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- November 10, 2020 at 10:08 am
- in reply to: Dbol Cycle gaining a little slower
Originally Posted by Fobos
the placeboo effect was mostly that i felt like i looked bigger but actually didnt grow, mentally it didnt have any effect, still no energy and such
the problems i was having was linked to low test, as everything went away when i jumped on the dbol .
diet and routine is in checkDbol is still only a temporary solution.
- November 10, 2020 at 6:01 am
- in reply to: Dbol Cycle gaining a little slower
Originally Posted by Fobos
trt will be decieded by my doctor
and i got on dbol because i didnt want to wait anymore. my life has been ruined because of low t, dropped out of school 2 times, dangerous weight loss (first time i started lifting i was 92lbs 6ft) absolutely no energy, slept for 12+ hours, feeling of emptiness and not wanting to do anything with life. dbol reversed all that and i havent had any bad sideeffects, only things that have made a positive impact on my lifeBeing 18 on its own can come with some emotional tendancies. But you cant stay on dbol forever. You even said it yourself that you had a placebo affeect from the fake stuff so im sure you can get through whatever your feeling without using steroids at such a young age. Get your diet and excercise routine in check theres a TON of help from great guys on this forum. Let us know what your doc says about bloodwork and happy training!
- November 5, 2020 at 12:12 pm
- in reply to: Stanazolol or anavar
Originally Posted by Vomarki
Can I use only cycle anavar for Male or need some test mix?You need a test base. Sure, var only cycles have been done, but its just not the ideal scenario.
Dont use anavar by itself!!
- November 5, 2020 at 11:58 am
- in reply to: Masteron doses
Originally Posted by magic32
I agree Mast has dosage flexibility.Also, it is not good to use Dbol in excess of 5 weeks (actually 4), even with a liver protector. It’s just a jump starter, and did it’s job. Your Test and other chems will sustain anabolism, not the ramping down of Dbol. I think Octane was multi-tasking or thinking of something else when he said that. He knows his stuff.
I Appreciate the kind words. But im naughty and I’ll run the dbol past 4 weeks. Loww dose. 10-20mg a week. Any oral i typically never go passed 6 weeks. The dbol “taper” method was actually shown to me by gearhead. He can explain it more scientifically than i can, but ive found tapering down dbol really helps to mature the size and strength.
You are right tho. Its a risk on the liver. Ive seen guys run orals 10+ weeks non stop sith no issues. Ive also seen a dude shut down his kidneys in 3 weeks from orals. Bloodwork is key.
20mg of dbol is not terribly bad on a liver that isnt already fucked up lol.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:12 am
- in reply to: Best time to take Dbol
I like it preworkout atleast an hour before. 100% improves mood and i always get kick ass workouts on dbol . Just makes me so bloated unless im strict with my diet. Ive broken up the dosages before and done 2-3 times per day but never noticed much of a difference. It was hard tovkeep track like that with how busy i am also. I was always saying to myself “wait how much have i taken today already?”
So for me personally, i eat them all at once- November 5, 2020 at 8:27 am
- in reply to: Stanazolol or anavar
Anavar is probably the best oral steroid there is. It also helps with burning fat better than most others. Im a huge fan of var- November 5, 2020 at 7:42 am
- in reply to: Primobolan vs Anavar
You pretty much nailed it lol. Anavar definitely hits harder, but you can basically run primo year round with a blast/cruise protocol. Primo is not cheap though. Its more cost affective to blast and cruise with other compounds such as deca and eq. Neofish thing with primo that ive read is the increased protein synthesis which is what makes it good for cutting.- November 5, 2020 at 6:15 am
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
A friend just gave me two bottles of Tren Ace to try. What should I expect from adding Tren to my testosterone blast?
(He planned on running Tren but decided to run something more mild instead and sold me the bottles for quite a good price).Tren is not a bulker for a beginner. Not knocking you, but most of us with only a few years of cycling are probably considered beginners compared to the really experienced guys on this board.
