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  • Topofthehill
    Yeah I was going to stack deca primarily for joint relief with the added benefit of mass gains. That stack seems to be a favorite for a beginner stack. My training is fairly intense at 5-6 days a week. My diet is great except I’m trying to cut my bf to 10% from 15% so I’m in a caloric deficit of about 500 Cals. Trying to keep lean mass as well so it looks like this: 1.2g protein per lbs of body weight. 1g carb ", .25g fat ". I also incorporated the intermittent fasting method about a month ago with a eating window of 4-6 hours, so about a 18-20 hour fast to help increase natty hgh and insulin sensitivity. Is this on point or pointless to do pre cycle? I hoped to see slight lean gains while reducing bf. Any input would be appreciated.

    Oh, and also add in the deca since, although it was a long time ago, I have used Sus and am familiar with it. I was thinking about a 6 week front load with deca. Thanks!

    Great read guys! Thanks for the reference. My diet is clean and my expectations are in check due to my first experience 23 years ago. I think I will follow her beginner cycle model but substitute Sus for Tes E. Also was considering adding HCG in PCT and Aromisan for Arimidex . Any thoughts?

    Thanks bro! I’ll take a look.
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