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- November 10, 2020 at 4:22 pm
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by LittleMan
it pisses me off even more when someone like yourself pretends to know so much about something you know very little about…its time to check yourself before you wreck yourself kid…clen is NOT a stimulant it is a beta 2 agonist and was designed for asthmatics and isn’t even legal here in the united states because as you stated there are many side effects that out weighed the benefits…also remember that everyone is different and dose not react the exact same way you do…there is no need for the fuck offs but I see one coming my way so be it…I’m not sure what your definition of stimulant is but clen is absolutely a stimulant, all stimulants interact with catehcholamines and are either directly or indirectly beta agonists in some way or another.
I’m not gonna get worked up about something dumb because this is just funny to me, I’ve already done all this stuff and know what happens overtime, clen is absolutely positively toxic as fuck and it is way worse than any other stimulant I’ve ever used in that sense. It’s kind of interesting how the ones parroting the same old nonsense are the ones spinning their wheels getting next to no gain from the stuff they do, I feel bad for these people and attempt to help them but apparently it gets taken the wrong way? Not sure.
Anyone using clen thinking its safe totally deluded, not saying other stimulants are safe but clen is totally different, I hate seeing people take it for little benefit at all, I would go far as to see it’s insane unless you make money off of your body.
And yes, in my own experience talking to others as well clen is far worse than adderall in terms of physical problems especially long term.
- November 10, 2020 at 12:55 am
- in reply to: Clen Vs Yohimbine for weight loss
Originally Posted by AlexPropionat
I took yohim and it did absolutely nothing and I’ve tried different brands.It’s a over rated supp in my opinion.
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At least for sexual stuff it’s worked amazing for me lol. A pwo with like 5mg yohimbine in it would give me a raging boner for hours.
Metabolism wise clen obviously is way stronger than anything besides DNP .
- November 5, 2020 at 3:40 pm
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by AlexPropionat
Did you say no one on this site knows what clen is ?Please tell me you’re joking ?
And bro , you’re using Adderall and using gear and ripping on people that use clen.
Just please do me a favor and think before you speak man. Pleaseeeeeee.
I get your young but this is your chance to think before you dark_sideme inSent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk
You people are seriously miserable holy shit!
Get the fuck off whatever you’re taking and honestly fuck off! You look like a fucking teenage boy and are talking about how you know alot about this sport!
Sorry not sorry, It’s so fucking annoying when people who have not had the success are trying to refute stuff that I know to be accurate. Follow the advice everyone else says with little thought and you will end up looking like them.
- November 5, 2020 at 11:36 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by PeanutbutterDC
What Charlie said!
Also, you might want to consider stacking ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin. Again, it’s not going to help if your diet and cardio aren’t dialed in, but the stack does offer a modest thermogenic effect. As with clen , it’s very stimulating and may affect your sleep or anxiety level.
Having used clen and ECA stack in the past, as well as having dieted naturally, I’m inclined to go natural at this point (unless I decide to compete someday)Clen stimulation is not a euphoric stimulant sadly, pretty much the opposite, it’s insane how bad it makes you feel.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:24 am
- in reply to: clenbuterol
Originally Posted by redz
Clen kicks my ass I can’t even workout or sleep while on it.I wonder how many people have put a nice sized hole in their hand from opening a drawing needle package while on clen lol
- November 5, 2020 at 7:20 am
- in reply to: Clen Vs Yohimbine for weight loss
clen has mental anxiety effects in alot of people that are particularly brutal. it works better than any compound outside of DNP for metabolism increase though.I’ve heard the same where yohimbine induces some completely insane panic attack delusions in some people though.
One thing is for sure, yohimbine boners are no fucking joke man. Yohimbine wins.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:37 am
- in reply to: Anavar + Dbol?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
yes of course you can run both. they are going to have some slightly synergistic properties and added benefits when combined together.not sure why guys think they can combine 5 different injectables but are supposed to only run one oral at a time. probably the over exaggeration of liver toxicity.. but either way, orals are just like any other AAS and often work better when stacked and combined.
lots of ways to rotate different orals into your cycles, or combine them.
eg. got clients running 25mg Winstrol first thing in the morning for the cortisol suppression and anabolic benefits, while running 50mg of Dbol or Adrol later in the day for the nutrient partitioning and nutrient retentive properties. great combo. later on they both may be pulled out and we will rotate in Var and Tbol for an anabolic only type phase. then a break. then another rotation.
you can do something similar with var and dbol
what makes winstrol special for it’s cortisol blocking effects compared to others?
