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- November 5, 2020 at 6:50 am
- in reply to: No Appetite on dbol?
Originally Posted by TheTaxMan
Just curiousHow were you taking the dbol ? All at once? Split dose? Also, what lab was it?
Most ive had is 60mg per day, i split it 20mg morning, afternoon, evening
No increase or decrease in appetite at all, just great pumps but they were beginning to get painful
60 mg?..u crazy..who told u too take so much…big Ramy?
- November 5, 2020 at 5:39 am
- in reply to: Is finasteride good enough on a T cycle?
Originally Posted by Balgo
then thats my bad; i always thought taking a base level of T and then upping it for a cycle and back down to base afterwards was considered a blast and cruise. it makes sense.A cruise is a cycle. A cycle involves more hormons than what is normal.
Trt is supposed to give u normal levels only.
Like 250-500 mg sustanon is a cruise example.
But no doc should give 250 mg sus for trt, cause 250 sus could give you a testlevel like 1400 ng/dl while trt aims for 650 ng/dl mostly.
1400 ng/dl WILL thicken your blood, elevate PSA, convert into e2 if left alone and raise BP if bad diett. Lipids will also much likely suffer.
All this is too much for the average 40+ male to handle, who just want to get his 30s energy levels back.Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
- November 5, 2020 at 5:11 am
- in reply to: NPP or Masteron with tren?
Originally Posted by numbere
I think nandrolone and tren have an awesome synergistic effect when used together.Depending on what doses you’ll be running you might consider taking 10mg/d of nolva as a precautionary measure.
The affect elevated cholesterol from AAS has on arterial walls would be dependent on the size (short vs long) of the cholesterol molecules in your blood stream. Which would be largely dependent on diet.
Elevated cholesterol isn’t necessarily bad, rather it depends on the size of the molecules present.
Large particulates are good, it’s the small particulates that damage arteries and allow calcium deposits to form.
Interesting. Didnt get that info from pubmed. Maybe aas create large particles then. And i think i remember Bostin said that too. As long as your diett is cholestrolfriendly, u shouldnt woory too much about aas and cholestrol.
But wouldnt a dht and 19nor have more synergy than two 19nors?
I def will consider your nolvatip in my SBC
- November 3, 2020 at 12:41 pm
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
Thanks for your contribute but you seems to miss the point there marcus. 500 mg once a week was never an option. I guess almost everybody on this forum agree on that two separate shots is better if you go for 500 mg a week from week1. My alternative was 250 mg a week first 3-4 weeks to chock the body at week 3-4 with upped dose to prevent stagnation and avoid sides.
I ended up with 250 mg twice a week, mainly because the slow respond from it. Havent used sustanon for a while and blogs report it will not kick in before week 3-4. That what most says. I always though you would feel sus rigth away. Then i guess i wouldnt benefit from 500 mg before week 7-8 or something. Man….in the past it was rare i did 8 week+ cycles.Anyway, that was an interesting chart so thanks.
- November 3, 2020 at 11:40 am
- in reply to: anadrol effectiveness
Originally Posted by tice1212
so I’m guessing the superdrol is doing u good huh?Agreed. Superdrol is amazing. Almost anadroleffect without the water and the shit wich comes along with water.
I tried anadrol 25 mg and as far as i remember it hits you rigth away. Superdrol kicks in the 2. week or so.
- November 3, 2020 at 10:49 am
- in reply to: Test 400 + Anadrol
Originally Posted by basejack
No he isn’t.Regardless, you should see his cycle history and news of his last pct & what appears to be lack of basics in terms of AI and HCG, i’d say he is pretty much guaranteed to have caused himself permanent damage already.
So he just put 18 on his age profilstats for fun?
- November 3, 2020 at 9:27 am
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
- November 3, 2020 at 8:44 am
- in reply to: Test 400 + Anadrol
Originally Posted by basejack
Are you pinning 500mg twice a week for 1g in total?AI?
