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- November 10, 2020 at 2:51 am
- in reply to: Marijuana and Steroids; Potential Risks?
Originally Posted by Saheim
uh…. I hope it’s not a bad mixSeriously, though, the biggest issue would be with diet. Some mj users pay more attention to taste than maBambs.
This could go either way.
When I first started, it actually helped me eat big.
Haven’t done it in maybe 5 years, but it did have that benefit at least for me back then
- November 10, 2020 at 1:03 am
- in reply to: Test and Tren – Erection Issues
Originally Posted by TrueMax
Went ahead and made the following changes:
500 mg test e/wk
400 mg tren e/wkAlso increased prami from 1 to 1.5 mg/day
Will keep this thread updated if I can remember in case others possibly run into the same scenario.
Have to say that my increase from 1 to 1.5 mg/day on the prami definitely was a big increase and probably shouldn’t have bumped it up that much .Suffered some headaches and extreme nausea from early morning-afternoon. I’ll see how things progress with this, although it’ll be tough to say if the "better in bed performance" will be from the increased test or from the increased prami, which I may try upping to 2 mg/day over time.U really not worried about blood work or an AI at this point?
- November 5, 2020 at 2:24 pm
- in reply to: Liquid anavar
Originally Posted by BymB
Does it work good?do yo like it better than orals,seeing you don’t have to worry about sides?Don’t understand why u wouldn’t have to worry about other sides?
Also it all depends on your source.
I have heard liquid oral are better dosed because of less fillers? But that also could just be "source" talk. I’m no chemist
- November 5, 2020 at 11:52 am
- in reply to: Liquid anavar
It’s oral. Draw you amount with the oral syringe. Squirt into your mouth and swallow. Very simple- November 3, 2020 at 4:00 pm
- in reply to: Tren @ 300mg a week or 400?
Originally Posted by Power
the Tren would be EODAt what dose?
- November 3, 2020 at 7:59 am
- in reply to: Tren @ 300mg a week or 400?
Originally Posted by Power
because by following protocol i wouldnt cycle again for another 16-18 weeks and i dont want that laying around for that longLast for years
- November 3, 2020 at 5:44 am
- in reply to: Tren @ 300mg a week or 400?
Originally Posted by Power
i didnt write it because i didnt think it mattered. im not running d bol again. i was going to just run test for a solid 12 weeks but the opportunity is presenting itself to get some good tren for cheap so i figured i better not pass it up.the fact that im 22 and ivr only done 1 other cycle and now im thinking of running tren is something that the general public wouldnt agree with
Ok, so there’s an good opportunity.
Why not get it and save it?
By your original question and comments in the other thread I know nothing we will say will even get through….but if u have searched tren on this site at all….ur question would already been answered anyways
- November 3, 2020 at 1:31 am
- in reply to: Tren @ 300mg a week or 400?
Originally Posted by Power
im going to get shit for this because it doesn’t go with what is suggested by the general population but here it is.5’6
13-14%BFTest E for 8 weeks @ 500mg/week and dbol for 6 weeks.
Shit for what thwn.
Stats aren’t bad at all. Depends on age too
Only thing is tren for 2nd cycle….
- October 30, 2020 at 12:09 pm
- in reply to: Anavar Causing Sickness?
After all that u want to keep going? Or even take more??I’m also confused in you were on, then iff, then back on, then took 5 days off, then back in again?
And I have to be with ranger here…post some pics…some serious lifts at 195#.
And only advise will be given is STOP everything and read the links Mr bb posted!!
- October 30, 2020 at 9:23 am
- in reply to: Strange injecting problems
Originally Posted by Silabolin
So, loaded up the syringe with 1 cc 250 sus, 1 cc 150 masteron and halv a cc 250 hcg . In that order. Meaning, the hcg was the first to go out as it doesnt mix with the oil.Well, ive done severel hundred shots and never had problems. (But never mixed in this order before.) But this time i failed, after the needle was deep in my ass, i just couldnt push the drugs in. It was too hard, like some alien vacuum beetween inside the syringe beetween the hcg and the oil. I pushed harder and oups the syringe slipped out of the needle and the drugs were pushed out outside my body and were lost.
Then i loaded up with just oilbased and it went smooth like before.
So, have some of you guys experienced difficult injections when mixing water and oil and the water is supposed to go in first.
Maybe i should load up the waterbased first so the oil is the first in line next time. Or do two shots.I have mixed oil and water before and noticed it was harder to push but not this hard. Maybe i i loaded the oil last then and its easier to push when the oil is the first to go in, dont remember.
But everywhere they say you can mix whatever u want in the syringe without problemes.
U hit scar tissue.
How often do u change locations….how many locations for u use
- March 1, 2020 at 8:44 am
- in reply to: Tren @ 300mg a week or 400?
Originally Posted by Power
I understand that everyone is different and our bodies all react differently to different things but do people get good results with Tren at 300mg a week or 400 also is 6 weeks good or should i go 9?Need to know more about you before anyone will comment.
Stats and cycle history the main thing