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- June 1, 2021 at 2:28 pm
- in reply to: HCG for still wanting to have kids
According to my eyes-on reading expertise, that is exactly correct. In addition, it is like an insurance policy for you too, as if it happened so due to reasons beyond your control you would need to step off of cruising you should recover at least to a minimal extent and begin to produce your own test with minimal efforts and feel less of a yo-yo in such event, plus you keep your "package" at a complete aesthetic look if that concerns you, and things do happen and plans change for people, like you may not plan to come off for 3+ years now as of today, but maybe something will make you come off 1 year later, and if you were merQistering hcg during all this time, the recovery should be speedy and not harsh on your body nor physically nor mentally vs where if you didn’t take hcgI am not saying Im 150% correct and I do remain open to corrections from VET’s on here on this matter, but I just hope I give some useful info where I can and Im happy if it helps. Whatever facts you gather, I recommend always add some research of your own to back whatever you read or hear anywhere, including on the boards like this, a good fail-safe too
- November 26, 2020 at 7:11 am
- in reply to: Gain muscle and lose fat? Possible?
Checked your bloods lately? If your bellow average You could do amazing well long term just on trt dose man. .. theres always more when it comes to this but bw would be good place to start, maybe youre above average with your hormones which can be a great benefit not needing trt just playing with diet and cardio- November 19, 2020 at 2:07 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Originally Posted by Dj hard
Yes, alas, I am on TRT. I’m doing well in the gym, and well in bed, at 75 fucking is very important to me. I refuse to grow old gracefully. I have a good body, still brown hair and lots of it and I can still attract the younger dark_sidecks and so far no complaints at all.haha thats the spirit! keep it rockin man, HCG all the way
- November 16, 2020 at 6:22 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Hey there, glad to hear some great success youre having! Glad it worked out well, and I still wish you good luck so it will work out even better after HCG merQistration Also, have you considered Clomid mono-therapy instead of HCG (that is if you were not on TRT or cycle)?- November 16, 2020 at 4:03 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
I havent been checking my prolactin lately during bloods, but I did check my bloods few months before and I have decided to come off of the vitex weeks before the tests and my prolactin shooted up beyond the upper range limit, so since month ago Im back on it but it kinda makes me feel more emotional I have noticed, and while not on it I would be more calm and more in a logical-thinking and being state, just something I noticed. I take 4 pills in the morning.- November 16, 2020 at 1:30 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
good to hear youre better, one thing that concerns me if youre still taking vitex since then or have you discontinued it, and have you checked your prolactin while taking vitex? Thanks- November 16, 2020 at 11:23 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Good to hear good news my man! Im glad and somewhat not surprised that the VITEX was doing its work lowering prolactin for you, as I can only assume I felt better while on it than vs. when I was off of it, although I was giving alot thought it may have been a placebo and what not but yet my recent bloods of few weeks ago indicated my prolactin being over the top range limit and I was just almost 2 months off of the VITEX. I did felt different without VITEX but it wasnt neceserily bad different, and well, I’ve been giving a great flood of all other sound nutrients and vitamins to my system for the last half year thinking I may be deficient in some of not most of whatever there could have been to cripple the endocrine system, I just wasnt training as hard or frequent in the past half year and yet my Testosterone markers came in a little lower than when it was last checked in 2015 July despite my efforts to flourish my body with all the good and holy goods, so now I will be giving bloods repeatedly in my own clinic tomorrow morning and will try to chase up the reason why am I so on the borderline with most of my blood markers, and even my E2 estradiol was under the limit-low, ~25% lower than it should be… I guess makes sense… Low total test, low free test, hence not much test to spare to convert to Estrogen… well I dont know… maybe my thyroid is not up to par, so doc will tell some weeks later after bloods tomorrow.Your journey at your age is great example of well going progress you have so far, I just try not to compare myself being almost 50years younger yet with similar issues I got to get myself fixed to reach your age with the smile too
I was thinking if high prolactin I had was not caused by using VITEX before, where it was lowered to some extent or maybe severely, and when I have discontinued VITEX my body had rebound to whatever it could and just went out of control and went little over the limit but I could not tell, I havent followed all this with all scientific studies nor I have time and efforts to spare to find this out, so I guess its something else is wrong with me, but here were about you, and Im glad youre well and ok!
Well, some people have not only good, but strong genetics that doesnt wear out as quick I guess and so is the example of your wife I got to say, some great numbers and especial all natural, its just real good to know such things, I being in your place having person such as her besides, would encourage her not to do any compound being in such great physical shape, it may give little extra for the short run but may have some nasty consequences that will change alot things for her in the long run… having something great makes us want to have even greater, without realizing how fragile the walking line is, but that’s just me and that is just an advice and its worth only exactly how much it cost, so, im just saying, my 02cent’s
Hope You’ll be well, and keep on doing what brings good results and good benefit to you, without falling off the path of course
- November 16, 2020 at 8:38 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
I was wondering how did you get on, Baldur? Did it lowered your prolactin for your and fixed anything for you? Got any bloods done recently since dosing vitex? Hope youre well- November 16, 2020 at 4:41 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
The term ketosis comes from the keto bodies, which are produced in the fat conversion to glucose. It has nothing to do with protein conversion to energy.yes, but excess protein turned in to fat then later in to glucose, I still dont know enough, however, there are both sides of every equation, everything can be counteracted with something
- November 16, 2020 at 2:35 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Originally Posted by Mr.BB
Although it is possible for amino acids to be converted to glycogen, it is a slow and complicated process with some nasty waste products, so its only used on a demand driven situation (starvation). The first thing to be used for energy (ATP) are carbs (very easy process), then fats, and only in last resort the body will use protein. Remember amino acids are nitrogen based, removing these nitrogen atoms will produce amonia which is quite nasty, and the liver will need to turn it into urea, etc etcaha yea, but if body was in ketosis (following ketogenic diet), this ^ I believe goes little different way?