You will need 2 SERMs for oct and should have them already.Stats?
Cycle history?He is 18
- November 3, 2020 at 7:34 am
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
Originally Posted by numbere
Large amounts of exogenous test will cause muscles to increase the density (create more) of androgen receptors.This is why long time AAS users like Piana are able to run such large amounts of androgens and reap all the effects.
Also, this is another reason why it’s advised to use 500mg of test for your first cycle, because adding in other compounds may be a waste if they can’t be full utilized by the body.
The expression of androgen receptors in human neck and limb muscles: effects of training and self-merQistration of androgenic-anabolic steroids
Wtf man. Increase the ar in the neck only?. What are you trying to do to me there numb, make me look like a belgian blue? .guess the ladies do not like a bulldude with traps bigger than the shoulders. That what the last one concluded. Doesn’t increase ar in limbs. .just the neck….usj..
F.uck man…that was cheap- November 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
- in reply to: First tren cycle
Originally Posted by Nine91
Fair enough. My goal is to gain as much lean mass and strength as possible. This is my first time with tren so I wasn’t thinking of running it that long, but you are right. I’ll change it to weeks 1-10 Thank you!My take. But Im a minriskguy. I liked your first suggestion better. Why?…Well. always start as little as possible. Propionate will kick in fast with the benefits. Then, when plateu is coming u force it further with a New strong compound making gaining all cycle possible. New suggestion most likely stop all gains permanently at week 6-8 with lot of extra sides.
- November 3, 2020 at 5:21 am
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
Originally Posted by ALIN
In my early years all I used was SUST and I injected every 5-7 days and made fantastic gains.I’m with numbere,,,4 weeks with SUST is way to short.That wasnt the point. I will run sus for 11 weeks. But I was thinking of doing 250 mg a week first 3-4 weeks, then up to 500 mg to prevent plateuing and reduze sides. Thinking, first week u will grow nomatter what and its important to confuse the body. But numb has good arguments as always.
- November 3, 2020 at 2:57 am
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
Ah…yeah. I guess now its at least a 50% chance of me doing another susshot thirsday.but…i will reasearch this one first "The body doesn’t buid up a resistance to test." -numbere 2016
- November 3, 2020 at 12:53 am
- in reply to: Sus once a week ok first weeks?
Originally Posted by numbere
Sus was designed to be taken once a week, so you should be okay with that protocol if you only want a trt dose.I don’t really agree with your reasoning Sil.
It seems like a waste of time, money, and potentially health to half ass a cycle for 4 weeks.
If you’re going to shut you HPTA down for a cycle then you should do what gets results and run 250mg twice a week for the whole cycle.
But wouldn’t the body adapt faster when it faces the same dose?…I dont wanna run 750 mg.
And health??…say what?….u seriously cant mean running 500 is more healthier than 250.
Rich Piana always talks about adaption and you MUST confuse the body, rigth baby?..And so on…..remember?- October 30, 2020 at 3:33 pm
- in reply to: Strange injecting problems
Originally Posted by Sfla80
U hit scar tissue.How often do u change locations….how many locations for u use
i always use the same spot…rigth top ass…..but never more than 2,5 cc and just mon wed fri…
scartissue…??…so how come i never saw this problem before. It just occurs when i mix water and oil and especially if the water is to go in first and oil is pressing from behind? Just water si very simple. Always.
- October 30, 2020 at 12:35 pm
- in reply to: Is finasteride good enough on a T cycle?
Originally Posted by Balgo
I have ran one test only cycle and a tren cycle before; the test cycle produced some hairloss but not awful while the tren cycle produce a good amount of thinning. As far as i know, finsteride is worthless against tren but will it be able to fend off hairloss on a 500-700mgs per week test cycle?Also, any recommendations on what to possibly stack it with for my 3rd ever cycle?
btw im on TRT so it will be a blast and cruise
What do u mean blast and cruise?. Cruise and trt are not the same.
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