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- November 5, 2020 at 5:26 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Wickedg8gt
So even with the quad (vastus lateralis) being a bigger muscle than say the qlutes, when I start pinning them in a rotation with glutes and maybe delts; will I still have to worry the same issues you guys warned me about if I was just pinning glutes? (I.e. scar tissue, oil coming out, more blood, more pip and any other issues) Say if I wanted to do a 2nd or 3rd cycle or bnc? Because from what I researched, you still have to pin in a certain general area of the outer side quad. I guess I just thought of after a couple cycles you could easily have 10 or pins in same area.Not as much. I actually have three different sections down my VL that I can pin as part of my rotation, without issue.
People get this whole “need to inject x inches from y” bullshit in their head. A muscle is a muscle, and unless it’s got reduced bloodflow due to a structural problem in your specific body, it doesn’t matter. So long as you’re not hitting nerves and tearing veins left and right, you’ll be fine. Go slow, learn your own body, remember the areas.- November 5, 2020 at 2:32 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by nightflier
Theoretically how do you think this would work in a human subject?It’s not even theoretical. Talk to some of the guys who have been around since this was the primary way of getting Tren . All I can recall is that it involved using wood alcohol to get rid of the bullshit, and extracting the Tren to use in an IM preparation.
- November 5, 2020 at 1:10 am
- in reply to: Dbol – Only Water Weight?
Originally Posted by nightflier
Oh, so you’re that guy…It makes deadlifts and barbell shrugs really interesting.
- November 3, 2020 at 4:10 pm
- in reply to: Dbol – Only Water Weight?
Originally Posted by sdg_sdg
I am not sure if anyone else feels that way but every time I go on Dbol (use it before gym) my penis is erected in the gym most of the time, so freaking uncomfortable …..Just wanted to put that out there
I never have issues with it in the gym, but whenever I pair Dianabol with Masteron , I definitely notice that my erections feel like I could fuck a hole through a brick wall.
- November 3, 2020 at 3:32 pm
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by renepjd
My 2.5lb miBamb-Teacup Yorkie has a strained knee.
I’ve got deca .
The wheels are turning…..- November 3, 2020 at 3:05 pm
- in reply to: Need advice for future cycle
Originally Posted by neadl3
In Greece u buy unscripted drugs like candies .
Bought dostinex unscripted for 30Ђ If I can recall .
What’s the avg price of mast?Iirc, mast hasn’t been made in a pharma prep for sometime, even though it’s still approved in most countries pharmacopoeia. As such, UGLs would be the primary source. Here in the US, Mast P tends to run around $45-55 per gram (100mg/ml 10 ml) and Mast E around 55-65 per two grams (200mg/ml).
- November 3, 2020 at 11:28 am
- in reply to: Need advice for future cycle
Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14
Dostinex is never necessary to combat sides related to the use of 19 nors. Your dose of deca is low enough that sides are going to be unlikely. If you’re concerned you could throw in masteron and that will take care of anything you’re worried about.The funny part is that Mast is cheaper and will also help with anabolism, which Caber won’t.
- November 3, 2020 at 11:08 am
- in reply to: Tren and Masteron Benefits?
Originally Posted by nightflier
anti-tumor effects? Fuck yeah, throw it in mix.Kinda out of context… Does mast make anyone else just like… feel good? Which I feel is sort of uncharacteristic of most heavy androgens
I’m finding more and more that if what you’re taking is making you feel like shit, you can solve a lot by lowering the damned dose. Even Dbol , which seems to make everyone feel fantastic at sensible doses can quickly bite you in the ass if you get stupid with it.
That said, mast is likely to be my first DHT that I try once I know how the 19-nors treat my body.
- November 3, 2020 at 10:49 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Arcвnn
I’m on my first cycle too. I would definitely experiment with different sites. But then again, I’ve been told I do some weird stuff for it being my first cycle. Apparently delt injections on a first cycle are unusual? That was my very first injection haha. I rotate delts, triceps, quads, and glutes. I did lats too, but I hit a nerve my third time doing it so I’m done with that for now. I didn’t even know there WERE nerves there, but that’s also the only muscle where I didn’t bother to check nerve and blood vessel pathways. That said, lats seem to be almost immune to PIP.The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll be with it, the more you’ll feel like switdark_sideng it up. Eventually, your hand won’t even shake even while using your non-dominant hand to inject.
