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- November 10, 2020 at 3:24 am
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
Originally Posted by MuscleScience
Yeah, it’s a beta 2 agonist. And while it is great for stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, for athletic performance. As long as it has been around and studied. It’s has shown little to no effect on fat metabolism in any great frequency in the literature and many studies in animals and humans have been performed. I just don’t see the risk associated with it worth the benefit of using it. That’s just my opinion though.No, if there are studies it about, it’s not your opinion…. so, clen is just a suck neighborhood shout…. it’s pointless to reduce fat mass… good to know.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:42 am
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
I know, everyone should know.What was your BF % in that moment ?
- November 10, 2020 at 1:09 am
- in reply to: Anastrozole and Exemestane: Dosage equivalence
Originally Posted by numbere
I don’t think you can make linear correlations between those AI doses.Dex is a superior AI and is more powerful than stane especially when using high doses of aromatazing compounds.
Imo if you need to take 0.5mg of dex EOD to control e2 then you shouldn’t switch to stane or you may face issues.
What do you mean ? Why ? Wouldn’t you switch with stane and adjusting related dosage, for example ?
- November 10, 2020 at 12:57 am
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
Originally Posted by MuscleScience
I think clen is trash, honestly St07 on being "consistently," strict with a great diet and St07 on training that causes a descent amount of metabolic afterburn throughout the day.Clen is trash ? Why ? Nobody here, excluding a good diet and training while taking clen. It is used with good results between TrueMaxders around the world and you assume it’s trash ? Matters, or didn’t happen.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:25 pm
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
I suspect it was low e2 as my legs routine was about 5 days apart before I start feeling aches and lethargic, and I hadn’t killed legs hard prior that… also I supplement heavily with omegas, msm and other stuff that would rule out deficiency caused issues. I know regards bloods importance, but this zoo where I live does not facilitate such services to people favour, and even I got lucky to get it done,it took 2 weeks to get results back, which were not the exact tests done that I have requested.Im in DIY mode as of lately with E2 dialling in. Also as a further precaution lately I began taking aromasin @6.25mg/wk which I think I should split to even smaller pieces and try taking it EOD etc.
Going to guessing it’s pretty hard i’m sorry for you. As you know, with blood work, there’s no guessing but reliability.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:18 pm
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
Ok thank you guys. The last 2 questions:1) Should i take Keto after i stop clen and/or even when i’m assuming it ?
2) How much taurine every day ?
Thank you !
- November 5, 2020 at 2:39 pm
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
I had sub bellow normal-low E2 levels prior trt naturally, yes HCG and Test did build up my E2 rapidly, but so did AI crashed it to some level for me to begin experience joints discomfort, seemed like flu aches but only on joints. I stopped AI, but continued HCG for the reason being so I build up E2 little quicker to alleviate "low E2" symptoms. I know I may be well off and wrong about what happened, but thats the best of my experience how I can explain it. My e2 seemed to bounce back rather quick (thanks to HCG, joimt pain gone in a matter of days on discontinuation of AI) but I was still taking nolvadex which is synthetic estrogen in non-active form that blocks receptors at chest area, thus although I felt completely normal I believe excess in nolvadex in my blood may have manipulated E2 reading artificially.Its a speculation of course but that does make sense to me too.
Although you may not be too far of the truth either as my prolactin was little high – may be a result of higher than normal natural E2 too.
It would be good to have a blood work in the exact moment you felt bad with ache on joints to see if it was E2 related; Although joints ache is a typical low E2 symptom, AIs could cause that in itself, without E2 out of the normal range level.
- November 5, 2020 at 12:14 pm
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
I ran 150mg/week of test-e and 500iu HCG , both E3.5D split. I think HCG had contributed alot to E2 spike, and I may say I kinda feel either no different without it or even better, less lethargic. less emotional, less passive.I was not running any AI from the start of my TRT, and ~5weeks in I got water retention around nipples and nipple sensitivity, especially when doing cardio and sweating alot.