If you get tren involved, which i dont think you should, youll also need a DA on hand such as caber or prami. Tren can fuck with your prolactin levels.
What to expect?
Mood swings
Night sweats
Tren cough
Hair lossTren is not for the fient of heart. Its a powerful compound for those looking to break through a platou after exhausting other options. Since you are a beginner why start taking insane shit now? Maybe dbol will be amazing for you and you wouldnt have even needed tren!
- November 5, 2020 at 2:54 am
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
I’m 6’0. I’m currently sitting at 175 lbs with visible abs (not deep but you can see them).Ohh your tall. Keep us updated. If you can gain 45lbs during a single cycle and hang onto half of it, i bow down to you.
- November 3, 2020 at 5:16 pm
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
Thanks sir! I will run high testosterone then and put on weight. I don’t want to lose my abs but i need the size and i will bulk up to 220 lbs.How tall are you? 165-220 is a huge jump
- November 3, 2020 at 12:42 pm
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
You look absolutely massive! You have the width and thickness a lot of guys lack because they are scared of losing their deep abs. I saw this sarms guy who stays shredded year round, he blasts a bunch of gear but looks small. I think that I should bulk up just like you and worry about my abs later when I have the muscle size because I’m going to remain skinny little shit forever. Sorry for my long post but insomnia is not letting me sleep tonight.Anyones first few years of cycling should be St07ed on bulking and putting on mass. You can always lean out later. Tons of rich food like whole milk, meats, whole eggs, oatmeal. I spent every cycle force feeding myself until recently when i finally wanted to clean up some fat that i accumulated. Fuck abs. I wanna be huge.
Unless your genetically gifted and dont have a full time job, being huge AND shredded is very difficult. Those are the guys that deserve a medal. Im just a foodie who lifts like a maniac and has an affinity for performance enhancing drugs.Moral of the story EAT MORE
- November 3, 2020 at 12:08 pm
- in reply to: Hgh dosage
Unless you have an injury 25 is early to do hgh. How many cycles have you done? Guys our age (im 24) respond so great to most basic compounds that mixing more things in at this stage is a waste. If you hit 28-29 years old and youve already done everything under the sun your gonna be bored and dissappointed for the next 30 years of training. Test alone should be blowing your mind right now. Not to mention hgh is expensive and you need to use it for like 6 months to really see an impact.- November 3, 2020 at 10:47 am
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
You look massive bro! What are your stats?Eh im just photogenic
Im 5.5 190lbs 25 y/o
During my npp run i went from about 183 to 197lbs. Which on my frame is alot. I hardened up during my most recent cycle but that npp/dbol gave me a really great base to harden up from. Also i pct’ed and recovered from the npp. But im sure that wont ability last forever lol.- November 3, 2020 at 9:39 am
- in reply to: Test E + Dbol Cycle opinions + SIDE EFFECTS
Originally Posted by StillDanyBoy
It consists of 4,000+, 50% carbs, 20% protein, 30% fatsYh like i mentioned the only side effects is sensitive nipples…
My lifts have all gone up by A LOT, I was impressed while breaking my PRs constantly.
Thats good man. Salt is the killer. I turn into the blueberry girl from willy wonka when i have too much salt. Bloated as hell.
Yes you are too young but your right you made the choice and you gotta live with it. Use HCG on cycle and do a good PCT of nolva and clomid. Give yourself the best chance for recovery. I dont encourage your behavior but i might as well offer what i know since the ship has already sailed.Also nolva on cycle will help with the sensitive nipples
- November 3, 2020 at 8:13 am
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
I’ve been thinking about 500 mg of test e and 600 mg of nandrolone decanoate + 50 mg of dbol every day but i might go with test e and dbol.I did a very similar cycle. Test/npp/dbol . It was probably my best cycle ever. Put on tons of size. Your doses sound pretty good.