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- November 10, 2020 at 4:54 am
- in reply to: Is finasteride good enough on a T cycle?
Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
I’ve run Test for years with no hair loss issue. I even ran Tren /Mast/Deca /EQ/Anavar /Dbol /etc. at times with no hair loss problems.Then when I hit about 55 y/o, during a Tren/Mast cycle, I noticed my freaking hair was falling out! I used to say, when I had no hair loss issue, "Hair’s not a big deal." Then when I started go thin, hair became a HUGE deal. LOL
Now I run Finerastride, minoxidol, and nizoral shampoo. I read a study that said that nizoral shampoo showed no noticeable change to hairloss. Heck, it’s good for my scalp and as long as there is a 1% chance it’ll save some hair, I’m using it. I went went cold turkey for 6 months. Not even TRT dose of Test during the 6 months. I wanted to see if my hair would come back. Once those guys leave home they never write and they never even come for a visit.
The ultimate question came down to, will I trade my hair line for that hard and tight look when I run Test/Tren/Mast? The jury’s still out, I’m still figuring this out.
Is that a recent pic of you at age 55? sorry to go off topic but congrats man
- November 10, 2020 at 1:31 am
- in reply to: EQ or Primobolan
Originally Posted by Obs
Change your fucking avatar!NOT A SOURCE BOARD
I never even paid any attention to his avatar but looks like he’s definitely trying to advertize
- November 5, 2020 at 3:37 pm
- in reply to: Nolva during cycle
Originally Posted by OldBoy
another consideration regarding Nolva "possibly" hindering gains because of decrease IGF..Nolva was found to slightly decrease hepatic output of IGF in women taking a fairly high dosage. true, but keep in mind that the muscle cell itself (independent of liver output) has the ability to produce and utilize IGF. so just because your liver is not producing as much IGF for your whole body, does not mean it will hinder gains when the muscle is producing its own IGF for itself.
IF nolva somehow limited the muscles ability to utilize IGF , then we can assume it may hinder gains. but just because you liver is producing slightly less IGF itself does not mean the muscle is in any way limited.
then of course there is the fact that if your on a cycle and using AAS anyways , then that is more then super compensating for any slight decrease in hepatic output of IGF
worrying that Nolva may be limiting your gains due to decrease IGF production is like worrying about picking up pennies while stopping over million dollar bills
With all this being said, should we all incorporate nolva throughout every cycle unless we are wanting more water retention?
- November 5, 2020 at 3:05 pm
- in reply to: Is finasteride good enough on a T cycle?
Originally Posted by renepjd
No one can really put a number on it as it’s different for everyone. Some are prone, some aren’t. Just take precautions. Fina is an option but imho a last resort.Yea I read all the sides from Fina and I think I’ll do as you said and use as a last resort.
- November 5, 2020 at 12:32 pm
- in reply to: Is finasteride good enough on a T cycle?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
if your worried about keeping your hair over anything else,, then running low low dose androgens only and running mainly anaboics is going to be your best bet.example –
tren = super andrgeonic (5x more then test)
Deca = mainly anabolic (half as androgenic as test)keep in mind that test is equally androgenic as it is anabolic, BUT test converts to DHT which is going to bind to DHT receptors, like in the hair, and promote androgenic properties .
Finasteride is going to limit the conversion of test into DHT. which can definitely help with hair loss. but it will do nothing for something that does not convert to DHT, like Tren, which is purely and strongly androgenic all on its own
I’m 46 and pretty much have a full head of hair. There is a little receding in the front but not a lot. I know people who are more prone to hair loss naturally lose more while on Test than someone like me but at what dose of Test per week do you think would make mine start thinning?
- November 5, 2020 at 8:54 am
- in reply to: EQ or Primobolan
So it seems Primo it will be for next time. Well maybe both. Thoughts on running Deca with Primo, EQ and test? I have some deca that I’m not using right now but I’m going to at some point.- November 5, 2020 at 6:09 am
- in reply to: Nolva during cycle
Originally Posted by Axel
- November 3, 2020 at 5:38 pm
- in reply to: Tren and Cardio
Originally Posted by Androgen
You need to be careful of your hematocrit on tren . When I’m at 700 tren, I need to give blood every 30 days.
High hematocrit KILLs your cardio.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Charger, What level do you consider hema being high?