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- November 10, 2020 at 3:14 pm
- in reply to: Asking your doctor to prescribe steroids?
6000 cal a day and ur not gaining? how long have you been eating 6000cal a day? how consistent is it? What is your percentage of protien,carbs, and fat?- November 10, 2020 at 2:59 pm
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Originally Posted by Manpretty
oh and yes someone said it, no steroid is better at producing "fast twitch" muscle fibers that is your training your talking about therre, i mean you could take deca or winny and it wouldnt matter one bit if you werent training for fast twitch growthActually you are right and wrong there. Without the right training you won’t get what you want- that is the right part. The value of right training far out weighs the the value of the right roid.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:44 pm
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Originally Posted by Manpretty
your money is better spend on one on one coadark_sidengI agree with this 100% at his age. I also know that adding to much strength can mess up your shot until you adjust. I trained a bball player for a different sport but as the bball season approached we incorporated more medicine ball throws. He definitely needed to adjust for the added strength, he was pissed at first, and he wasn’t even taking roids.
By the way I’m not a profesional trainer. I’ve always played sports and taught martial arts in my twenties which is where I met the kid I mention above. During that time I’ve read a lot on conditioning/Bambsstraining, incorporated it my classes, and my own training routines. I’ve also been coached a bit (and still am being coached). Still trying to learn.
- November 10, 2020 at 10:12 am
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Originally Posted by Stal
Ben Johnson only took 2mg/day of winny! He injected furazabol which is very similar to winny, but without the joint/tendon sides. He got caught for winny because he mistakenly injected winny instead of furazabol too close to his test.
(Winny has a longer detection time).
400mg/week of test is way too much for a sprinter and will put on a lot more weight than 200mg/week of test. For one, it will stimulate appetite significantly more than 200mg/week of test. It will also stimulate much more muscle growth. If this guy is lifting weights too, it may be hard not to gain too much mass no matter what program he follows. Definitely agree on the plyos though.From your answer I can tell sprinting is your world. I’m better at general atheletic training for contact sports. Where you want some size but you want speed and some endurance as well. Being to big can hinder endurance as well as speed. The sprinters I’ve known had college scholorships but they weren’t world class as far as I know. They weren’t huge but they were thick and dense for sure, especially in the legs.
I’ve heard of furazabol and was interested in it because there were rumours that it was similar to winny but not as harsh on the liver and hdl/ldl. Then I heard those points were myths and since it was a lot more expensive then winny I never bothered to try it. Since you say it is not bad for connective tissue I’ll take another look at it (but the price is still high in comparison).
So the sprinters you know(maybe you to) don’t have an off season where you put on a few lean pounds? then a period were you work more on speed, loosing some of the added weight preseason? Just asking out of curiosity. Training is something I love. i’m always willing and wanting to learn more. In the past my coaches usually liked me cause I’d give up my notions to try and learn their point. I figured they are the coaches so they must know something I don’t even if their idea didn’t seem right to me initially. Now I just have a trainer once a week and a tennis pro. I just started playing tennis. I know my agility will suffer from the cycle I’m on now but I figure I’ll loose some when I come off (I actually intentionally plan on loosing some size when I comeoff) and be more agile after.trean
- November 10, 2020 at 6:13 am
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Hey Flybu,Sorry if I came off with attitude it has been a long day. I still do respectfully disagree with some of your points though. I’m not a world class sprinter so I can’t tell you what they do. I do believe in preiodaztion and I still think diet has more to do with making a difference in weight then the difference in the doses we talked about. I appreciate your in put though.
If I’m wrong maybe you can educate me, but that will require some work. I really think though that this guy needs to hear more about training then steriods . As I’ve asked him if he was familiar with either periodaization or plyometrics. He didn’t respond to that. Plyometrics seems like a rudimentary staple these days for serious athletes in sports requiring explosiveness.
b cool,
- November 10, 2020 at 4:16 am
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Originally Posted by Stal
The cycle posted above should not be used by someone wanting to increase his speed & explosiveness. It will put far too much weight on. Elite sprinters rarely take more than 200mg/week of test. Less is more for sprinters.
Anavar is not like mestanolone. Anavar is too anabolic & will make you too heavy. Why do u think they give it to HIV patients to help them gain weight (apart from the fact that it’s one of the less toxic orals)? Mestanolone has no anabolic activity at all. It will help to increase your neural efficiency and strength without putting weight on you. This is what you want. All of the top sprinters in the world are relatively light, but very strong for their body weight.Bro diet controls weight better then the difference between 200mg a week and 400mg a week of test. Besides he’s coming off the test three months prior to season. You can’t be peaking for your sport year round if you think you can, your wrong. That is why they have periodaztion. The idea is to put on not only muscle in the first two months also but develop the tendons and connective tissue through lifting heavier weight. Yes he will be slower during this phase of training and cycling, but that is to increase strength. Look at some modern training books for conditioning post season and pre season. in the next two phases he will loose weight and some of the strength but will have greater power- explosiveness.
