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- November 16, 2020 at 2:53 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by RamzesII
You found taking clen at night seemed to work better for you???Re-read and you’ll note that I replied to a message regarding potassium and taurine.
- November 13, 2020 at 3:53 pm
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by Adster
I supplement with taurine and potassium when I use clen. I bought Bulk powders of each from Amazon and I take 5000mg per day of Taurine and 5000mg of Potassium Citrate per day. It made ALL the difference! No more cramping and no more fatigue. I also greatly increase my water intake two 2+ gallons dailyI agree completely. I found taking it at night seemed to work better for me as well.
- November 13, 2020 at 11:12 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
Hummm you need more clenHush lol
- November 13, 2020 at 8:37 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by emercom26
Excuse me but these fear monger comments about clen are not based on a solid foundation or experience. 1: UGL usually overdose everything, hence the harsh sides. 2: It is a legit medicine, used to treat asthma:Chronic clenbuterol merQistration negatively alters cardiac function. – Abstract – Europe PubMed Central Now I am not sitting here saying Clen is great for anyone’s heart. I am just saying you do not have to worry about having a huge hole in it or an enlarged heart if you follow the protocols most members on this board recommends. I will say that it does induce tachycardia which isn’t the best thing for our hearts for extended periods.- November 10, 2020 at 1:58 am
- in reply to: Testosterone injection issues
How often are you using each injection site and with what size needle? I have never heard of using the same injection site repeatedly making you more likely to hit a vessel. Unless you nick one and some of the blood from a prior stick is still accumulated in that area that you are aspirating.Using peptides and complex cycles I have pinned some sites excessively before I was brave enough to branch out to many other areas and I never had this problem. I was pinning one site daily. I did accumulate scar tissue which was an issue.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:14 pm
- in reply to: Problems after pct
Originally Posted by Silabolin
well yes….your little sexual problem may come from low fsh because fsh stimulate the..ouhh..whats the english word for "sжd"-…semen-cells???no?? your balls, not det leydigcell but the other ones. So..i think your wood will be ok in 1-2 monthsYou’re looking for the ole Sertoli cells.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:58 am
- in reply to: DBOL – abdominal pain?
Right upper abdomen is predominantly liver, I would rule out that as an issue first. Blood work showing liver enzymes might be helpful as well. It may not be the liver, but it’s a possibility I want to rule out.- November 5, 2020 at 6:38 am
- in reply to: Testosterone injection issues
I’d say it’s just bleeding after he pulls the pin out. If that is true OP then don’t stress over it. It’s common. As long as you aren’t aspirating any blood into the syringe.- October 30, 2020 at 10:48 am
- in reply to: Anavar Causing Sickness?
Is it possible to post a picture of yourself?
Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)