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- November 5, 2020 at 9:02 am
- in reply to: No Appetite on dbol?
Originally Posted by marcus300
Its a common problem many have with orals especially dbol and drol. I have the same issue and there is zero point in carrying on with the cycle once your appetite goes if your trying to gain muscle tissue. Ive fucked up many a cycle until I started to use the pulse method.The pulse method is you log and take note when your appetite starts to slow and stop while taking dbol, for me this was around 14 day mark, so using the pulse method I would stop taking the dbol at day 8-10 day mark and have 2 weeks off and then repeat taking the dbol for another 8-10 days and continue to pulse it around 2-3 times, you still get the same benefits of the oral plus no appetite loss, its worth a try.
Yeah, pulsing works.
I couldn’t tolerate oral winstrol (had no problem with the depot) for a cycle,
but with pulsing that resolved itself.- November 5, 2020 at 8:08 am
- in reply to: No Appetite on dbol?
You know several of the early studies on DBOL was at 50mg a day for women?
While that wasn’t a good idea, adverse effects on liver were not why they stopped doing that.It all depends on your cycle history, how you react and a lot of other factors,
but I wouldn’t say 60mg ED is for the average guy no.- November 5, 2020 at 7:52 am
- in reply to: Anavar 3x per week???
I’ve heard (and tried) using orals 3-4x a week,
but then only in conjunction with injectables so that I always had high levels of AAS in my system.Women don’t get shut down the same as men,
but I still think this dosing was a bit strange.With growth hormone the anabolic effect is more determined by the weekly dosage, than the daily dosage, at least according to a study on EOD dosing vs ED dosing in dark_sidelCrash007 of short stature. The weekly dosage was the same, and so was the effect on growth.
I wouldn’t translate this to AAS though.
Ask your trainer what’s the reasoning.
Does he thinks this lessens the chance of virilization, improves anabolic response or what?- November 5, 2020 at 7:28 am
- in reply to: What role does deca play in a cycle?
That’s an age old debate.
According to some, it does nothing more, it’s just an anti inflammatory on top so that it reduces pain while on, others says it really has better effects at connective tissue than most other AAS.I’m torn on the subject myself.
But, as long as shut down and recovery isn’t a big worry, it’s a nice compound.
I feel it has helped me with joint issues before.
Can I know for certain? No.I tend to lean towards the notion that so many anecdotes about its supposed benefits may indeed mean it has some.
Ofcourse you’ll need to supplement test alongside it.The only instance I’ve seen deca only use (for joint issues) was with a woman.
And yes it helped her. Would test have done the same?
Maybe (if we disregard the virilization issue)But while you could include deca in your stack, don’t forget about glucosamine, gelatin and physio.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:52 am
- in reply to: TEST E/DBOL 1st cycle
I’m not a fan of running an AI unless it’s needed, lots of opinions on this.
(If you don’t mind bloat, have no gyno issues, the somewhat increased estrogen can have positive effects IMO)
About the hCG , the point of it is to make sure your testicles is normal size when you begin PCT, or the part of PCT where the aim is to increase LH/FSH secretion so natural test production begin.
Will it matter if you drop hCG for a month?
Perhaps, if you’re on hCG long enough to regain normal tesitlce size then no it shouldn’t matter.
However, while hCG in theory should keep testicles in action at any time, my experience is that it doesn’t necessarily bring your testicles back to normal size if started in the midst of a long cycle, when the testicles have allready shrunk to dark_sideldhood levels.And finally about the headaches.
These may come from high BP, which you should check out, as high BP is serious.
But, I remember the first years I ran AAS I would get headaches whenever dosages very even remotely high, with normal BP.
(And could happen with test e alone, Pharma grade)
So, the headaches needn’t be any problem, just your body reacting.
But check your BP!- November 5, 2020 at 6:37 am
- in reply to: Winstrol injections
Originally Posted by TestoSuper
Thanks for your answer,
I think I can choose in many brands of of winstrol (es. Zambon 50 mg / 1 ml or Genesis Stanozolol 100 mg / ml and many orhers…)
so do you think I can inject EOD in the buttocks only, right?No, rotate sites. EOD injections in one place is never a good idea.
If u can truly get the real human grade Zambon Winstrol then hell yeah!
But I would be very wary with such a product.