- November 13, 2020 at 4:19 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
to my knowledge proteins in body are converted to glucose so does carbs for that same reason, be readily available as energy source…?- November 13, 2020 at 11:22 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
if 1000mg of vitC doesnt upset your stomach or sleep, it should be ok considering you are keeping yourself active, otherwise it could kill your hunger and drastically slow down your digestion.
VitD, I personally take 10.000IU ED, I read in few places that FDA is due to reinstating new RDA for VitD as ~5000IU, some read here too but its different source:…0317122458.htm
and if taking VitD to boost your body’s absorption of it you must supplement with good form of magnesium as Magnesium Orotate or Citrate. I supplement with both, yet I dont know if there’s a difference, but to my believe while taking Orotate with Citrate – orotate may help absorb citrate better, and also taking VitD+Magnesium you will have to look in to your diet ensure you get plenty of potasium daily, as magnesium can potentially and rapidly cause potassium deficiency and result at first in sensitive teeth or other symptoms.
I know B6 has some correlation with causing havoc on CNS and other issues, you could look in to that too. For your own good interest, I would recommend trying ketogenic diet, high protein high fat and low carbs, you need that cholesterol being active male
VitE has corelation in lowering test levels thus may be raising E levels, yet I try to avoid both as I used to use them and I had problems, since changed my regimen, it seemed to help.ALSO:
I was recently reading ton of info about megadosing VitD3 and VitK , yet its hard to find strong vitK as all are dosed super low in hundreds of mcg only,and have found only few that are ~2.2mg-5mg some are called life extension others are called carlson , you can dig them up on USA ebay, yet these are the best find . Spare some time and draw yourself to reading on this topic, may be to some real help
- November 13, 2020 at 9:20 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Well, how about your iron/Vit-A/B12/zinc/magnesium/ supplementation? Also how is your diet? Ever tried ketogenic/low carb diet? Higher-carb/Sugars diet could be culprit raising estrogen levels tooPS: By any chance, are you mega-dosing Vitamin C??
- November 13, 2020 at 7:19 am
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
Well, higher estrogen I believe result in gaining fat, greater body-tissue water retention, mental sensitivity etc emotional such as crying while watdark_sideng some movie feeling too attached to the action in it, then again, too high estrogen could result in gyno developing – good idea of checking for lumps under nipples in the chest tissue, also nipple sensitivity… I guess that be important parts, but also I bet there are more symptoms… I believe having low-E WILL NOT get you GYNO, get your nipples grow or become sensitive, and you shouldn’t cry or feel saddened watdark_sideng titanic drown. I know low-E results in bad mood but being irritable low temper and feeling like shit doesnt mean you will cry like immature 5 year girl over the broken dolls. Just saying in to what I believe so, I may be wrong and I am open to suggestion/fixes- November 10, 2020 at 4:36 pm
- in reply to: Arimidex, Aromasin and Proviron
I have bought these exactly there as part of my late vit’s and minerals stack:IRON:
there’s lots more but these are one of most contibuting to me I feel
these are nothing else but exactly what I’ve been getting.
So yea, if this exact type of VITEX, I would suggest to take it like a straight shot of 4 pills with some water about hour before bed on empty stomach and watch how you feel, I guess within a week or two you should start feeling better from this alone. I did alot of reading regards VITEX and I pulled so many various feedbacks of which most pages stated that in women it lowers T raises E so in other words works as an equalizer, and in men in higher dosages it works in an opposite direction such as lowering E and raising T, which I could say at least feels like it. I didnt notice much if any difference in sleep quality but like I said, libido did go up pretty OK and was less moody and hair growth has improved, all this better vitality I could say may be due to this, and if its placebo, Im also happy as I feel better while taking it vs. than when I’m not.
One pack of vitex lasts 25days if taken 4 a day, which I calculated out to be the about optimal dose for men. If you take lower dose you may not get benefits at all. I am open to corrections or suggestions if you feel I am dosing it too low or maybe you found some other info regarding this thing, but so far I liked it.
PS, at first I took 2 tablets for about 2 weeks daily, felt nothing, or if I did it was minor, then took 3tablets for a week already with better feel of well being, and then upped to 4 a day which I found optimal. All I can say worth trying, works for me If you dont expect it to work or you dont feel anything in first few weeks , just try stick to the regimen of lets say 4 tablets a day and get yourself few packs of these so you can try it for few months and see what happens
I wish you best luck with it man!