I don’t think it’s so much that lats are immune to pip, as that you have to put yourself into some odd positions that would make said pip really obvious. For example, I thought my biceps were immune to it, and then I decided to do some ridiculous behind the back stretdark_sideng of them one day. Oh, it’s there, it just wasn’t being aggravated. I think that’s part of why side delts seem to have to few issues with it. You have to do some intentional and funky shit to get a real stretch on those.
- November 3, 2020 at 9:57 am
- in reply to: Dbol – Only Water Weight?
Originally Posted by redz
Dbol is one hell of a compound. When used with the right training and diet anything is possible my leanest point ever I was on 75mg dbol Ed. I never would have though that along with test and high deca could make me so lean. My avatar pic was 250 Test/900 deca/ 75mg dbol.Nuh uh bruh, that’s just all water and bloating and moonface and I bet your dick didn’t work and…wait, goddamn, THAT picture? xD
- November 3, 2020 at 3:06 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyI’d definitely second that first paragraph. I’ve given many veins a through and through and bled a bit. Even gotten the occasional blood blister from catdark_sideng a vein just right to give it a lateral tear instead of a puncture. I have still never managed to actually land the end of a pin in a vein. It’s gotten to the point where I often don’t even bother aspirating anymore with 1” pins.
- November 3, 2020 at 2:59 am
- in reply to: Need advice for future cycle
Originally Posted by neadl3
Test was 500-750 in my past cycles and rest was filled with anabolics. I had no estrogenic sides and was feeling really good on that androgen dose .No need to over complicate then. Test at 500-600, deca at 300-400 and you’re golden.
You can throw in the Anavar if you want, but I don’t see it being all that useful for that kind of cycle. Masteron would be a more appropriate DHT instead of using an AI or SERM, or if you had Anadrol I’d toss that in over the var.
Since you do have proviron though, you could theoretically use that to help stave off DHN related Deca sides, though at 300-400 it’s likely unnecessary unless trying to run low test, which it doesn’t sound like you want to do.
Caber is entirely too expensive (and unnecessary) an ancillary to run unless you’re extremely prone to prolactin sides.12-15 weeks of the aforementioned test and deca doses should give you a lot without getting needlessly complicated. I’d recommend hiring an actual AAS coach if you’re wanting to do a bunch of cycle swapping if you’re not already familiar with how you respond to all of the compounds.
- November 3, 2020 at 2:31 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by rdk
No i agree, that’s why I sit back with popcorn and enjoy the drama. I have even seen newbies being suggested test/tren/mast cycle with gram a week for first time in those groups lmaoAnd these are the future “can’t handle Tren bro, dem sides” population. Fuck ‘em if they can’t be bothered to read more and better sources before taking the pins.
- November 3, 2020 at 2:30 am
- in reply to: Dbol – Only Water Weight?
Originally Posted by Androgen
You are not going to get any long lasting results from dbol period and it is not made to.
I have run it both ways.
You also talk about stopping dbol and losing everything while on cycle. It doesn’t work that way.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I may have worded some things poorly. I attempted to put forth that nothing that any of the drugs give is permanent, only that duration of use at any given time tends to correlate pretty well with duration of effect post cycle.
Dianabol seems to convey quite strong short burst effects (strength, overall mass, feeling of wellbeing, etc.) but as with all things, the majority of these are transient and disappear relatively quickly after cessation of dosing.
I think that the best way to convey what I was attempting to in a small sum would be no drug gives you “keepable” anything, if you stop providing the stimulus and fuel for these, also base level hormones have an obvious impact (be it TRT or natural recovery). Dianabol just has a bad reputation for this particular thing because the “in and out” is so damned fast, even in comparison to a lot of other orals.
My experience with it is also biased to the degree that I’m nowhere near the final lean mass potential of my hormone therapy induced levels. As such, more of what Dianabol helps me to get via training improvements and nutrient utilization are likely to hang around, assuming that I don’t completely detrain and/or start eating like an idiot.- October 30, 2020 at 11:03 am
- in reply to: Masteron Propionate +Test Enanthate Cycle?
Never know until you try. Do you have experience with test only cycles? If so, which dosages have you feeling the best?
If not, starting at 500-600/week and adding 200-300/week of mast could work great. Just make absolutely sure you’re not doing something stupid like running an AI on that test dose along with the mast. You’ll wreck your E2 and end up feeling like shit, unless you’re extremely estrogen sensitive.