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- November 13, 2020 at 2:24 am
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Originally Posted by bizzarro
I believe that’s what he wanted to state, as low as possible yet enough to function normally, but this is probably best adark_sideeved without AI, and via mid range Test levels instead.Tren is hard enough on HDL and AI can only impact it further.
Agreed, I don’t think he necessarily ment it the way he wrote it. I just wanted to clarify for the newer guys. Because I myself when I started 10yrs ago thought the lower my estrogen levels the better. Which is not the case. In the video I mentioned with Dr Eric Serrano he states if his clients are around 70 estrogen level wise they are fine. Which is the high end cut off.
- November 13, 2020 at 1:31 am
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Edit- November 10, 2020 at 4:22 pm
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Op I am not trying to be disrespectful. But I disagree with your statement about keeping estrogen as low as possible without hitting rock bottom. Personally I feel this train of thought is outdated. For people that would like to research what I’m saying. Please google Dr Eric Serrano "estrogen" Dr Serrano is an expert in this field and is a mentor to ifbb pro john meadows. He talks about in this video if your estrogen is to low you cannot get lean(or as lean) and where he likes to keep average estrogen levels. unfortunately I can’t remember his name but if you want to research more google Dr michael Scally and his mentor. (Most know who Dr Scally is) his mentor wrote a very large article just about estrogen. Which changed the way I personally view estrogen. Now before all the newbies start posting like crazy I am not saying estrogen should be sky high. I am just saying I personally believe we as TrueMaxders have been keeping our estrogen levels to low for extended periods of time. Which does have a negative impact on our gains and on us cutting( not to mention our health and longevity). The only way to know if you should be using an ai or at what dose, is with blood work.- November 10, 2020 at 7:38 am
- in reply to: Bodenone as a stand alone and first cycle for beginner.
Originally Posted by outlaw78
I am running eq, with bit of aromasin . I have done low dose the first week at 175mg and I have gotten better workout definitely.
Better motivation and pumps that stay. I had a pretty intense chest workout at night and I never go to the gym at night( 9pm). So far no shut down,
I do have some test -E on hand just in case something wrong goes down. My HR is up bit, and I always have this issue when i am cycling, but many people have no problems with this.
The reason why I am doing this is to get to the bottom of this bs as many of those who have never done eq alone cycle are always preadark_sideng about bad sides from it etc.
If it does not shut you down you do not need test as many here are saying you do .
According to the logic here it should have shut me down already but everything is still fine.
I am doing a low dose and I have responded to only 175mg a week, once a week, since it is a long ester.
So far no real complaints, just pros. I have gained 10 lb in the first week already, but I think it is my muscles just coming back around since I have dropped 7 lb in previous 2 weeks due to low calorie diet and rest period. I did notice the first 2 days an increased appetite , and it is still there but not to a degree where it would posses a problem and be out of control( but definitely an help if trying to get more calories in and get the recovery you need).
Week 2 EQ I did same amount… keep posting…
Good luck with your cycle.ALSO 175mg OF EQ WILL NOT PUT 10lbs OF WEIGHT ON YOU IN THE 1st WEEK!!!!!!!!!!
- November 10, 2020 at 7:27 am
- in reply to: anadrol for women 10/20mg dose
Lol sorry to the 3 guys above me that suggested sub q. Guess that will teach me to
Read all the posts before posting a response!!!!!!- November 10, 2020 at 6:30 am
- in reply to: anadrol for women 10/20mg dose
IOriginally Posted by Lisame24
Can anyone please advise what I could expect from low dose anadrol. I am female and I am looking to gain a bit more lean muscle. I have previously used var with good results. Primo tabs are apparently not available in UK and I am freaked out by the though of injections. Anything else advised is appreciated, ThanksHey lisa havent talked to you for awhile. How are things going? Why dont you try sub Q injections with primo? I use sub Q for my trt it is a breeze!! No pain,
Simple, easy, fast. I use a half inch 29 or 27 gauge insulin needle. U cant even feel it. Pm me or if you still have my email just email me. I can help ya out.
****(note the same needle size you used for your hgh you can use for your sub Q injections. So if you can handle hgh injects you can handle sub Q)- November 10, 2020 at 6:14 am
- in reply to: Bodenone as a stand alone and first cycle for beginner.
Originally Posted by outlaw78
I am running eq, with bit of aromasin . I have done low dose the first week at 175mg and I have gotten better workout definitely.
Better motivation and pumps that stay. I had a pretty intense chest workout at night and I never go to the gym at night( 9pm). So far no shut down,
I do have some test -E on hand just in case something wrong goes down. My HR is up bit, and I always have this issue when i am cycling, but many people have no problems with this.
The reason why I am doing this is to get to the bottom of this bs as many of those who have never done eq alone cycle are always preadark_sideng about bad sides from it etc.
If it does not shut you down you do not need test as many here are saying you do .
According to the logic here it should have shut me down already but everything is still fine.
I am doing a low dose and I have responded to only 175mg a week, once a week, since it is a long ester.
So far no real complaints, just pros. I have gained 10 lb in the first week already, but I think it is my muscles just coming back around since I have dropped 7 lb in previous 2 weeks due to low calorie diet and rest period. I did notice the first 2 days an increased appetite , and it is still there but not to a degree where it would posses a problem and be out of control( but definitely an help if trying to get more calories in and get the recovery you need).
Week 2 EQ I did same amount… keep posting…
Good luck with your cycle.How would you know you arent shut down? Did you get blood work done? That is the only way to tell for sure!! You cant just go by how you feel. Thats a big mistake. I have had blood work done and my total test levels were 181. But i was not having issues. They didnt come til later. It is not just "our" bro science logic that eq shuts you done. Its a fact. It will eventual shut you down. How soon depends on dose and the person. Eq should be ran with atleast d trt dose(100mg-200mg aweek) now will you die if you dont? Nope! But there are far more pros then cons if you run test then if you dont.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:31 am
- in reply to: Injecting Test Propionate Subcutaneously vs Intramuscular
I’m on trt and I inject sub Q. I’ve also injected test p sub Q. Just like dead lifting dog said, it left very painful bumps that turned into bruises on me. They lasted any where from 2-7 days. I would highly suggest injecting test p I.M. good test P isn’t painful I.M. lol but sub Q it sure is. If you want to inject sub Q use test C or test E. It’s smooth and almost zero pain. Also I’ve learned smaller shots are much easier with sub Q. I only inject .25ml to .30ml per site. But doing it this way I feel zero pain afterwards or the next day. When I use to go bigger .4ml to .6ml I would get painful lumps or bruises sometimes. Just have to find out what works best for you.- November 5, 2020 at 10:28 am
- in reply to: Crossfit and AAS
Originally Posted by Rup3rt
^^^^I think you quoted the wrong post?
Var is definitely real, I just don’t tolerate it well. Dropped my dosage for a week or so, will likely up it if my sides go away. Not sure yet.
Love the prop though. Like……I LOVE the prop lol
Just curious did you test the anavar ? What brand is it? I’d bet money if you didn’t personally test it yourself that what you have is winstrol . I’ve never heard of someone else complaining of joint pain on anavar. Not trying to be rude, I’ve just seen this happen to a lot of people.