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- December 24, 2020 at 3:40 am
- in reply to: Alcohol and AAS
Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke
Watched video just now. It is terrible. I cannot believe I did that and I doubt I post that. I thoroughly, fully embarrassed myself! Complete ass hattery!Be the liqour, lahey
Originally Posted by oplox07
It seems like you have ZERO clue whats going on with AAS and your are just gonna take some pills and hope for the best…….. this may not go the way you think its going to go.. you don’t even know half life you know nothing that’s scary right theirThat was my thought.
He DAMN near believed my "half life" joke exaination.
- November 10, 2020 at 7:44 am
- in reply to: Alcohol and AAS
Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke
Yeah this is how my little voice would play it out: "You couldnt call and tell her it was over? You decided to make someone feel shitty and suicidal for years, rather than not get your pecker wet? You stupid drunk fuck! Shes lying there every night wondering why she wasn’t enough and crying and you just turned your forever into nothing because you wanted to stick your pathetic penis where it did not belong… One thing left to do pussy!" ….
I WILL PASS ON THE STRANGE! LOLYes my perspective as well.
Im,loyal to the end, won’t cheat, don’t cheat, nor do I have the desire to
I’m with a person who fills my desires, I will not go into a relationship temporary lonely, because its going to satisfy my urges till some one better comes along.
.if I want some one better, I’m not going to use a temporary fling that will just stand in the way of my pursuit for the better person.I look and stay single untill I find my real connection.
33 years old, been in 3 relationships since high school
All lasting 7 years or so.The girl I’m with now was my first in high school.
Now flip side is cheating in My eyes is all it takes to become dead.
Break my trust, say hello to a hydrashok.
Originally Posted by marcus
Sorry, new to all of this, but what does half-life mean?It means the amount of time taking a certain drug cuts off of your total life expectancy. So anavar , 9 hour half life. Every tab cuts 9 hours off your life.
But its at the end, the nursing home years. So its a good thing….
No that’s a joke.
Half life is the amount of time that the drug takes to drop to half of the dose in your blood.
So 40 mg var at once, 9 hours later you have 20 mg, and 9 hours later 10mg, then 9 hours later 5mg. So,on and so forth
- November 10, 2020 at 3:50 am
- in reply to: Hcg potency
Originally Posted by DGe
Sounds like Pregnyl? UGL’s are usually a single 5000iu vial rock. Probably worth the extra for pharma and keeping it sealed before reconstituting.I don’t even know I ever seen ugl hcg .
Thsts crazy. Pharma pregnyl is less than 35$ for 3 1500 amps.
Under 30 for single 5000 amp
- November 10, 2020 at 3:12 am
- in reply to: DANABOL cycle help
Originally Posted by tren mister
am just going off what louiee simmons said on joe rogans pod cast HCG will fix everythingYour balls still shut down on hcg , it just keeps them visible and possibly ready for pct.
Like hcg makes your balls the equivalent of army reserves, they look the part, but probably won’t ever see action.
Its easier for balls that are full and plump to start receiving pulses from serms during pct, as opposed to just trying to restart them from scratch.
Think of hcg like this.
You are restoring a classic car, you do the body work and primer yourself, then take it to a top notch painter to finish.
Of course the paint man could do the body work and primer, but its cheaper and quicker turn around by sending it there primer.
Sending your nuts into pct primed is the action of hcg.
Once you stop test and roids and hcg, you will not produce any male hormones until pct starts and is finished. If hcg kept your balls functioning there would be no need for pct, you’re boys would pick up were hcg left off.
This is not the case.
Joe Rogan……smh….he’s a pot head comedian.
These vets here that are advising you are in some cases doctors, and in most cases, have been juicing for more years than you’ve been alive.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:19 am
- in reply to: Hcg potency
Originally Posted by DGe
I think it starts losing potency after 90 days? (provided it’s stored right) That’s when the 10% increase per week rule applies.Still, better just reconstituting a second batch halfway through your cycle. I’d stick with 5000iu because apparently even the powdered form degrades if not stored correctly.
