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- November 10, 2020 at 4:25 pm
- in reply to: Test and tren
Originally Posted by T-boner
I put my diet together using information from the diet section on this site. It consists of six meals per day roughly 500 calories each meal. I tried to stay around 40 – 45 grams protein and 45 grams carbs and less than eight grams of fat each meal. My meals are measured out daily. Do I need to be eating more?That seems sufficient, That’s roughly 3000kcals. It takes about 3500 kcals to build one pound of muscle. I might of missed it above but are you bulking, cutting or maintenance?
- November 10, 2020 at 4:51 am
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
Originally Posted by Slacker78
No, if there are studies it about, it’s not your opinion…. so, clen is just a suck neighborhood shout…. it’s pointless to reduce fat mass… good to’s still an opinion that I formulated by reading some of the literature out there. You may read the same information and come to a different opinion as mine. I wouldn’t take my word or opinion as fact. It’s just my opinion right or wrong.
- November 10, 2020 at 4:36 am
- in reply to: Your experiance with Deca and Equipoise
Originally Posted by lntense
lol, it’s a sexual deviant drug.I will say though that when I combined both tren (300mg) and a low dose of deca (150-200mg), the deca didn’t effect me like it would if I were to run it solo.
I just threw it in there for the joint relief, so I may end up doing that again at some point.
That’s a good point, I have never done that. I might just try that out and see how my joints feel.
- November 10, 2020 at 4:16 am
- in reply to: Interesting Nandrolone Study
Double post- November 10, 2020 at 2:32 am
- in reply to: What role does deca play in a cycle?
Originally Posted by Skolzage
@musclescience; You’re not just saying 1g deca would be equal to 1 g test,
You say 400mg deca gives just as good gains 500 T, 500 D.
We need a new thread!Yes we do, I knew it would be a thread highjack if I said something but i couldn’t help myself lol
Sorry OP, I will say I’m a huge fan of Deca. It’s probably a very close second to only Tren E.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:05 am
- in reply to: Testosterone Binding vs Tren Binding
I’m going to add my 2 cents.As Bizzaro points out it is tissue specific. In muscle tissue Tren will have a blocking effect for T on the AR due to its extremely highly binding affinity. Let’s just say for the sake of argument that you would have Free T floating around.
My opinion on what I know and understand to be true of how androgens bind to the AR which remember is intra cellular and is not a second messenger like so many other cellular signaling pathways. This high affinity for binding would make anything other than a HRT level dosages a waste of compounds. On the flip side, if your goal was to "Saturate," the AR with T with extremely high dosages and playing on sheer probability of binding with higher numbers of molecules. Then what would be the point of then blocking Tren from binding to the AR with high Levels of T floating around?
- November 10, 2020 at 2:01 am
- in reply to: Your experiance with Deca and Equipoise
Originally Posted by lntense
I’m not a fan of EQ either. Deca is a great compound overall though, but my body just doesn’t handle it well. Moody, lack of sexual drive but my dick works fine on it. I’ve even checked my prolactin etc. and it always has the same effect, so I’ve just ruled it out.Tren on the other hand, I could run upwards of 600mg and have the best sense of well being, I react to it very well and the gains start showing the first week on ace for me. The libido increase on it is almost a nuisance.. especially if masteron is thrown in there. I have made some very bad decisions with females on tren. But as I get older I will run tren less and less for the obvious health reasons.
I feel great on both, really no steroid do I not have a general sense of better well-being to be honest.
I hear what your saying about Tren and women. When I’m on all I want to do
Is put it in their poopers. Turns me into a wannabe porn star.- November 10, 2020 at 1:57 am
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
Originally Posted by Slacker78
Clen is trash ? Why ? Nobody here, excluding a good diet and training while taking clen. It is used with good results between TrueMaxders around the world and you assume it’s trash ? Matters, or didn’t happen.Yeah, it’s a beta 2 agonist. And while it is great for stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, for athletic performance. As long as it has been around and studied. It’s has shown little to no effect on fat metabolism in any great frequency in the literature and many studies in animals and humans have been performed. I just don’t see the risk associated with it worth the benefit of using it. That’s just my opinion though.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:10 am
- in reply to: Interesting Nandrolone Study
Originally Posted by Silabolin
What..did u miss th ED part?…I’m a stallion, that shit dont faze me.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:26 pm
- in reply to: Clenbuterol: any good tips ?
