before I start feeling aches and lethargic, and I hadn’t killed legs hard prior that… also I supplement heavily with omegas, msm and other stuff that would rule out deficiency caused issues. I know regards bloods importance, but this zoo where I live does not facilitate such services to people favour, and even I got lucky to get it done,it took 2 weeks to get results back, which were not the exact tests done that I have requested.
Im in DIY mode as of lately with E2 dialling in. Also as a further precaution lately I began taking aromasin @6.25mg/wk which I think I should split to even smaller pieces and try taking it EOD etc.
- November 5, 2020 at 1:58 pm
- in reply to: Anavar Causing Sickness?
What did your bloods show? Was it hormone panels and lipids and so on? I feel you screwed your hormones and coz now youre so shot in the balls ullbe sick as walking roadkill till you get your hormones in check- November 5, 2020 at 1:22 pm
- in reply to: What role does deca play in a cycle?
Originally Posted by MuscleScience
I run deca only cycles, best mass builder that works for me. Why I run it only is for another thread but it takes me to monsterously different places than Test or other sure seem unique case of human male specimen I recall you said before you used to run oral only cycles and it worked amazing for you too, rendering alot whats being said to use test as a base for oral cycles almost as a "myth" (if I recall that right)
- November 5, 2020 at 1:13 pm
- in reply to: HCG for still wanting to have kids
to have kids, according to my web-read research, you dont have to come off to make her pregnant, providing you run hcg 250mg x 2 EW. Some folks I read make them ladies pregnant even w/o hcg protocol while on cycles or blast&cruise protocols or trt, but thats more uncommon than while having hcg in the protocol, hcg keeps your sperm active, but considering if youve been runing these last 4 years cycles on and off without use of HCG, first thing to do would be check your sperm count, if its low, run hCG and necesary protocols in attempt to increase sperm mobility and count, and if success – go and deposit your sperm in to the sperm bank, it will last ~10 years in there I believe, and if improving your sperm count would be unsuccessful there may be still some chance improving it over a long run, however little that chance may be, should be worth a try, but not guaranteed, so its highly debatable… however where there is a chance – you should make an attempt in succeeding over that chance.Depositing your sperm in a sperm bank is a really worthy step to my opinion, and having hcg in your protocol would be a must considering you are thinking about kids, plus, if you want to increase your chances (however small they may be) to recover to somewhat minimal degree of natural test, hcg merQistration is also considered a must.
- November 5, 2020 at 1:11 pm
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by Slacker78
I suppose your problem wasn’t an E2 crush but an E2 out of range issue, to the upper limit maybe. As you were injecting Test E, your Test level grew up inside your blood stream, consequently causing more E2 conversion ( with HCG too ). You stopped AI but you even stopped HCG and you found E2 was above the upper limit. I think it was related to the fact your AI dosages and frequency was not enough to control E2 conversion as your Test E level, increased in your blood stream.I had sub bellow normal-low E2 levels prior trt naturally, yes HCG and Test did build up my E2 rapidly, but so did AI crashed it to some level for me to begin experience joints discomfort, seemed like flu aches but only on joints. I stopped AI, but continued HCG for the reason being so I build up E2 little quicker to alleviate "low E2" symptoms. I know I may be well off and wrong about what happened, but thats the best of my experience how I can explain it. My e2 seemed to bounce back rather quick (thanks to HCG, joimt pain gone in a matter of days on discontinuation of AI) but I was still taking nolvadex which is synthetic estrogen in non-active form that blocks receptors at chest area, thus although I felt completely normal I believe excess in nolvadex in my blood may have manipulated E2 reading artificially.
Its a speculation of course but that does make sense to me too.
Although you may not be too far of the truth either as my prolactin was little high – may be a result of higher than normal natural E2 too.
- November 5, 2020 at 11:28 am
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
Originally Posted by Mp859
they are talking about ketotifenMy bad
- November 5, 2020 at 10:42 am
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
I ran 150mg/week of test-e and 500iu HCG , both E3.5D split. I think HCG had contributed alot to E2 spike, and I may say I kinda feel either no different without it or even better, less lethargic. less emotional, less passive.I was not running any AI from the start of my TRT, and ~5weeks in I got water retention around nipples and nipple sensitivity, especially when doing cardio and sweating alot.
I looked up and found few quick prevention methods to one of which I have followed and got immediate results within 5-7 days only. Took 6.25mg aromasin monday morning 00:30 and thursday morning 06:30 , along that for the first week I was taking Nolva 20mg/ED for 1st week, and then 10mg/ED after for almost 2 weeks. On second week taking AI I felt that my joints began to hurt out of nowhere, dull pain every damn joint, wasnt too terrible but could not ignore, so stopped aromasin after #4’th 6.25mg dose. continued with nolva 10mg/ED as I said, also continued with HCG and 150mg/wk test-e. Discontinued HCG and nolva ~1week prior blood draw, bloods came in well just E2 was few points above normal-high limit. It may or may not be real measure as nolva and HCG may have it manipulated artificially, but I could tell about few days to a week in w/o AI I began feeling the relief on my joints, so it gotta be something to do with E2.Its some task to dial in E2 but not impossible
since bloods came in little higher than normal Total-T and Free-T, I dropped test-e to 125mg/wk split half to two pins E3.5D, and no HCG already for ~3+ weeks. Recently I began taking AI again only at less frequent dosage, so currently @6.25mg once a week, because I miss my morning woods again, should be due too too high E2. few days since taking AI, morning wood is back. Not rocket hard nor weak, but noticeable, so AI still is needed.
Thinking splitting this quarter of a grain in to half again and have it take E3.5D too… just wondering.
- November 5, 2020 at 8:06 am
- in reply to: Tbol and winstrol cycle advice for a 18 year old?
your best go is education and nutrition, sorry to burst your bubble kid but one day you will grow up and because youre impatient now, you’ll probably be closer to impotent then. Its risky business what you’re about to do, but trust me, you wanna study science out of this shit before you hit the floor with your decisions and actions, its not for kids, so please be a man and man-up, respect yourself little more and give yourself some time learning about this shit. You dont just go fly the plane and learn after, that’s how serious this gets