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    That’s awesome!! Have you ever got blood work done to see what your test levels were b4 cycle?
    Ya its your choice but its not good to glamorize something when you haven’t seen the end result from what you have done to your body. You may not see that for ten years at a young age of 28 and a broken tool. I wish you all the luck . Just realize alot of people pay a hefty price running gear at your age.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlEx3009View
    So I’ve been reading up on a ton of articles and threads of info and havnt come aBambss what I am looking for yet so I figured I’d just ask you guys.
    I do Crossfit and have been for over 3 years and just started taking test. A buddy of mine said it would be smart to stack and that no one just takes test. So my questions are, should I look into stacking? If so, what would you recommend? I’m not looking to bulk, cutting would be best.

    Your var is probably faked with winny and your dried out thats why the joints are hurting its pretty common with var. Its hard to get the real deal.

    At 5’9 and 160lbs why are you cutting? Seems like maybe a clean bulk is in order based off stats. JMO
    I would start with a good diet from the nutrition section. You need to do more research that is obvious!! Good luck
    Taking AAS at your age is very dangerous and especially taking them in the way that you did. You should be more specific about what you took or are taking and have the vets give you some tough love before you damage body for good. Educate yourself before putting shit in your body.
    Clean Food !!! Wait for it……….. yes he is correct!! LOL Diet alongside good cardio will get you there quicker than anything and better yet totally risk free and you will be very healthy!! Just my opinion. GL
    I would not mess with a good thing if your 175 lbs and playing for a d3 school you must be pretty darn fast. I would just try to put a little more size on through diet and do it with loosing your speed. I would not do aas at your age . That could make things go south for you real quick. Work hard and eat good and clean. Good luck!!
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