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- November 10, 2020 at 12:43 pm
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Update. Blood is a little more stable along with pulse now. Deca has been dropped for a few days now. I also upped my aromasin too 25 eod instead of 12.5 eod.- November 10, 2020 at 11:31 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Quick update guys. Today I dropped the deca and just did my 2nd injection of test e of the week at 250mg. Before I did anything I checked my blood pressure and pulse and everything was fine. I say about an hour after I pinned test my pulse was at 120beats per minute and it took abou 1 hour to lower again.- November 10, 2020 at 10:02 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Originally Posted by Silabolin
What was your heart rate at rest before your cycle and average heart rate during the day?Elevated heart rate is one of the sides i fear the most. Its measures the shape of your heart. BP the shape of your veins and arteries.
If you were gtg befor your cycle, i think numbere got a point. Elevated e2 increases hear rate.
I guess your BP is ok due to your good diett.Fixes:
Get bloods.
Tune in your AI if e2 is elevated.
Make sure you have a good ZMA-supp in your diett.
Increase cardio training. Not the walks, but train your O2, running fast in series.
Google foodtypes that naturally lowers e2 in men. Put as many as u can in your diett.
I use a controversial fix too. I used cardarine/sr9009/ to lower my heartbeat. I lowered my heartbeat easily with 20 beats pr minutt from a simple dosing protocol with those ppar`s.
Some bad tounges will say cardarine is stupid because the rats, who were given supersonic doses, got canser. Well, drop 50 tbl of aspirin ed and something bad will happen.
Study it but it dont believe suggested doses will give humans canser. By this day i have never come a Bambss such a report or blogginfo and there are ten thousands of guys using cardarine as we speak.
What everybody agrees on, haters and believers (well, not numbere and mr BB but those guys really dont know shit ), is that cardarine does wonderfull things for your cardiovascular system.My heart has always rested at low 60s so yes its either the deca or the test and I think its mostlikely the deca because im such a moron I forgot to take my caber aswell. OH well I dropped the deca today I hope the test doesnt keep my pulse up. Either way Im ready next week to dropp everything and pct if it continues. Because now im always paranoid and not feeling this cycle.
- November 10, 2020 at 5:26 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
My first cycle was test e only at 500mg a week and it did not give me any sides besides night sweats and a bit of rage but not so much. the next few cycles I included a few new compounds to it and the last being tren . Honestly ill never touch tren again and I think im going to just stick too test e 500mg a week. I just have to get the blood pressure and pulse on point.- November 10, 2020 at 3:30 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Its legit in fact its one of the number 1 soarces. Its gear from gp labs. I remember on test e I never had any issues when I ran it alone, it was always stacked.- November 10, 2020 at 1:10 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Yea Need to get a hormone pannel too.- November 5, 2020 at 3:24 pm
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
even after 4 injectinos?- November 5, 2020 at 12:04 pm
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Yea like i siad my diet is clean, hardly any sodium, no sugar, I try to stay away from lots of caffiene And all my fat I get is from lean clean foods. I have veggies too all the time.SO I should take 25 mg aromasin rather than the half the pill at 12.5? I can give basicaly the test is the one messing me up? Not the deca ? And No I will never run any steriod without test in it.- November 5, 2020 at 9:42 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
I also forgot to mention that I my last cycle was 500mg of test/ 300mg of npp a week and that was over a year and half. I maintained must of my gains for such a long time until I developed gastritis. I just dont want to continue past the 3rd week mark because if I hit the 4th week mark I might need too pct.- November 5, 2020 at 8:39 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Originally Posted by numbere
I take 12.5mg/EOD of stane on 175mg/week of test.Have you used stane previously with that amount of aromatizing compounds?
Never used it I was just looking into it, this is new too me I wish I would have knowed this but its weird that tren didnt get me this paranoid. I hope its not the test because I really want to continue that. I dont care if I have to do low doses.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:14 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Originally Posted by numbere
You should have a sensitive estradiol assay.Your symptoms correspond with high e2.
On my way to reasearch on this. I really dont want to dropp the test but if its going to kill me or end me in the hospital Id rather drop both.
- October 30, 2020 at 11:24 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
500mg of test e every week split in 2 i jections mon/thurs
Along with deca durabolin 400mg same a week and same mon/thurs 12.5 mg aromasin eod slowly bumping too 25eod have pct in hand and diet is good just trying too eat more since the gastritis got worst with deca .- October 30, 2020 at 6:37 am
- in reply to: Should I drop deca?
Any other questions you have for me I will be glad too share my answers.