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- October 30, 2020 at 3:17 am
- in reply to: Anavar – "little to no hepatotoxicity"
I’ve been touting this on here for awhile. Var at low dosages is even used to help treat alcoholic liver disease .. clearly docs are not going to prescribe something extremely hepa toxic to treat liver disease.of course like anything in life, too much of something can always be bad . 100mg of Var per day is going to stress the liver (just like eating 3 large mcdonalds fries per day would stress the liver).
liver issues in TrueMaxding isn’t generally a problem. oral AAS is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. its exaggerated so supplement companies can make money selling you liver protection pills
- September 15, 2020 at 11:58 am
- in reply to: Tamoxifen (Nolva) + Anastrozole (Arimidex)
ok so there is no ‘excess estrogen" if you don’t have any exogenous test coming in, and your in pct and your natty test is crashed as well.
you don’t have any aromatization hardly happening at all. so there is not going to be any excess or any new estrogen really even coming in. which is why an AI would be pointless really and risk crashing the little estrogen you do fact your symptoms may not be all that "high" estrogen related at all.. many guys get gyno symptoms or high estrogen symptoms, even though E levels are normal, simply because they no longer have enough androgens to off set things. if your estrogen to androgen ratio is way off (meaning androgens are lower then estrogen), then that will cause E like symptoms.
this is why guys, may often times run things like Halotestin at the first signs of gyno. because its a very very potent androgen. also why Masteron helps (its not only androgenic but its specifically made to blunt receptors in the breast .. thats why its called MASTeron , "mast" means "breast”).
so again,, you’d hate to think that you have estrogen problems (which is not likely cause you don’t have any testosterone to convert to estrogen in the first place) and throw an AI at the problem , and end up making things worse.
start with the basics . 40mg of Nolva for 7 days then drop to 20mg and just see what happens . but again IF your androgen levels are super low or non existent, its doing to take some time to off set things until your androgen levels get elevated.
if you have low T to begin with, you’d probably be better off and healthier blasting and cruising then messing with PCT though
- September 15, 2020 at 7:33 am
- in reply to: Tamoxifen (Nolva) + Anastrozole (Arimidex)
just to clarify . Nolvadex does NOT raise estrogen per se , IT IS ESTROGEN . its just a very non estrogenic form of estrogen that has a very strong binding affinity to certain receptors in the body. so it , being estrogen, will bind to receptors in breast tissue AS an actual estrogen, but its an estrogen that does not illicit any estrogenic effects. so it "occupies" these receptors in place of a stronger form of estrogen like E2.can your blood serum levels of estrogen be elevated when taking Nolva.. yeah sure. but thats not a problem. because the receptors are getting blocked , or "occupied", and the estrogenic effects themselves are not taking place.
can you add an AI ? sure.. but those come with their own side effects. over do it and you’ll wind up having gyno plus a non functioning penis, brain fog and extreme lethargy . nolva alone is by far much safer. IF you were on cycle , Nolva and Masteron together are the best combo.
just be aware.. taking an AI when you have no exogenous androgens coming in can lead to a host of problems.
- May 12, 2020 at 10:53 am
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
Originally Posted by McGregor
Also what do you think about water based injections in muscle groups like biceps, triceps, delts to make them bigger due to scar tissue? I’ve heard that oil base injections might blunt some of the definition of the muscle even if you are lean if you keep injecting the same muscle group over and over.I’m a fan of using bases, suspensions and no ester compounds in muscle groups you want to bring up. example, test suspension injected in the outer bicep to help bring up your peak. BUT its NOT because of scar tissue build up (thats not a good thing). its because there is no ester attached to the compound , and thus there is no need for the enzyme that breaks down esterfied steroids into the blood stream . so theoretically the steroid can have an immediate and localize effect into the muscle it was injected in (again this is not the case with steroids that are attached to an ester because of the enzyme needed to break it down into the blood stream)
- May 12, 2020 at 4:12 am
- in reply to: Dbol – half life and dosage?
do you really want to know the "half life" or do you want to know the "active life" ?
a lot of guys confuse the two. they think the ‘half life’ is how long a drug lasts.. but thats not what half life is. half life is essentially the point at which a drug is fully active in your system and ‘half’ ie, 50%, of it still remains. whereas the active life is how long a drug is in your system for and active.anyhow. half life is about 4 hours. meaning that after 4 hours the drug has been fully active and about half of it remains. if your goal is to keep levels on the upper end and above 50% then you’ll need to dose it every 4 hours or so then.
note- keeping high blood levels of Dbol is not really necessary for it to be effective though.I generally run 50mg.. if I’m not on Dbol as part of my cycle and just using it as a pre workout then I’ll run 20mg.
you hear about female competitors getting ‘crashed metabolisms’ , and they blame it on thyroid meds. but the real cause was the combing that with 3 hours of excessive cardio per day, plus weights, plus extreme dieting on only 1000 cals per day and nutrition deficiency for long periods of time .its not all that suppressive . I know plenty of people who go on and off it several times per year and have done so for years and their thyroid checks out fine on blood work.its a self regulating system between TSH, T4, and T3 ,, and between the pituitary, the thyroid gland and the liver.