I looked up and found few quick prevention methods to one of which I have followed and got immediate results within 5-7 days only. Took 6.25mg aromasin monday morning 00:30 and thursday morning 06:30 , along that for the first week I was taking Nolva 20mg/ED for 1st week, and then 10mg/ED after for almost 2 weeks. On second week taking AI I felt that my joints began to hurt out of nowhere, dull pain every damn joint, wasnt too terrible but could not ignore, so stopped aromasin after #4’th 6.25mg dose. continued with nolva 10mg/ED as I said, also continued with HCG and 150mg/wk test-e. Discontinued HCG and nolva ~1week prior blood draw, bloods came in well just E2 was few points above normal-high limit. It may or may not be real measure as nolva and HCG may have it manipulated artificially, but I could tell about few days to a week in w/o AI I began feeling the relief on my joints, so it gotta be something to do with E2.Its some task to dial in E2 but not impossible
since bloods came in little higher than normal Total-T and Free-T, I dropped test-e to 125mg/wk split half to two pins E3.5D, and no HCG already for ~3+ weeks. Recently I began taking AI again only at less frequent dosage, so currently @6.25mg once a week, because I miss my morning woods again, should be due too too high E2. few days since taking AI, morning wood is back. Not rocket hard nor weak, but noticeable, so AI still is needed.
Thinking splitting this quarter of a grain in to half again and have it take E3.5D too… just wondering.
I suppose your problem wasn’t an E2 crush but an E2 out of range issue, to the upper limit maybe. As you were injecting Test E, your Test level grew up inside your blood stream, consequently causing more E2 conversion ( with HCG too ). You stopped AI but you even stopped HCG and you found E2 was above the upper limit. I think it was related to the fact your AI dosages and frequency was not enough to control E2 conversion as your Test E level, increased in your blood stream.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:55 am
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
I will try up to 80mcg/ED and look for results. Yes i will increase the dosage gradually and i’m using a potassium/magnesium supplement to face cramps and other. Two questions please:1) Should cease clen gradually ? I think this is important to regulate gradually the receptors.
2) Some good tips to use ketotifen ??
Thank you for your patience.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:17 am
- in reply to: Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex
Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
I believe both work,just a matter of preference and dialing in the dose.
Some respond better to one than another, some suffer more from one than another… both are good I feel. I felt like I crushed my E2 to almost nothing with 2 weeks of 6.25mg aromasin E3.5D… bounced back while on hcg and surplus test in few weeks after stopping aromasinDid you crushed your E2 just with Aromasin 6.25mg E3.5D ? It’s incredible… what were your AAS dosages ?
- November 5, 2020 at 7:33 am
- in reply to: Anavar + Dbol?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
yes of course you can run both. they are going to have some slightly synergistic properties and added benefits when combined together.not sure why guys think they can combine 5 different injectables but are supposed to only run one oral at a time. probably the over exaggeration of liver toxicity.. but either way, orals are just like any other AAS and often work better when stacked and combined.
lots of ways to rotate different orals into your cycles, or combine them.
eg. got clients running 25mg Winstrol first thing in the morning for the cortisol suppression and anabolic benefits, while running 50mg of Dbol or Adrol later in the day for the nutrient partitioning and nutrient retentive properties. great combo. later on they both may be pulled out and we will rotate in Var and Tbol for an anabolic only type phase. then a break. then another rotation.
you can do something similar with var and dbol
Great observation, OldBoy. I wonder, almost for those ones are in TRT, if could be useful to run a brief course in the meanwhile, adding Var of Dbol to give a boost. Sometimes i got a good gains introducing Dbol 20-30mg/ED in my TRT for 3-4 weeks. After i stopped it and continued with Test E as cruising or TRT dosages. Although i take a lot of supplements for liver protection and lipids ( NAC, UDCA, Red Rice Yeast ), i was wondering what it should the ideal time to take a break from orals before starting them again. I know that it’s hard to reply to this questions because it would be different for everyone according to BW and the dosages. What do you think it about ?
- November 5, 2020 at 5:55 am
- in reply to: Stanazolol or anavar
Originally Posted by Vomarki
Can I use stanazolol or anavar only cycle 6 week?Start from here
And just after you’ve well understood there, then moving to next thinking of cutting with AAS and so on.- November 5, 2020 at 4:43 am
- in reply to: Cutting with Dbol
Update:My cutting is going on and i’ve added test prop 200mg/Week and T3 32mcg/ED to my stack; caloric deficit is the same, no AI, but 10mg/ED of Nolva even though blocked potential Gyno arise but i still see too much water around my abdominal, hips and around my muscles, and my look is a bit flat… but with too much water; my nipples are slighty protruding but no lumps, no pain and no evident Gyno signs; i suppose Nolva is not doing is job as expected; i will add a small dose of Adex 0.25/E2D and testing the results.
