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- November 10, 2020 at 2:51 am
- in reply to: Adding Trenbolone Acetate on my bulk?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
well according to your title your wanting to BULK. so what can you expect adding Tren to just 250mg of test,, well you may end up losing weight, not gaining it (no I’m not talking about losing muscle, just getting leaner).
imo, Tren is one of the best contest prep drugs there is. but if your looking at a pure Bulk, then there are certain ways you have to go about it.
now to get lean, shredded, dry, hard, muscular and full looking (or Recomping) Tren is the best. But your weight may go down not up.
your not going to put on 30 pounds of tissue with Tren.If you want to try and use tren to bulk, then you need to run it along side elevated estrogen levels (Tren does not aromatize to estrogen at all , but it needs estrogen to help with growth . . . when ranchers bulk up cattle with Tren, its actually the massive amounts of Estrogen they give them at the same time that really helps put on the size).
250mg of test is not going to provide you enough estrogen in the presence of Tren to initiate a lot of growth. If I bulk on Tren, I’m running at least 1000mg of Test, and throwing in some Dbol at like 50mg a day as well.
if you can’t tolerate a whole lot of estrogen, then your way better off using Tren for just cutting or recomps, or using a drug like Deca to bulk up with instead of Tren
note: I’m NOT saying that there are not some guys that respond fairly well to tren and do put on some lean tissue (thats also dependent on what else they are running) . but there are plenty of guys that run low dose test, and just add in Tren and expect to bulk up, but they don’t grow at all, they just get lean and hard
Thoughts on Tren Ace vs Tren Enth as far as side effects go? Is it better to do Tren Ace and merQistrate ED injections to keep blood levels stable? Rocking a total of 4-6 injections sites ED sames tough.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:12 am
- in reply to: Is finasteride good enough on a T cycle?
I’d check out goodlookingloser he has good advice for hair loss. General consensus is finastride, nizoral shampoo and minoxidil and hope for the best. But yes finastride will "fend off" thinning to an extent.- November 3, 2020 at 8:16 am
- in reply to: Tren and Cardio
Originally Posted by THE ROCK
Are you joking here or being serious? I have heard the effects are uhm, can make you go crazy from running trenBeing serious. I remember my dreams really well, get weirdly emotional while watdark_sideng TV. Only get sweats when I eat like 600g of carbs. Insomnia past after the first two weeks. One thing that really sucks is girls. I legit am struggling to not go and f*** every girl out clubbing. With all the extra emotional feels I cba to get attached and St07 on my goalsss.
- November 3, 2020 at 6:17 am
- in reply to: Tren and Masteron Benefits?
Originally Posted by Oman
Anabolic MemberJoin DateNov 2017Posts6,282from my understating, Masteron blunts estrogen sensitivity via the progestin loop. progestins sensitize your estrogen receptors to estrogen. this is why you can get tren gyno even though it doesn’t convert to estrogen , its because tren as a progestin will act on progestin receptors and make you hyper sensitize to the low amounts of estrogen you do have.. Masteron simply blunts this process keeping you from becoming hyper sensitive to estrogen even in the presence of progestins (which is why it works great being ran with 19 nor progestins like tren and deca ).also, mast is fairly androgenic (though on paper it isn’t rated that high) . both directly and indirectly. its directly androgenic in that it will bind to androgen receptors and relay androgenic properties to cells, and its indirectly androgenic in that it will lower SHRonin which will then free up a lot more DHT into the blood stream.
elevated androgen levels in the body will counter the "feminizing" effects that estrogen can have , even if your estrogen levels are high.
which is why its also an old school approach to run Halotestin (the most androgenic AAS out there) to counter gyno symptoms.
androgens have a way of countering/offsetting negative estrogen no Mast is not working like an AI at all or killing your estrogen levels. its working though much different pathways and actually working much better and healthier then an AI , imo .
having high estrogen levels is actually a good thing on cycle . the problem with high estrogen only is a problem if your androgen levels are super low. with both elevated estrogen and elevated androgen levels there becomes a synergy between the two and you will make better gains..
running Mast , I recommend 100mg EOD for a general cycle (much higher if in contest prep).
interesting side note – just like progesterone will sensitize estrogen receptors to estrogen, estrogen itself will sensitize androgen receptors to androgens (which is why crushing estrogen going into a cycle is a bad idea and going to limit the success of your cycle and the AAS having effect on receptors)
Last edited by OldBoy; 11-01-2019 at 05:54 PM.Right that makes sense to me. Hows this look for the moment
50mg Test EOD
100mg Mast EOD
100mg Tren EOD
2.5 IU Humatrope (Ramping to 4IU)Tempted to throw anavar for the abdominal fat loss (its where its all accumulated T_T) but might be overkill. I’m hyper responding atm. Thoughts?
- November 3, 2020 at 3:50 am
- in reply to: Tren and Cardio
Originally Posted by THE ROCK
Idk right now but will see how I react to it, the shortness of breath and reduced endurance makes me wonder why anyone would run tren rather than something like dbol or winnyI find that weird. I’d personally swear by tren although I haven’t tried the other compounds. I love the vivid dreams, emotion, strength and recomping effects of tren.
- May 18, 2019 at 9:03 am
- in reply to: Tren and Cardio
I find that tren makes it bit tougher to breath nothing too crazy. Moreso around 525mg/week. Doing cardio is a little bit tougher for me nothing significant but regular walking i tend to think about how much heavier I am breathing etc.