(Fake comes to mind, and there are fakes virtually identical to the real,
just without any stanozolol in them)I’ve always been careful with Winstrol from UGLs, as water based are harder to make "clean" without throwing in loads of shit like mercury. (Thiomersal)
But the Malay Tiger shit contained Thiomersal and seemed OK, but I never did a blood test to check mercury levels.- November 3, 2020 at 11:32 am
- in reply to: Test E, should I increase my dose?
Come to think of it, back then we used mostly Winstrol depot,
and we had no real PCT.
So ending on Winstrol depot, a drug which won’t convert to estrogen and isn’t as supressive, would sorta function like a "taper" also, letting the pituitary start back up with still some anabolics in the system, so maybe that played a part too, but it’s still a cycle I would recommend now.- November 3, 2020 at 10:07 am
- in reply to: Test E, should I increase my dose?
Tren in your first cycle, which is quite bad ass when cutting.But still, cutting ain’t bulking.
Future cuts you’re lucky just to hold on to muscle,
Can’t really expect to gain much.
Possible to first bulk and then cut in the same cycle though.Do an oral Winstrol ending f.ex.
That’s what we did in the old days to "consolidate the gains" as we said.
Thinking that ending out hard and ripped (especially hard),
and the strength increase that came with winny at the end of a T cycle,
would make the muscle "stick" better.I think it makes sorta sense.
It’s a good cycle anyways.- November 3, 2020 at 2:12 am
- in reply to: Test E, should I increase my dose?
Always up the dose, always!!!!
No, seriously, it won’t do much.
If you don’t feel it now, going up to 750mg EW isn’t gonna bring much more,
but sides does increase.It’s a cut. And your second cycle.
75mg var ED would give me good results with 500mg T.
(And you know I often dis var of being weak)Compared to your first cycle, and since it’s a cut you might not feel as much.
Or the gear is shit.- October 30, 2020 at 3:24 pm
- in reply to: No Appetite on dbol?
Same with me TheTaxMan, never had a problem with appetite on DBOL .
But anadrol and Halo can supress it, but I take that as a sign to back off.AAS should ideally increase appetite if affecting it at all.
When it suppresses it, it’s always good to do a blood test.
But when is it not a good idea to do bloodwork?Milk thistle and some other supps can alleviate this.
(but if diet wasn’t good before you used AAS, appetite regulation can be fucked,
Though that doesn’t seem to be the case here.)- October 30, 2020 at 1:11 pm
- in reply to: Tren cough and asthma
But end point is it does effect many, so you can’t know either way.
Be very carefull. And one doesn’t have to use tren .
A combo of mast and DBOL should have many of the same advantages, just as an example.- October 30, 2020 at 12:19 pm
- in reply to: Test Enth pinning
Don’t inject in the shoulder then.
You shouldn’t inject in the same sites all the time anyway, unless you’re injecting weeks apart.
Rotate sites IMO. Better safe than sorry.- October 30, 2020 at 11:30 am
- in reply to: Tren cough and asthma
I’d be carefull. If you’re gonna do that try with a low dose and a short ester, ideally an oral type of tren like Trenavar would be best suited to access tolerance first, or a transdermal trenbolone cream.I can’t say tren always effects my cardio, many times I’ve just wondered if it does or not. But I think it’s dose related also.
But I didn’t immediately suffer when injecting 150mg tren ace.
Though it doesn’t exactly help with cardio either, and I don’t do much cardio so it’s not so easy to tell.
I’m on a lowish dose of tren now, I can try 150mg tren ace one day and go on the treadmill and see what happens. Let u know.- October 30, 2020 at 11:21 am
- in reply to: No Appetite on dbol?
I would continue the cycle as test only.Yes, AAS can affect appetite in either way, orals more often supress it.
DBOL shouldn’t do this with correct dosage and all
Else being good. But when it does, your body obviously is tired from the stress.Do you eat breakfast and have you diet on point now?
- October 30, 2020 at 10:54 am
- in reply to: Testosterone Binding vs Tren Binding
Your conclusion is correct, but the hypothesis is not.But simplified;
1) Yes you’ll need testosterone no matter what
(trestolone being an exception in some studies,
well, there’s actually many exceptions in studies but fuck that)
2) trenbolone won’t raise your need for testosterone.
A TRT dose of test can be run with any other AAS.As for receptor binding I’m not even gonna go there.
The SHRonin bond to T is quite strong though.
But might be changed by conformational change in the protein 3D structure.