When I took strong psych drugs that lowered cortisol alot I was lethargic as hell, that shit was ridiculous. Winstrol is the only " oral" I’ve not used so I’m curious, never really heard anyone say winstrol made them feel good lol.
- November 3, 2020 at 4:59 pm
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
Originally Posted by Quester
Pretty uncomfortable? To much T3 potentiates a hyperthyroid crisis.- November 3, 2020 at 1:30 pm
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
Only bad thing is if you take too much T3 at once (like.. 125mcg) it can be pretty uncomfortable.. Thats really it- November 3, 2020 at 7:44 am
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
its mainly that caffeine can effect the absorption of the med through the intestinal wall. so you may end up getting less of a dosage.
I’ve heard of caffeine limiting effects at the receptor level as well, but would need to read back up on that to say so with any confidenceMore problems with t3 absorption, this is why i want to try T3 inject
- November 3, 2020 at 4:11 am
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
If your trying to decide between T3 or T4if your cutting and on a low carb diet , T3 is going to be best. if your on a high carb diet, utilizing insulin , or just trying to promote nutrient uptake and metabolic support then T4 works fine.
if your running HGH and/or Tren and your thyroid is suppressed, T4 works just fine (as long as your liver is healthy)
if your starting a new diet and you want your metabolism at a ‘fixed’ rate while dialing in the diet and maBambs, T3 is the most optimal (as T3 is actual active thyroid hormone and requires zero conversion).
I often time have clients run T3 at a replacement dosage when starting a new diet just to take the metabolism factor out of the equation to get the diet optimized first and foremost.if your cutting, T3 works best. start with a lower dosage , 12.5-25mcg, and ramp up to 50mcg. when you come off taper back down.
if you just want some metabolic support, then T4 at 75-150mcg works.don’t take T3 with caffeine. its effects are limited when combined with caffeine.
split your T3 dosage up and take it a couple times per day with a meal
if your heart rate and body temperature go way up while on thyroid meds then your taking too high a dosage or too much at once.
when you come off of T3/T4 try supplementation with natty thyroid support like Iodinethose are just a few thoughts I have on the subject
You think the caffeine makes t3 work less? The two combined definitely make me feel like im molten lol
- November 3, 2020 at 3:20 am
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
Originally Posted by Testlolblast
Thank you all for your replies!
Well, like I had said in my previous posts I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis diagnosed at age 17, so I’m on levothyroxine 125 mcg/ed for at least three years now (have been using thyroid medication for almost 14 years). The last blood test showed this: TSH apx. 3.6, FT4 apx. 16, FT3 apx. 3.3. I upped my medication by myself for the purpose of getting TSH in the healthier range: 1 – 2. So for the time being I’m on 125 mcg/ed excepting Monday and Friday (187.5 mcg). So far haven’t experienced any anxiety, nervousness, fast heart rate, palpitations, sweating, etc. The good things are I have more energy, the mood has lifted.
The question is should I try a "TrueMaxding dose" of t4 during my upcoming test prop/ proviron aas cycle to get even more benefit of the cycle? If the answer is yes how should the dosage plan look like? Also I excluded t3 because it’s more potent and I am afraid of significant fluctuations in thyroid hormone levels, possible cardiovasular problems, getting too agitated, etc.
Thank you in advance!Your t3 levels are going to probably be fine if taking 125mcg t4 w all those androgens
- October 30, 2020 at 4:41 pm
- in reply to: clenbuterol
no actually not a single person on this entire website knows what clenbuterol is lolIt helps your body expend extra energy and fat even at tiny (1mcg) doses, this really isn’t a great thing though, it’s stressful as fuck on your body and you are not going to live as long as you could if you are obsessed with having unnaturally low levels of fat constantly alongside taking clen .
im a person who thinks DNP isnt that big of a deal but no bullshit clen is pretty scary and definitely toxic, I’ve been prescribed adderall since I was 12 and have used it thousands of times throughout the years and it never gave me a single issue cardiac wise nor do I have cardiac problems in general but clen makes my chest sting after I’ve used it for maybe a week, it’s not like a heart attack or anything but clearly something is wrong there. that isn’t even including the absolutely disgusting mental side effects the drug has, if you thought you had anxiety before clen… hah
odd world we live in where people taking drugs like clen are admired and considered healthy 😕 sorry i got a personal problem with this substance and the culture around it
- March 7, 2019 at 1:36 pm
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
T3 should be dosed 3 to 4 times a day at 5-15mcg in a perfect world as the half life is pitiful.It will absorb best fasted and while being in a capsule ime.