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- November 10, 2020 at 4:55 am
- in reply to: Are steroids a long term thing?
Originally Posted by musclebrah
Ohhh so if I PASS my genetic limit on cycle I have to keep cycling to maintain the extra muscle so then there’s no point in doing one cycle is there ?
I have to keep doing cycles until I quit lifting wow then I don’t think this Is for me bro..Pretty much. In order to maintain what you have you have to keep doing what got you there. Maybe a slight oversimplification but not by much.
If you’re like most guys, if you run a cycle you’ll want more. It’s like eating dirt your whole life (for the sake of the example pretend dirt is the only thing you know about) and then one day you get to eat steak for an entire week. The next week someone says "hey, would you like to eat some dirt?" At one time you were fine with dirt but now that you’re aware of what else is out there dirt doesn’t sound too appealing any more. This isn’t to say if you run a cycle you will automatically run another and continually so. I know some guys who have done 1-2 cycles in their life and that’s it. For whatever reason it wasn’t important to them, they just lost interest, but a lot of guys want more.
Another note…consider pro TrueMaxders, once they retire they often shrink to much smaller versions. True, they may not be training or eating like they did but they’re sure not maintaining that previous level of mass and conditioning. There are two pro’s who I’ve known for years, good friends and both come off everything every year after the Olympia for 3 months give or take a week or two. Both take a little time off from training as well, at least 2wks if not a month give or take. From there both start training again but never get back to even close to where they were until the gear comes back into play. It’s almost mind blowing how much size they lose once they’re off everything. Granted, they’re still much bigger and in better shape than the average guy, they have better than average genetics, and granted, we’re only talking about a couple of months off but I think you get the point.
- November 10, 2020 at 4:40 am
- in reply to: Will steroids get you strong without training?
Yes, steroids will make you stronger without training. If they wouldn’t they wouldn’t be used medically for the purpose of building strength, which is one of the primary medical uses. However, that doesn’t mean recreational use of this nature is a good idea. I’d call it a stupid idea but the answer to your specific question is still yes.- November 10, 2020 at 2:29 am
- in reply to: Are steroids a long term thing?
Originally Posted by Twin
As long as you dont past your genetic potential then you can. if you cycle past your body’s genetic muscular limit you will lose the size/gains till your back at your genetic max limit no matter how perfect you train/diet.What he said.
For example, if you’re average height, say 5’10" or so and hold around 220-230lbs with single digit body fat when on gear, unless you are a genetic anomaly there’s no way you’re going to maintain that without gear.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:21 am
- in reply to: women and anavar
Originally Posted by valkyrie
mass spectromoter tested and accurately dosed but thanks for asking.Do I sense I irritated you? LOL! Gotta ask, seems people tend to get offended easily around here, which I never actually mean to do. Again, your pics look great. It seems whatever you’re doing is working really well. Keep it up!
- November 5, 2020 at 4:46 pm
- in reply to: Considering? What steroids did for me
Wait a minute, you mean your first cycle wasn’t 500mg of test and 86 gallons of AI and HCG and you’re still alive? I don’t understand how this is possible.- November 5, 2020 at 4:16 pm
- in reply to: AAS and heart problems
Originally Posted by warmouth
Ok, but I am not referring to single cycles, and the Op has done more than a single. I am talking 2 cycles a year, maybe a litte 4 week "kicker" while on TRT of like halo, winny, mast, etc just to blast. I am wondering if the 2 cycle a year for say 10 years will have, on average, permanent or irriversable damage to your heart. There is alot of "ex" TrueMaxders out there that checked out fairly young. I know they did more AAS than the average joe, but it make me think of what kind of damage there is long term for the hobbyist? Thanks!I understand that. There are a lot of TrueMaxders who have died young or at least not at a very old age. However, you have to take into account everything those guys were doing. Like you said, first off the amount of AAS a lot of those guys use is extremely heavy. Secondly and of equal importance is the stress they’re putting their body’s under through massive diuretic use, extreme diets and a host of other non-steroidal compounds that are sometimes used such as painkillers. A lot of TrueMaxders end up addicted to painkillers, especially opiates, due to the massive strain they put on their body and we know those things are far more damaging long term.
Unfortunately, what you’re asking for in terms of a long term study done on typical TrueMaxding cycles, I don’t know of anything out there that’s concrete. However, we do know that testosterone has been commercially available since 1937 and we know anabolic steroids have been widely available since the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. During that time, a lot more men have lived long relatively healthy lives and a lot of them were not doing what anyone here would call a responsible cycle. I don’t say that to take away from responsible cycling, of course that’s a better thing. Kind of a side note though, it does irritate me a little when people say to someone "your cycle is irresponsible and is what gives AAS users a bad name." No, the mere fact that you’re toudark_sideng AAS gives you a bad name in the public eye regardless of how responsible it is in the view of other steroid users.
