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- March 20, 2021 at 7:03 am
- in reply to: Newbie to steroids of any kind and don’t wanna screw up!
Wait till you’re 21, old and mature like me- November 13, 2020 at 11:02 am
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
Originally Posted by panntastic
I’ve always trained upper legs once a week due to quads growing stupidly fast but I do train calves 2/3 times a week being a relatively small muscle group.It’s a good strategy to train a muscle once a week if you want it to grow slower than the rest. But it would be counterproductive to do that with ALL muscle groups obviously.
- November 13, 2020 at 8:07 am
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
Originally Posted by paul74
You shouldn’t be working the same muscle the next day. So the soreness of that muscle should not be an issue. Did you post your routine in complete outline. I’d like to see it and also forgive me but how much experience do you have in training ? ….paul74This is not about me, it’s about the science behind muscle growth. But if you’re really interested this is my current routine.
Day1: Chest/ arms/ abs
Day2: Legs.
Day3: Back/ shoulders/ CardioRest then repeat.
- November 10, 2020 at 3:06 pm
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
@ Mike: I agree with everything you said, except the part about soreness. No soreness is required for muscle growth. In fact, I find that it hinders my next day’s training to be sore after a workout. Unless you’re a complete beginner, I see soreness as a sign of slow recovery or too much volume. Nothing more, nothing less.- November 10, 2020 at 11:51 am
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
Originally Posted by GrieVeR-13
I just changed to the STS training(2xs a week) about 10 weeks ago. I am not on anything right now and can see my arms/ chest growing and my legs have started showing definition.Not trying to hyjack thread but when I was on cycle about 8 mos ago I noticed I didnt hurt like I do while off cycle. It sounds like you guys are still sore while on cycle. Is that correct? Just wondering if I may not have been pushing myself. I did gain about 20 lbs and decreased bf% by about 2%.Being sore has nothing to do with muscle growth. When you train more frequently, research shows that your muscles will adapt and recover faster. That’s why I notice with increased frequency soreness is not as bad. But whenever I train less frequently, I start getting soreness.
- November 10, 2020 at 3:42 am
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
Originally Posted by arrrrrd
So Sick Beard, would you share your work out schd? Im on a 1x week hit everything Natty, ready to start cycle in Feb and would be interested in what your’s looks likeThe important point to take here is that increased frequency will yield better results. Doing full body workouts 3 times a week will give the best results to any beginner. Another strategy that works is to do one day upper body, one day lower body, rest and repeat. I think both of these work great even up to the intermediate/ advanced level.
What I followed in the past with great results was the push/pull/ leg workout routine split. Doing all three in a row, then take a day’s rest, and repeat. You will also find that most competitive natural TrueMaxders will follow something similar with their own personalized variation, depending on their goals. You will find plenty of examples of push/ pull routines to give you an idea.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:29 am
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
Originally Posted by warmouth
Personally, I like once a week on or off. No rhyme or reason other than I like to lift 4 days a week, maybe 1 or 2 days of abs, forearms, and calves (calves are 2x weekly as I do them on leg day). As far as squatting 3x weekly, BS all the way. Unless you are squatting at 30-40% on the first day and doing 1 low rep set, then upping to 50% the second and doing the same. Legs take so much out of me, they are the only group I work on that day. I am exhausted after I do legs. I couldnt imagine doing them more than once a week.Ask ANYONE who’s adjusted their volume to allow for more frequency whether or not they’ve seen better muscle/ strength gains or not, and you’ll find the answer is always YES. But not everyone can do it. It took me nearly 2 months to make the transition from 1 body part split to training everything twice a week . Once you get your body in tune, the results are undeniably better.
Don’t get me wrong, you can still see gains doing what you’re doing. But you’re not maximizing your results. Your training can be effective, but doesn’t mean it’s efficient.
- November 5, 2020 at 3:49 pm
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
Originally Posted by paul74
I say yes to twice. But the real mitigating factor for me and I think this is the TRUTH for good growth. When I over exert a muscle to the point of breaking it down (in the gym) I must rest to let it repair itself (grow). Adequate rest must be given for this to happen. So my body pain level will let me know when that muscle has recovered. Now to promote good and fast growth I must do this again before my muscle has time to start to go into atrophy. What I was told and found out to be true in my experience, is that my muscle will begin to start atrophy in 36 hours after recovery. With the added testosterone I can work harder, lift heavier, for more duration thus promoting more of the breakdown. Since I recover much quicker it lets me redo this process much quicker and promote growth and not stunt growth. A good hard train of a muscle should promote soreness for 72 hrs and then be ready to do it again before atrophy. I never changed my strategy from on or off, except with the knowledge that to get the most out of a steroid I have to take advantage of the extra strength, stamina and quicker recovery time to maximize my gains. Since I have worked the muscle harder and created more damage I must get more rest. That means better quality sleep rest. Be smart, push it, but let you body determine. Good growth for me is always to be sore and tight, if not I’m into atrophyMost people don’t realize that you have to rest anywhere from 2 – 5 mins between sets to maximize the load and tension you can put on the muscle during each set. I’ve heard it said time and time again to rest no more than 30 sec – 1 min between sets… That’s great if your goal is to increase endurance, but for hypertrophy/ strength training, the longer you rest between sets the better (but of course not to the extreme point where you have to warm up all over again).
- November 5, 2020 at 11:45 am
- in reply to: Best age to begin taking steroids?
Originally Posted by Neofishshotvictoria
Just remember, out of all the factors for being ready to use AAS, age is just one.It indeed is, and perhaps not the most important one either.
- November 5, 2020 at 10:22 am
- in reply to: Best age to begin taking steroids?
I’m 21, but most people think I’m around 25. Most girls I date are around that age too. This might be irrelevant, but after learning about AAS with a bit of depth, I decided to do a cycle of test which I’m currently on. I don’t think there’s anything I don’t know yet which might make me regret that decision. I fully know what I got myself into.But I have to agree that most people my age are freakin kids, who may think of taking steroids for all the wrong reasons. They view life as an obstacle course between 2 weekends, and taking steroids for them is just another drug to make that weekend a little better. That’s not me. I think I know myself, and I trust myself. Some people may doubt that, they’re entitled to their opinion.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:51 am
- in reply to: Best for growth
Originally Posted by xex333
I dont like my results so farYou gotta sort that out 1st my friend. Injecting more gear is not the answer.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:28 am
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
Originally Posted by stpete
Introduce me to anyone doing Squats 3x per week and i’ll show you a person that can’t even spell "squat."BS!
If you adjust your volume accordingly, yes you can squat 3x a week. And if you’re training natty, you will see better muscle/ strength gains this way than let’s say doing squats once a week to the point of fatigue.
As the OP mentions, training naturally, protein synthesis peaks after 24 hours and by 48 it’s pretty much back to baseline. After that you need to retain the muscle to reap max benefits.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:41 am
- in reply to: overtraining – can healing take THAT long ???
How old are you?- October 30, 2020 at 5:09 am
- in reply to: Frequency of workouts while on a cycle?
I always wondered about this too. Protein synthesis is elevated for longer when you’re on cycle, but you also recover much faster at the same time.I THINK the solution is to keep frequency the same as natty training (stimulate each muscle group more or less twice a week), but also increase volume while on cycle because you’ll be able to get away with it.