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- November 10, 2020 at 6:02 am
- in reply to: does steriods shrink your penis myth or fact?
Originally Posted by RAU
No way. Winny did not make your penis grow 1.5 in. I think you were being serious and I don’t want people believing that so they take winny.Yes it did. Only on winstrol though . And we all know everyone is different with reactions . just MY "other " growth exp.
And I agree , no one should expect that lol.
Not saying it will for everyone , when I was off it went back to where it was before .
- November 10, 2020 at 1:17 am
- in reply to: does steriods shrink your penis myth or fact?
Myth – one androgenic side effect is enlarged penis . And agree on depending on fat gain or loss . Winny makes mine up to 1.5in bigger . Also I dropped 20lbs in fat and gained one more 🙂- November 5, 2020 at 5:48 pm
- in reply to: AAS and heart problems
Originally Posted by Domus
I take Crestor @ 5mg Ed.What are side effects of crestor ?
- November 5, 2020 at 2:31 pm
- in reply to: Favorite Oral Steroid
I feel leftout now that i havnt tried var lol.- November 5, 2020 at 12:11 pm
- in reply to: Favorite Oral Steroid
Originally Posted by Domus
Var @ 100 EDmaybe ill try var soon XD
- November 5, 2020 at 8:27 am
- in reply to: Steroids and the brain
Originally Posted by tdd_br
Intredasting, id like to know more. The "sense of well being" makes me want to hope on juice but all the possible cons really scare me, its risky business I guess. And thought AAS could only affect you physically, not psychologically/mentally. Gotta research on this part of the spectrum. f*** so much need have to know about!!!Like i said everyone is id different …
Not everyone has same effect or sides …good luck- November 5, 2020 at 7:38 am
- in reply to: Winstrol Effectiveness
Originally Posted by sas
Hi allI’ve run winny before when I was much bigger and holding more bf and was pretty disappointed with the results.
Following that I’ve been on hyges for about 4 months with eca on and off and have switched up my diet and training is more cardio-St07ed. I’m now down to around 14% bf, but wanted to know if it’s worth running winny yet or if I should wait until I got it down further. Last thing I want to do is spend cash on a cycle that doesn’t give me results.
In terms of goals, I really just want to harden up and get a strength boost as all the cardio is killing my ability to lift heavy. I didn’t have any joint problems last time, so not worried about that either.
Will be stacking it with prop.
Let me know your thoughts on how effective winstrol is at this bf %
diet cardio diet cardio diet cardio till you getting to desired bf .
you can lean out on anything as long as diet and cardio are in check .
id always do these till i get no results then do supplementation , and ramup intensity . 14%you youll see reaults but better ofr waiting . imo- November 5, 2020 at 7:28 am
- in reply to: Favorite Oral Steroid
Originally Posted by dustinn07
Can I have some input and reviews from users who’ve used " dianabol, anavar, helladrol, dieselbolan, and Epistane" and share what kind of gains and sides they got from using them. And which ones they’ve like the best!dbol – best pumps ever ! , gained good strength and size as well.
no gyno
did bloat me a bitvar – N/A
never herd of helladrol
epistane is one of my all time favorites ! very vascular and dry hard quality gains . strength gains were lost after cycle , but good on.
hair loss (minimal )
joint pains aftet 3months of usage
atrophy of testies after 4 months of usage .
elevated blood work after 4 months of usage .winstrol -is most favorites .
pumps , strength , size ,vascularity , endurance .joint pain
thining of hairall used with different tests except epi
- November 5, 2020 at 6:18 am
- in reply to: AAS and heart problems
what is a good protocols for this?- November 5, 2020 at 5:45 am
- in reply to: Steroids and the brain
Originally Posted by Twisted_Firestarter
O think it depends on the person themselves , and there personality .Everyone is different . For example have a buddy that was a as*hole , he started doing gear and just couldn’t control his anger … Very irritated and snappy
Mmyself , im mellow , and kind , and have great stress management skills .. On cycle i feel great , and happy in a way , not high or anything , but a sense of well being .
So if your a Di*k andstart doing gears chances are your going to be a bigger one if you cant control your self
I also think that all the "roid rage " media and horror stories make a psychological ball start rolling … "Oh if you take this you will be a monster ..and will be bad ass ,makes you crazy strong , andsupper aggressive in the gym.." or the" roid rage " deaths .fights . Etc..
People dont understand that it carries in your life … Not just in the gym…
And some of the side effects caused by AAS of course can cause psychological issues …on or off cycle-testicular atrophy , gyno, baldness ,-can cause anxieties ,and depressions …
Everyone is different … Imho no one should do AAS until they know them selves physically , mentally and even spiritually ..
Also it has said to help short term memory loss as a side effect of low T.. I feel sharper on it.. Not smarter like i can understand quantum physics
- October 30, 2020 at 7:23 pm
- in reply to: Steroids and the brain
O think it depends on the person themselves , and there personality .Everyone is different . For example have a buddy that was a as*hole , he started doing gear and just couldn’t control his anger … Very irritated and snappy
Mmyself , im mellow , and kind , and have great stress management skills .. On cycle i feel great , and happy in a way , not high or anything , but a sense of well being .
So if your a Di*k andstart doing gears chances are your going to be a bigger one if you cant control your self
I also think that all the "roid rage " media and horror stories make a psychological ball start rolling … "Oh if you take this you will be a monster ..and will be bad ass ,makes you crazy strong , andsupper aggressive in the gym.." or the" roid rage " deaths .fights . Etc..
People dont understand that it carries in your life … Not just in the gym…
And some of the side effects caused by AAS of course can cause psychological issues …on or off cycle-testicular atrophy , gyno, baldness ,-can cause anxieties ,and depressions …
Everyone is different … Imho no one should do AAS until they know them selves physically , mentally and even spiritually ..