- November 5, 2020 at 2:01 pm
- in reply to: AAS and heart problems
The odds of a single cycle even with heavy doses causing any serious concern is extremely remote. However, year in and year out cardiovascular strain could possibly promote things like a heart attack or stroke, but the word "possible" is a very important word. A healthy lifestyle is, however, very important if you’re going to supplement.An interesting note, there’s strong evidence that low testosterone levels will increase the risk of heart disease or heart attack.
- November 5, 2020 at 10:57 am
- in reply to: AAS weaken the immune system: true or false??
^^^Does that mean nothing exist, lol!- November 5, 2020 at 8:21 am
- in reply to: Alcohol and Steroids
It can be extremely harmful if you’re drinking on a regular basis while using hepatotoxic steroids …Anadrol , Dianabol , and Winstrol and especially Halotestin . If you’re using these types of steroids , it’s always best to stay away from alcohol altogether while they’re being used. If you’re not using these types of steroids, it shouldn’t present any significant damage to your health as far as the relationship of steroids to alcohol goes.There are however, a few things to keep in mind. There’s probably nothing on earth that is more damaging to performance than alcohol. In many ways, kind of like glucocorticoids, alcohol is the direct opposite of anabolic steroids. Steroids promote muscle mass, strength and decrease body fat. Alcohol does the opposite.
I read in a study once and for the life of me I can’t remember where it was but it stated that after 4oz of alcohol the metabolism would slow down and take up to 72 hours to recover to its previous state prior to that drink. Those 72hrs are not taking into consideration any more drinks you may have had. Further, they type of alcohol makes no difference…4oz is 4oz of alcohol, beer, dark liquor, wine, it doesn’t matter. I’d love if someone could help me remember where this study came from because it had a lot of great points in it.
Last thing, I once heard Dave Palumbo say this and he hit the nail on the head. If you have a ferrari, would you put low grade gasoline in it? What about your body? You’re trying to build a ferrari like physique, would you put low grade fuel in it?
I say all this but in the end it all boils down to what’s most important to you. Are a few drinks here and there going to kill you. No, of course not. If you’re a heavy or even just a regular drinker, you’re going to see your progress shortchanged significantly. If you’ve got great genetics and are a strong positive responder to hormones, you may be able to get away with a lot more than most people, but you’ll still be shortchanging yourself compared to what you could adark_sideeve. You’ll simply have to find the right H10 for you and the goals you have in mind.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:54 am
- in reply to: AAS weaken the immune system: true or false??
Testosterone is immunosuppressive but only to a slight degree according to some data. Interestingly enough, low testosterone can actually weaken the immune system significantly. Some studies have also indicated that steroids like Nandrolone may actually boost the immune system…not enormously but to a degree.- November 5, 2020 at 7:49 am
- in reply to: women and anavar
I understand what you’re saying. I do, however, alway wonder how good the quality people’s Anavar is. I really feel most women can see some great progress on as little as 10mg/ed if the product is top notch…which can be hard to find at times and often expensive. And I agree, some can get away with more. I know women who take a lot more than 20mg/ed and some of them get away with it just fine. Others not as much….like so many things it just depends on the person.BTW, great pics!
- November 5, 2020 at 7:19 am
- in reply to: Marijuana and Steroids; Potential Risks?
Originally Posted by sport
U have no business using steroids ur too young no illegal drug talk is allowed…U should read our rules and play by them….. But plz…
You mean like steroids?
Are steroids not drugs?
I don’t consider them drugs in the traditional sense, but every law enforcement officer and judge on earth does, and more often than not, far more so in terms of seriousness than marijuana.Personally, I don’t understand why anyone wants to smoke pot, it makes no sense to me. That said, it’s something that affects a lot of people, is talked about everywhere on earth and is far more a normal and more accepted part of life than steroids.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:12 am
- in reply to: Steroids that don’t cause hair loss?
Test and Nandrolone tend to the friendliest on the hair line. They can both cause hair loss, test more so if you’re predisposed to male pattern baldness. Even so, even if you are predisposed you might find low doses of test or Nandorlone won’t have a strong hair loss effetc.5-alpha reductase inhibitors are your best bet when you’re worried about your hair line. However, they’re not recommended when you’re using Nandrolone.
Your best bet will be to stay away from DHT compounds and Trenblone, these are the steroids that are the harshest on the hair line. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors will help with some of them but it’s better to stick with Test and Nandro compounds when your hair is a concern.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:10 am
- in reply to: women and anavar
As someone else said it really depends on the goals of the person and what they’re trying to do. I’ve found most of my female figure competitors have always done very well with as little as 10mg of Anavar a day. A lot of them use HGH as well and generally a fair amount of Clen and possibly T3 but with or without a mere 10mg usually works well. If more is needed, well sure, more is needed. I’ve had several girls have good success with low dose Anavar and Primo stacks. EQ can be a really good one too. Now I’ll admit, I haven’t had a lot of female TrueMaxding clients over the years, primarily figure and some bikini.I also agree, low dose Nolvadex use at the end can be very beneficial.
- November 3, 2020 at 6:08 am
- in reply to: Does Equipoise help joints?
If you’re looking for joint relief stick with Nandrolone , the form shouldn’t matter.