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- November 5, 2020 at 6:41 am
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
heres why some guys can end up with "deca dick" .. there are two things needed for an erection, androgens and estrogen. DHT is needed for the physical action itself, and estrogen is needed for the mental (as estrogen controls the male libido) . also estrogen is needed for blood flow (its a hormone responsible for vascular elasticity and nitric oxide production).those two things are pretty much the very things that Deca does NOT produce. Deca is not androgenic in that instead of converting to DHT it converts to DHN , which then binds to DHT receptors and occupies them yet doesn’t illicit any androgenic effect . also natty test levels are going to fall off so you won’t be getting more DHT coming in either . which is also why your estrogen levels will also begin falling off.
over time you’ll have no androgenic load and no estrogenic load to work with (and thus struggle with sex drive and erection ability).Then there is a third thing . Deca is a progestin thats going to bind to progestin receptors. this in turn can elevate Prolactin levels, which when way too elevated can also cause erection issues .
and an un-related to deca its fourth thing that often times happen , guys start taking a high dose of an AI from day one of their deca cycle , mistakingly thinking they need it cause they think deca aromatizes a lot (which it doesn’t, again your e levels will go down on deca, not up) , and then they crash their estrogen super quick and of course have lethargy, no sex drive, etc ..
so whats the best bet. stack some androgenic and aromatizing based compounds in with your deca. first one is clearly test because it converts to both DHT and Estrogen . also you can stack another androgen like Masteron which will lower SHRonin , which then thus allows for more androgenic activity by freeing up bound DHT into the blood stream . Mast will also blunt some of the progestin effects . and also you can add in low dose Dbol to get even more estrogen if need be.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:32 am
- in reply to: Anavar + Dbol?
Originally Posted by Bekas
what makes winstrol special for it’s cortisol blocking effects compared to others?When I took strong psych drugs that lowered cortisol alot I was lethargic as hell, that shit was ridiculous. Winstrol is the only " oral" I’ve not used so I’m curious, never really heard anyone say winstrol made them feel good lol.
All AAS (especially some of the orals) can blunt Cortisol to a certain degree but this is only in a limited capacity at the receptor level.. Winstrol is the only AAS that I know of that blunts the actual production of Cortisol from the aCrash007al gland itself , very similar to CytaCrash007 .
the reason guys feel achy and not always so great on Winstrol is by completely blunting cortisol, your blocking your bodies own natural production of anti-inflammatory (one thing cortisol does/is) .. so your joints will start to ache, not cause they are ‘dried out’ but because they are a bit inflamed with no cortisol to bring down inflammation. this of course is positive in that cortisol is also a catabolic muscle wasting fat storing hormone as well. so its a fine H10.
keep your Winny at 25mg per day and it shouldn’t be an issue . but when your in contest prep or trying to get shredded and running 50-100mg per day , then yeah expect to feel a bit shitty and achy and ‘inflamed’
- November 5, 2020 at 6:30 am
- in reply to: T4 for girl
ok so here is why when cutting and using Clenbuterol , you would want to use T3..clenbuterol upregulates fatty acid metabolism. through this process your bodies core temperature will increase.. however your body does not know that its core temperature is being artificially elevated because of an exogenous drug (the Clen ).. so what it does in an attempt to counter H10 this and reach a state of homeostasis, it begins to down regulate the conversion of T4 into T3 in the liver.
so now your metabolism begins to slow down and your T3 levels drop off.. not good for fat loss or energy H10.
so , the solution is to simply take T3. generally at just above maiantence dose.. like 25mcg.
this is going to allow the Clen to do its job and increase fatty acid metabolism, allow your core body temp to increase and burn through calories, AND allow your metabolism to run at a fixed rate (rather then dropping off).so this is what I have most all female clients who are dieting do .. 40mcg clen, 25mcg T3, 15mg Var.. thats a pretty standard starting point.
NOW I will also use T4 on various occasions as well . but again, for the scenario above, T3 works much better.. because the Clen is blunting the conversion of T4 into T3, its not blunting the production of TSH.
I like T4 for more maintenance or even bulking scenarios. but not for cutting with Clenbuterol.T4 is going to provide more ‘anabolic ‘ properties then T3.. thats because when T4 is converted into T3, there is an enzymatic byproduct of this conversion, and that enzyme has anabolic properties.
whereas T3 is just the final product and provides energy metabolism , its not anabolic at all. in fact, it can be catabolic (mainly if estrogen levels are low).so for cutting or contest prep, clen and T3..
for off season maintenance, T4 is the better option- November 5, 2020 at 5:48 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by nightflier
I actually meant injecting the pellets under your skin cattle styleperhaps rectal insertion would work
- November 5, 2020 at 3:54 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by nightflier
Theoretically how do you think this would work in a human subject?look at the guys in the late 90s early 2000s . worked pretty darn good for them. guru Ameen Alai was well known for making Finaplex pellets, grinding them down, using a solution and solvent to break down into a liquid form and shooting it in the TrueMaxders he was helping out. pretty sure thats how Tren became popular.. of course now raw powder tren ace is so avaialbe it doesn’t make sense to take the time to do that. but you still can (Finaplex is out there at vet supply places)
- November 5, 2020 at 1:11 am
- in reply to: Need advice for future cycle
Originally Posted by neadl3
Bought dostinex from pharmacy 20euros for 8×0.5
And proviron 3 euros for the 25 mg package .
Maybe where u live is very expensive or idk .well you’d need to do the actual math. just because a single "package" of something seems cheap doesn’t mean it is cheap.
does your package of Proviron contain 160 tabs , or just 20 tabs. you would need 160 total tabs to equal 2 bottles of Masteron (which is 4000mg total) . same with the caber, do the math on running an effective dose of that over 12 weeks and the add that to the 4000mg of proviron you would need.