I think clen is trash, honestly St07 on being "consistently," strict with a great diet and St07 on training that causes a descent amount of metabolic afterburn throughout the day.- November 5, 2020 at 3:26 pm
- in reply to: Test and tren
Originally Posted by Dreamer
Best advice I can give on Tren …Have your acid reflux pills ready.200-300 is considered an intermediate dose. If you are using UGL you most likely are only getting 100mg for every 300 you think you should be getting. Most underdosed item on the planet. We took 10 different vials from the more reputable UGLs of Tren E to a spectrograph and it completely blows the mind how much time people waste on a tren cycle that is no where near what they think.
If you can afford Tren buy the powders and make it yourself. There is a reason for so many people saying they shoot 100mg ED of the substance. I was so disheartened by all the "Tren dont like you" talk and I should give it up. It all came down to UGLs scamming people.
Damn, that’s good to know and sucks all at the same time.
- November 5, 2020 at 2:32 pm
- in reply to: What role does deca play in a cycle?
Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
you sure seem unique case of human male specimen I recall you said before you used to run oral only cycles and it worked amazing for you too, rendering alot whats being said to use test as a base for oral cycles almost as a "myth" (if I recall that right)Yeah, I had some free time and free rain of the library when I was in grad school so I would jump onto the chem and medical journal databases and look up a lot of info on all the different compounds. All these drugs were designed for a purpose. T-bol for athletes, deca for burn victims and bone mineral loss, sustason for muscle wasting ext.
There is tons of info floating around on the medical journals about it all. Plus having a background in Chemisty. Knowing how binding affinity works as far as chemical agents are concerned shaped my philosophy on stacking and how it’s probably not as productive. For example a standard 500mg T and 500mg deca cycle is no more better for my gains than just running 400mg of deca alone, plus I get virtually no sides.I think the concept of synergy is really more a function of total androgens used not their additive effect to each other. I could be terribly wrong on this, but so far, I have never seen a compelling piece of evidence/s to sway me otherwise.
- November 5, 2020 at 11:15 am
- in reply to: Your experiance with Deca and Equipoise
Originally Posted by lntense
I’ve noticed on this forum an abundance of threads with guys that cycle/pct and wanting to run either deca or EQ, and are relatively new to AAS.Why?? Are these just popular by the bros in the gym or something? I don’t get it.
EQ has this mythical power about it that college age gym bros beatoff over. I personally think it’s one of the most worthless compounds.
Deca on the other hand is second only to Tren in my mind. (I’m a fan of 19-Nors in general)
To the OP:
Deca is a bit overkill for a second cycle, you will grow like a weed on test alone the first few cycles. Once you are more experienced and more of your genetic potential is reached, then Deca is a very nice compound to use. I’m of the opinion that 400mg/week is a max dosage as it will give awesome gains with less risk of sides. It can shut you down pretty hard like mentioned above. That is one major reason to get some experience recovering with Test only cycles because they are easier to recover from and there is more margin for error due to lack of experience.
- November 5, 2020 at 10:50 am
- in reply to: What role does deca play in a cycle?
Originally Posted by Xself
Hmm, sounds intresting and very strange, so I’m intrigued.
But as for the OPs question, how does it affect your joints?Oh sorry, ‘missed that part.
I’ve never really read any research papers that says that it does other than, it stimulates collegen synthesis to some extent.
- November 5, 2020 at 8:34 am
- in reply to: What role does deca play in a cycle?
Originally Posted by Xself
That’s an age old debate.
According to some, it does nothing more, it’s just an anti inflammatory on top so that it reduces pain while on, others says it really has better effects at connective tissue than most other AAS.I’m torn on the subject myself.
But, as long as shut down and recovery isn’t a big worry, it’s a nice compound.
I feel it has helped me with joint issues before.
Can I know for certain? No.I tend to lean towards the notion that so many anecdotes about its supposed benefits may indeed mean it has some.
Ofcourse you’ll need to supplement test alongside it.The only instance I’ve seen deca only use (for joint issues) was with a woman.
And yes it helped her. Would test have done the same?
Maybe (if we disregard the virilization issue)But while you could include deca in your stack, don’t forget about glucosamine, gelatin and physio.
I run deca only cycles, best mass builder that works for me. Why I run it only is for another thread but it takes me to monsterously different places than Test or other AAS.