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  • tlkill
    In my experience high tren + moderate test + a dbol bump is the best cycle that exists. something about tren + dbol.

    I do like my npp at times, however. I just run like 6mL tren ace a week. 2mL test and a dbol tab post workout

    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >View

    Straight toxic waste

    I ran it once & still have another cycle’s worth on hand.

    Gave me the worst heart burn & lethargy – Worse than dRol

    I will admit that you can feel yourself slowly dying on superdrol. (or quickly dying depending on your dose).

    But you gotta admit that it’s one of the most effective steroids out there for both mass and strength.

    Probably the best steroid out there for mass and strength gains. It’s like tren on steroids haha. The one drawback is that it’s so liver-toxic, it’s almost unbearable.

    I accidentally ran 80mg per day, and I started going into acute liver failure within 10 days. The harshest sdrol cycle I would recommend is 40mg ED for 4 weeks. <–This will completely transform you.

    edit: I usually stack with test and deca .

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