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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouthView
    Welcome SeNoLD. I would consider tb500 as well based on Times Romans log. Anavar can actually make tendon pain worsen due to it being a "drying" compound. A lot of guys cant use winstrol because if this. Joint pain is a common side effect that winstrol can cause, and even though winstrol isn’t anavar, the mechanism of action is much alike.

    I know this forum is dated but I had to add my 2 cents… "Drying compound"? Please elaborate where you’ve researched and read such information. Does anyone do their own research on supplements?? Try it you’ll be amazed at the information you can find. Anavar (oxandrolone) was designed for burn victims. How do I know this? I RESEARCHED. Never have I ever read anything (besides uneducated forum posts) about a "drying compound" related to anavar. Oh and btw Anavar and Winstrol may provide some similar results. But, they are working much differently within your body. If you have nothing informative to add to the thread please DON’T POST. So, DEPENDING on the shoulder issue it could provide some healing. It all depends on the severity of the injury.

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