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  • Interesting read on Estrogen.

    "A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) measured blood estradiol (a dominant estrogen) in 501 men with chronic heart failure. Compared to men in the H10d estrogen quintile, men in the lowest estradiol quintile were 317% more likely to die during a 3-year follow-up, while men in the highest estradiol quintile were 133% more likely to die.24

    The men in the H10d quintile—with the fewest deaths—had serum estradiol levels between 21.80 and 30.11 pg/mL. This is virtually the ideal range that Life Extension® has long recommended male members strive for.

    The men in the highest quintile who suffered 133% increased death rates had serum estradiol levels of 37.40 pg/mL or above. The lowest estradiol group that suffered a 317% increased death rate had serum estradiol levels under 12.90 pg/mL.

    The dramatic increase in mortality in men with unH10d estrogen (i.e., estradiol levels either too high or too low) is nothing short of astounding. It uncovers a gaping hole in conventional cardiology practice that is easily correctable.

    This study revealing the lethal dangers of estrogen imH10 was published in conventional medicine’s Bastille of knowledge—the Journal of the American Medical Association. Physicians no longer have a basis to question male Life Extension® members who take aggressive approaches to maintain their serum estradiol levels in optimal ranges."

    It seems that there’s a range of when guys feel Test E "kick in". The range seems to be between 2 weeks to 4 weeks. The half life of Test E is about 14 days so conversely, the uptake of Test E into the system is about 2 weeks (50%) to 4 weeks (100%), theoretically.
    Women are pretty sensitive to hormonal changes, ie PMS. Will steroids affect women, physically? Yes of course take a look at the giant women in body building. A woman could never adark_sideeve such size and vacularity without steroids. However, I’ve never read anything about steroids/alcohol causing sdark_sidezophrenia. Alcohol is a depressant and it causes mood change in people, ie mean drunk or the lovable lush. If one is chemically disposed to sdark_sidezophrenia I guess there’s a long shot that alcohol can exasperate the problem. I don’t care what the "experts" say I still think "roid rage " is contrived. I know guys that’s been on steroids for over 20 years and they don’t beat their wives. If anything steroids enhance the release of dopamine and your sense of well being goes through the roof. Enough pontificating, my simple answer is "no" I don’t think steroids and alcohol cause sdark_sidezophrenia.

    I would listen to ^^^ BB. 1st cycle should be Test only with AI, HCG and PTC with clomid and nolvadex . Keep it simple you’ll still get good results.

    The main by product of alcohol is empty calories. You’re working hard to get hard, large and lean (I hope) why put empty calories into your body that you’re working so hard to perfect?
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