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- November 10, 2020 at 5:50 am
- in reply to: A Bit About Tren
Originally Posted by Skolzage
Tren no matter what dose increases irritability and anxiety and insomnia is always there..gets much worse over 300 mg a wk..thaf being said, the gains in strength and clean muscle mass cannot be compared to anything else I’ve ever injected and the ability to burn body fat and retain lbm is incredible ..the sides are what keeps me away, lately I’ve been thinking about running tren no ester at high doses right away in the morning so the sides wear off when Iam trying to everyone has said sides vary from person to person some people are more susceptible to anxiety or insomnia or high blood pressure..Insomnia alone is enough to keep me away , I don’t sleep great as it is . Can’t say I’m not curious though , sounds incredible !
- November 5, 2020 at 4:09 pm
- in reply to: Which is the best way to run a anavar cycle?
Originally Posted by Marcus G
25mg isn’t a strong enough dose you should use 50-80mg per day 6-8 weeks…And the dosage should be split up for the has a very short halflife .
- November 5, 2020 at 3:54 pm
- in reply to: Test E — More Difficult to Cut
Originally Posted by SAGIKUN
Test is good for bulking as well as cutting….period. It’s science.I just concur , I don’t care what your taking , if your diet is not in check your missing out gaining or cutting !
- November 5, 2020 at 2:26 pm
- in reply to: Test E — More Difficult to Cut
Originally Posted by MToption2
4 months (unemployed) pre-cycle ~2500k 160 lbs maintenance6 weeks on cycle. Working 60 hrs a week standing. Some cheat days but caloric intake near similar. Probably a couple hundred calories more.
MaBambs same throughout 6 week bulk vs off cycle:1. Raw egg banana protein powder smoothie ~1000k (morning)
2. Afternoon lunch
2. Evening dinner3. Quart of Kefir ~600k (before bed)
Now 2 weeks into cut: only
-One single moderate size meal (1000-1500 cals)
-50g protein can (250 cal)
Also on:
-Aromasin 12.5mg ED
-hCG 500iu E3D
-hGH 10iu E3D or EOD
-Proviron 50-100mg ED
Water intake and cardio same. Strength training days increased.
Got BW drawn a couple days ago. Will have results next week.Your not eating enough ,raps which is causing your metabolism to stall .
- November 5, 2020 at 5:03 am
- in reply to: Test E, should I increase my dose?
Originally Posted by marcus
I’m on week 4 of my test e cycle, pinning 250mg twice a week and just added anavar to the mix this week, 75mg a day. I’m on 0.25mg of arimidex eod and 250iu hcg twice a week. This is my second cycle.I’m on a cut cycle and feel the results aren’t really coming in as quickly as they did on my first cycle. I know it’s still early but thought I’d ask you guys what you think.
If I don’t see results after xxx weeks would you suggest increasing my test e or anavar dose? And when increasing test/var doses do I also need to increase arimidex and hcg?
It’s only week 4 .