As for anavar putting on to much weight, your the first first I have ever heard say that anavar puts on to much weight.
As for winny I agree and do not recommend it for explosive sports because it is said to unevenly develop tendons, although we must both admit Ben Johnson’s uneven tendons won him a world record.
- November 10, 2020 at 1:02 am
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Originally Posted by marckel
my goals are to run faster, jump higher, and be more explosive as a basketball athleteOkay well let’s make a hypothetical situation withour athlete John.
John has a six month off season training period.
His goals are to be faster, jump higher, and develop his explosive movement.
He has decided to partition his offseason into three training periods with a different St07 for each period.
For the first two months he will deveolop strenth. Strength can be defined as the ability to exert force overtime -this is not to explosive.
His goal while lifting is to increase his muscle mass and strength while keeping fat down. He will work one muscle group once a week,doing 10 to12 sets per muscle group doing a weight that allows him no more then 5 or 6 reps per set. Once he can do 7 reps its time to move up the weight up. As many of the lifts as possibles should be multi joint lifts,things like dead lifts, clean and press, standing bent over rows, bench presses, and squats. He should do some cardio and stretdark_sideng every day, prefferably at least several hours before or after lifting. If john does the cardio before he wants his body fresh for maximumeffort while lifting. If after he wants to wait at least several hours so his body can St07 on feeding his muscles. He still plans on doing playing a little bball EOD and works on specific drills fortechnique on his off days.
This would be a good time to run A longestered Testosterone like Enanthenate. He plans on using Arimedix as his AI to cut down on estrogen side effects,especially bloating. He will help kick start the cycle with anavar for six weeks as he remebers reading from his research that anavar increases strength without adding much weight.During the second two months he will switch his St07 to developing power off of the strength base he has been working on in the previous phase.
This requires a drastic drop in weight, and the lifts are now going to be explosive where he is actually throwing the weights around in a controlled manner. This will require him to use some new excersizes and get rid of some
of the old. These would include jump squats with less weight,and he will be doing sets of 15. in between sets he plans on doing fast feet work with the weights still on his shoulders. On shoulder days he will run a modefied version oftheclean and press where he does a full front squat from the clean before going in to the press,then lower the weight behind his neck and do a full back squat,again comming up in to a press before finally finishing the excersize. Note each time he moves the weight up, his goal is to explode into the movement. The Romanian one arm snatch his another good excersize to add at this point. He has also selected or developed a bunch of sport specific medicine ball routines to implement. His cardio now consists of sprint work with active recovery periods (jogging – walking fast, what ever he can handle). Hestillplays Bbal eod and drills technique on the off days.
For the first month of this phase john has decided to switch to Test prop and masteron . He is still using adex. The short ester test should further minimize any bloat and will allow the long esters from the previous phase to clear before starting PCT. Pct will start in the second month of his second phase.
The masteron will help with the intensisty of training and hopefullyharden him a little.During the third phase weight training is reduced to a maintenance plan.Alot of the time spent lifting before is now St07ed on medicine ball drills for upper body and leaping, bounding, and sprinting for the lower. Moretime is spent on the court both drilling and playing. During the first month of this phase John willbe completing the last month of PCT and have another month free of substances before the season starts.
The cycle would look something like:
weeks 1-8 Testosterone enanthenate 400 -500mg week -( broken up into 2 injections)
weeks 1-6 anavar 60 mg ed
weeks 9-12 test prop 100mg ED
weeks 9-12 masteron 50mg ED
near the end of week 13 start PCT,which would include nolvadex and aromasin .Through out the cycle John has used Adex tocontrol estrogen and becuase he did his researh and knows there is no male pattern baldness on his mothers side of the family he decided not to use finestride.
This is a quick example not to be taken as literal directions. I have to run to the gym for my evening workout so this has not been proof read.
It should however give you and idea of where your head should be at, you should be thinking not only about your goals but how to attain them.
By the way you’ll notice I wrote more about training then steriods . That is because without the proper training the steriods won’t do that much for you.
Where you are young and have decided to do this anyway I’m throwing my 2cents in. In my youth, if I had to make a choice between proper training or steriods and improper training, I would choose proper training hands down.
You young guys don’t know what you have going for you naturally.- November 5, 2020 at 1:26 pm
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Okay you are doing post season training. How long till the season starts again? What are your goals for this post season training? You can not St07 on everything at once and time is a factor in what you can accomplish.Are you familiar with the concepts of periodization and stuff like plyometrics?
This book by Bompa is over ten years old but the sections on maBamb and miBamb training schedules along sections on with increasing the endurance of your cns are classic.….638_A_rnd_E_49
I’m willing to give you my opinions but to do it right you really need to know what your doing before selecting an AAS for use, Otherwise you’ll pick the wrong thing and won’t get what you are looking for.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:14 am
- in reply to: Best Steroid For Fast-twitch Muscle Fiber Strength
Are you talking about for use during the season or for post/pre season conditioning? Recomendations would vary based on that.