I’m sure when you total it all up, mg per mg, the caber and proviron are more expensive then two bottles of Mast- November 3, 2020 at 5:20 pm
- in reply to: Need advice for future cycle
Originally Posted by neadl3
Then it’s more expensive than proviron and caber together .
I ll check the pricing here although my provider is senting me stuff from a pharma company from far so good and thanks for the replieshighly unlikely . Proviron by itself dose for dose is more expensive then Mast ,, let alone adding in a $70 bottle of Caber
- November 3, 2020 at 3:19 pm
- in reply to: Cutting with Dbol
Originally Posted by Slacker78
Ok GH, thank you. I will monitor the course switdark_sideng the compounds to see what work better for me. Even if someones tell Nolva does not operate on water retention in strict sense but more just on gyno preventing effects. I have not experimented this yet at all.I’ve always relied on high amounts of androgens for con prep clients (and water manipulation).. but I do know of coaches that recommend Nolva to help blunt estrogenic water retention, fat accumulation, and not just gyno prevention . I think that is very person dependent though.
so I’d say its worth it for you to give it a try and stay on the Nolva and see how it works for you- November 3, 2020 at 3:16 pm
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
Dry bulking stack – Trenbolone Enanthate (400-600 mg) + Testosterone Enanthate (200-300 mg)
.I do not recommend beginners try bulking with tren and low dose test. you may end up losing weight on a cycle like this (ie, dry bulking with tren). bulking with Tren is a more advanced protocol and theres a couple added things you need in order for it to work (for most guys)
- November 3, 2020 at 2:16 pm
- in reply to: Masteron E vs Masteron P
Originally Posted by Axel
Was there ever primo acetate injects made?Primo Acetate was the original Primo that was came out with in the 1960s. been around for a long time, but started as oral (Shering in Germany made the oil base inject version)
still available at some ‘labs’ today
- November 3, 2020 at 2:08 pm
- in reply to: Tamoxifen (Nolva) + Anastrozole (Arimidex)
this is my most blunt advice . if your natty test levels are basically crashed and you need to be on TRT , then I wouldn’t waste my time with pct protools . I’d get on 150mg a week of test, 350mg of mast, and then run 20mg of nolva and 10mg a day of Halotestin (and if sex drive is an issue still, add in some proviron and cialis). within 3-4 weeks your gyno issues will likely subside, your sex drive through the roof, and you’ll feel like a beast.. then come off and just cruise on a little bit of test- November 3, 2020 at 2:05 pm
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
edit – double post- November 3, 2020 at 1:21 pm
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by MaxBoss
For larger cattle wouldn’t it be cheaper to just throw some raw methandienone powder in with their feed? Horses and cows will need high dosages of EQ which can make is less profitable. I’ve been thinking of getting in the cattle business for a while and in south america the use of AAS is pretty much non existent in most countries for cattle.the Tren given to cattle are in under the skin pellets , called Finaplex (which contains 200mg).. they are shot with a special gun that implants the pellets under the skin. not very expensive and easy to merQister. very available at vet stores. heck you can buy it and make your own tren injection out of it if you wanted (has been done quite often)
- November 3, 2020 at 1:15 pm
- in reply to: Tamoxifen (Nolva) + Anastrozole (Arimidex)
Originally Posted by weightlifter
Hi guys.I was just reading this sticky thread about the PCT here on the forum:
In the first post from the OP, there is this paragraph, saying…
"What might a typical PCT look like?
Weeks 1-4 100mg of Clomid (SERM) and 25mg of Aromasin (AI)Why not nolva? Superdrol and pheraplex are progestins which means that means that nolva can cause or make existing gyno worse. MaBambphage69alpha (supplement guru): Clomid does not upregulate the PgR (as nolva does). After speaking with MaBamb, he recommended stacking clomid (SERM) and aromasin (AI) together. The aromasin is not supposed to have a negative impact on blood lipid levels, like other AI’s can.
What are some support supplements that I should be concerned with? Go to the supplement forum and examine, closely, Bryan2’s stickie on cholesterol, liver, and blood pressure support supplements.
Because SD and PP are progestins, they can be hard on your libido and your ability to have erections, during PCT. I’ve found that 800-1200mg of tongkat ali to be a good choice for libido purposes. As for the ability to have erections, then the cialis (or viagra) is the only way to go. I prefer cialis because it stays in your system for 36 hours. This lets you be more spontaneous, which your woman will appreciate."
Does this only apply, if you are experiencing gyno on those two compounds? (Superdrol and pheraplex)
This kinda scared me, being on the nolva for the gyno symptoms at the moment.
keep in mind that he starts out by recommending Nolvadex for 6 weeks as the basis for PCT..
when he moves on to talking about not using nolvadex with progestin based compounds, he is mistaken on two parts, one being the old bro myth that nolva can’t be used with 19 nors (progestins) and two he referred to superdrol as a progestin when its not, its a dht.
I would disregard a lot of what was said here. in your situation nolvadex is likely one of the best things to take
- November 3, 2020 at 12:37 pm
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
best way to think about EQ is that its just testosterone , minus the androgen and estrogen load. thats why its a great ‘filler’ drug. lets say you wanted to run 1500mg of test, but your both androgen and estrogen sensitive . well you can easily get to that 1500mg range by simply running only 500mg of test and then fill in the rest with 1000mg of Eq. thats gives you a 1500mg of test equivalent but with much less androgen and estrogen load.Deca on the other hand is an entirely different beast . theres no comparison between deca and eq. deca is a progestin, eq has zero progestin effects.
side note- Eq and Dbol are the exact same drug on paper. Eq is simply the unmethylated injectable version of dbol . of course the way the liver metabolizes them they act very differently in the body,, but on paper they are structurally the same compound