if you take exogenous T3, your pituitary will think that your liver is converting T4 into T3 at a high rate.. so it will simply slow down production of TSH . once you stop taking T3 then the pituitary ramps up more TSH and the thyroid gland will see this and crank out more T4 , and then the liver will make its own T3 again.its not suppressive in the same way that AAS are suppressive to the Hpta
- April 6, 2020 at 7:54 am
- in reply to: Anavar and hair loss
Anavar without a test base is fairly hair friendly..Anavar with a test base is not really all that hair friendly. the reason being is you have the test converting to DHT, but then on top of that you have the Var lowering your SHRonin and thus freeing up a ton more DHT into the blood stream (SHRonin binds DHT).
and DHT is the culprit for hair loss- October 18, 2019 at 9:37 am
- in reply to: Test and eq cycle
Originally Posted by Domus
EQ is generally dosed at or higher than test. Please do some research on EQ, plan on having red cells drawn at least twice during your cycle as EQ will thicken your blood to potentially dangerous levels. .I’ve heard this about EQ for years.. however I’ve yet to experience it myself or see it with others at any higher rate then any other AAS .
The reason why its common to think that EQ raises your hemoglobin hematocrit , is simply imo , because its very common for this drug to be ran at high dosages (800-1200mg a week) and for long durations (16-24 weeks) . well if you go doing that with Deca , your hemoglobin is going to be greatly elevated too . same with a lot of other AAS.. I don’t think EQ is a special case for raising RBC more then deca or Anadrol or lots of other AAS (its just more common based on how people run it).
I cruised on EQ as my TRT at a moderate dose for 5 months.. my Hemoglobin was around 15 after that. but I’ve also ran Deca for only 12 weeks (with no EQ) and gotten my hemoglobin in the mid 19s and hematocrit mid 50s. heck I’ve cruised on high dosages of test and that too elevated my blood levels quite a bit. but EQ did not do it at any faster rate then any other drug I’ve ran..
HOWEVER , I have no doubt that if you run EQ the way its commonly ran , 800-1200mg a week for 20 weeks, then yes at the end your RBC will be elevated (but it would with most AAS at that dosage and duration).just my thoughts and experiences . but everyone is different . EQ can probably raise RBC for some guys more then others.. I just don’t think its really all that ‘special feature’ of an aspet of EQ more then any other AAS.
in fact, some of the more modern and recent online profiles for EQ don’t even bother to mention the increase RBC as a special feature of this drug like a lot of the older profiles used to do (think they got rid of some of the bro science)- October 18, 2019 at 7:33 am
- in reply to: Test and eq cycle
Originally Posted by Valleylift
Going back on cycle for 16 weeks and thinking about adding eq into the mix but want some input on dosage. Test will be at 500mg/wk. Should eq be at the same dose at test or can 250mg/wk be beneficial or a waste of time being that low? Looking for strength gains, not too worried about size at the moment. I have never tried EQ before. I have ran dbol and deca in the past with good resultsif you’ve ran Dbol and Deca in the past, and your now looking to run a mild dosage of EQ, then your going to be greatly disappointed .
EQ works best as a ‘filler’ drug.. its basically a mild non estrogen and limited androgenic form of Test. it works great for guys who are estrogen sensitive and who want to run say a gram of test as a base for their cycle, but can’t handle a gram of test due to the estrogen sides.. so they simply run 400mg of test and 600mg of EQ to give them and equivalent 1 gram test base (but with much lower E conversion).
why exactly did you pick EQ to run if your goal is strength ?
also regarding your dosage of 250mg per week .. not going to do much. when I’m off cycle and just cruising, I’ve often times ran 500mg of EQ as my ‘trt’ . if your looking to run EQ as your primary AAS during a cycle. then it needs dosed much higher (or just used as a supplemental or ‘filler’ drug) .. EQ works great in certain anabolic phases of cycling, however its not that great as a stand alone compound imo
- May 18, 2019 at 12:00 pm
- in reply to: Tren and Cardio
you’ll likely not notice those effects at 150mg per combat some of the lack of endurance issues with tren at higher dosages, Cardarine is a compound that can help that. 15-20mg per day.
works as a great tool for guys that are estrogen sensitive . but if your not e sensitive Dbol and Adrol are way betterworks great for athletes that need to make a weight class . cause Tbol does not add much weight to you
works great for females
- January 21, 2019 at 8:08 am
- in reply to: Deca or EQ – For size
Deca hands down . EQ is more of a pure anabolic that works great as a filler drug or background drug (or to cruise on).. Deca works through other mehansims besides just up regulating protein synthesis, like sensitizing you to estrogen which is then going to increase hepatic IGF output, water retention, nitric oxide production , and other things that stimulate mass gains..having said that , I’m running them both together right now
when in doubt between choosing between two compounds, just run them both