I like getting it in fresh 1500 iu 3 count amps.
I use the same vial to reconstitute every of the e vials, after 3 I get a fresh empty for the next 3
- November 5, 2020 at 2:00 pm
- in reply to: DANABOL cycle help
Originally Posted by tren mister
thats what hcg’s forSee this is why I get sarcastic.
Make em think about something, they might say
"wtf, I don’t know what to do, complete polar opposite advice. One says dont, the gym buddy says thus, and this asshole says take everything plus the kitchen sink."
Yes OP,the hcg makes 50 years of science and user experience null and void.
Hcg ain’t no guarantee for MEN with fully developed endocrine systems that have known normal for years, and have a benchmark to try and return to normal.
You on the other case, your endocrine system has nothing to gauge as normal, and no reference point were it was functioning for a long time at.
What if your endocrine system, decides at mid cycle that "ok this is normal, exogenous testosterone , cool, we don’t got to bust ass making it now. Hey guys down below, we’re all good, sorry for calling you in on your day off"
Hopefully this does make sense.
I’m using colorful layman analogies to drive point home.
We need to exactly spell it out for young guys. We love you, your our future. We are not hating, we are helping.
- November 5, 2020 at 8:26 am
- in reply to: Pharma Anavar how good is it?
Originally Posted by delon
no i am not, he said to me that this is a pharmaceutical anavar so he will be charging me more than usual, in my country there is no one with anavar at the moment, the only source i can find is this "pharmaceutical anavar" and some anavar from shark labs that i have never heard of, i am only asking if you know these two brands because i dont feel right about buying theseLet’s just get the terms right for discussion sake multi Farm labs is not a pharmaceutical company they are underground clandestine Laboratory or they are third-party seller of underground clandestine Laboratory steroids
I’ve seen this many times a very pretty packaged UGL being passed off as Pharmaceutical it is the furthest thing from it
- November 5, 2020 at 7:31 am
- in reply to: Clen vs anavar for weight loss
Oxandrolone (ANAVAR ) IS aN ANABOLIC steroid , it is going to hurt you without taking trt dose of test with it, may actually make you fatter.Clenbuterol is a stimulant and beta2 antagonist.
Clen would be the less reckless choice.
But, that’s in ideal body composition.
Clen is going to raise your blood pressure, and it has a direct effect on the heart, much like a amphetamine. I tried a dose of my Clen I got for spring time cut, and ill confidently call it a "designer amphetamine"
Clen isn’t going to do much for you.
You’d loose weight faster with diet alone and exersize, adding Clen to this now, is not wise.
There are also some serious sides with Clen. You like to sleep? Not on Clen.
Sleep is key with a weight loss plan. You need it.
Cook yourself 3 400 calorie dark_sidecken breast and rice meals for each day of the week
4oz cooked breast,100g (2/3 cup) brown rice, 40g black, kidney. Pinto, or any beans drained and rinsed. And 1 cup of broccoli.
Cook enough for 7 days, store em in tuperware, and eat 3 a day.
These will be mid day meals after breakfast
For breakfast ear 1 cup egg white and 1/2cup oatmeal
Add a post workout protein shake aft gym.
That’s a day
- October 30, 2020 at 1:08 pm
- in reply to: Pharma Anavar how good is it?
Originally Posted by delon
so my friend told me today that he got pharma anavar , its alot more expensive than the others ones like blacklabs,shark etc. I have tried many anavar brands and the best one i have tried is blacklabs and i was taking 80mg a day. This anavar that i am thinking about comes in 50x10mg and is from a brand called multi pharm (MultiPharm healthcare) my question is how affective is pharma anavar compared to other brands? because if i need to take 80mg of pharm anavar i will go broke in 2 weeks.. so does anyone know this brand (multipharm?) and would 40mg a day be enough because its pharma? what are youre thoughts on this?You do realize multiFarm is a ugl also, right?
- October 30, 2020 at 9:07 am
- in reply to: Test / Tren / Masteron Cycle Preview
With tren and mast I’d run nolva out to 6 weeks along side clomid for 4