I suppose i should do a carb load also in order to pull water inside muscle cells, because it’s possible my cortisol level increased and causing too much water retention, due to severe caloric deficit and T3 indirect effect.
I will update you asap. For the moment, 10mg/ED of Nolva didn’t do its job, relatively to my stack, probably due to the fact my estrogens level increased too much and the 10mg/ED wasn’t enough.
- November 5, 2020 at 3:34 am
- in reply to: Cutting with Dbol
Originally Posted by lundgren
I have listening good things about TUDCA and N-Acetyl-Cysteine, what is the dose minimale when you use AAS to have the effect of protector ?I dont have where i live, i try to see if some website sell to Europe, but im not sure if it’s better vs Milk Thistle ? Or maybe stacked with TUDCA ?
For the summer, i like to use low dose of Primo (i know lot people use high dose) but with 2 amps /week, and the summer diet, for me this products work well for the anti-catabolic side, not for gain lot weight. He’s safe, dont hurt the test level (with my dose im sure, but for high dosage i dont know)
Add some IGF-1 and you have for me a nice cycle to enjoy the summer
Good luck with your cycle
I use NAC at 1800-2400mg/ED at max for heavy cycles, stacked with C-17; in general this is the max dosage suggested with NAC to get a good ratio of benefits/sides. Yes, you can stack NAC with TUDCA at 450-500mg/ED; sometimes i added Silymarine also for max protection, even if NAC is better above all because it’s a glutathione precursor. I use NAC year around even of out cycles and in TRT/Cruising at normal dosage of 600mg/ED given all its benefits.
Yes, primo is always a good choice to getting a good cut/look and preserving muscle mass. IGF-1 would be a tank in this sense but it would enough for me my targets
- November 5, 2020 at 1:14 am
- in reply to: Cutting with Dbol
Originally Posted by lundgren
I think the same, im very sensitive to oestrogen and with only 1ml / week of Sustanon , the level up a lot.I try with only 10mg of Nolvadex , and he’s working very well.
I’m not sure if he’s work if the cycle are like Test Enanthate / sustanon with Anadrol for exemple, but with test only or test + Dbol that’s worked perfectly for me.@Slacker78 from my experience, i used in the past Dbol (HG) 5mg , and up slowly to 10 and 15 mg, i try to take before 1h of training and the other part after, the water retention are not excessive like Anadrol, so if you eat clean i think it’s great for quality gain, but the little excessive water retention left after the cycle.
About the feeling, Dbol made me feel like angel, but from 15mg, i feel angry (i tried with 20-40 and 50mg and it’s impressive, but the liver cry a lot) the acnee on arms / back / pec are systematic, with only 5mg i have some boutons and when i up the dose i have more acnee / boutons.
The feeling when you train are awesome, i dont have pain with like Stanozolol on bone / joint, the skin look great (except about acne on certain parts of the body)
I never used Anavar , i think you need low bodyfat to enjoy at the max this compound, like Masteron .
Stanozolol give only lean mass but from my personnal experience, he’s hurt a lot the join, i have lot muscle cramp, the cardio are not easy with Stanozolol because the calves congested so much that I have to stop (the feeling as if the calf went explose lol) I think it needs a lot of nitrogen / azote, which causes big muscle pain. And i dont talk about the tendinitis …
So Dbol are great for lean mass, but take care a lot about dosage, try to get genuine Dbol and up slowly, if your happy with 10-15mg dont up your dosage, take lot Milk Thistle ( i use Milk Thistle with 80% Silymarine and i add Liv52 with it, i dont have TUDCA in my country ) try to know your redblood cells too,with liver / cholesterol etc. ..
Yes Lundgren. I take TUDCA and NAC 2400mg every day and don’t go over 15mg/ED of Dbol and use it before training only. I constantly monitor RBC, liver and cholesterol periodically and they often were in a good range expect liver enzymes which are a bit higher than normal but not so much ( especially AST but it’s not just liver specific like ALT which is liver specific and is often in range ). My diet is often perfect. I’m not usual to do high anabolic dosages, before my target is not so high, but the minimal to getting my desidered look.