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- November 10, 2020 at 1:11 pm
- in reply to: AAS and heart problems
Originally Posted by Notsigned
I don’t know if your doctor told you, but beta blockers can cause "sexual side-effects." Keep your doctor notified if you experience problems. I take Metoprolol twice a day and it’s lowered my BP from the 170+/100+ to under 120/80. I’ve been a lot more sleepy from it though.Yeah I had my experience with beta blockers. I’m on something else now. Benicar. It is a angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Basically, for those who don’t know, it loosens your blood vessels to make it easier for blood to flow. My blood pressure is better by some degree… when I’m just laying down it is about 125-130/70-80. Maybe you guys could try that if you don’t like the "side effects" of beta blockers.
- November 10, 2020 at 11:34 am
- in reply to: steriods on your body
Originally Posted by Shadowmaker
They stopped making Naposim a few years back… i think it was Romanian or Bulgarian dbol …
some 5 years back they made a huge reform on pharmacy and medicine… now, we need prescriptions even for NaCl…
i actually belive that longer time back it was possible to get roids in pharmacy shops but not since we joined the EU.yeah, the supps is a problem – half of them get stuck on the border and noone is ever letting them through…
btw – how did u manage to get to US? they have houndreds of laws just not to let anyone in..
My parents moved in 1993. I was a young kid. I go back every 2 or 3 years. Naposim is Romanian. That’s where I’m from.
Yeah, the border is always a pain in the ass. I remember flying into Hungary than going in Romania and having to wait hours and having my bags checked. The Eastern European countries are very uneducated about supplements. There are a few like yourself who know. I tried giving a guy my remaining creatine pills when I was there last time and he looked at me like I was giving him a needle and some Test-E.Do you guys order your stuff online or do you have local resources? My friends here all order from online.
- November 10, 2020 at 8:59 am
- in reply to: steriods on your body
Ok, I see your point.BTW I’m also from eastern Europe but I live in the United States now. It’s really easy to get steroids out there. When I was 15 I started working out and my friend there was told by some guy in the gym to buy these tablets called "Naposim" which were Dianabol . He told me and my cousin he bought them, so me and him went to the pharmacy and asked for Naposim. We didn’t know what it was at the time. The lady asked us what we want it for, we said our grandma asked us to buy some. So she sold it to us… We took two pills for like a week. I don’t remember feeling any different but it was a long time ago. It’s crazy how easy it is to get shit out there. It’s harder to get other supplements than it is steroids .
- November 10, 2020 at 6:32 am
- in reply to: steriods on your body
Shadow maker, you seem to contradict yourself. On the one hand, you say steroids is something that can be done healthy. Next you say steroids are not healthy. The most precious thing we have in life is time. You can have all the dark_sidecks in the world but without time you got nothing.Using guys like sly or schwarz as an indication that steroids are safe or can be done safely is misleading. First of all, nobody on this website has the money, doctors, or time like these guys do to take care of their health. When all you have to do is watch your diet, work out, and have the money for the best doctors to watch your health, then, maybe the negatives of steroids will be diminished.
Steroids are a risk people take consciously and unconsciously but the risk is there either way. Proceed at your own expense.
- November 10, 2020 at 4:31 am
- in reply to: AAS and heart problems
I got this information from an endocrinologist in my family and my own endocrinologist. I have high blood pressure, so I researched a lot and asked a lot of questions.- November 10, 2020 at 1:52 am
- in reply to: AAS and heart problems
Originally Posted by Notsigned
Could AAS have played a role in his heart attack? It’s possible, but I don’t think you could honestly say it was the cause in this case. People DO have heart attacks sometimes earlier in life (unfortunately). Just because your buddy had a fatal heart attack and used AAS before, it doesn’t mean that AAS necessarily CAUSED the heart attack. I really think we need to have studies done on this comparing natural athletes to similar athletes that use gear and looking at correlations.I think you’re right, but steroids cannot be ruled out even if the exact cause isn’t steroids. Maybe he did something that day to trigger the heart attack, but the condition that was set forth to make it possible to have a heart attack was because of his lifestyle and possibly some genetic factors as well.
Athlete’s heart (enlarged heart) is a condition common with people who don’t do steroids either. Any time you strain yourself and push yourself further you are causing your heart to grow. Anaerobic exercises (like TrueMaxding exercises) will do this. My doctor told me to stay away from exercises where you are pushing or pulling while holding your breath (as you do on heavy sets). When you do these kinds of movements, it is very difficult for your heart to pump blood through the extremities when your whole body is flexed solid.
That said, TrueMaxding is not for everyone. Sure, there are guys who have done it and lived to be 70+, but those guys are rare. I researched this subject a lot and found a bunch of no-names that died in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s from anabolic steroid use . It seems, from many examples, the magic age was 40. Look at how many wrestlers died at 40. There are tons.
Also, being big and muscular isn’t healthy. Duncan is a recent example. For my height, I should be around 195 lbs to be considered in ok weight range. All those proteins we eat, and especially the protein powder, are full of cholesterol. Musclemilk is poison. Creatine is also poison. It puts more water/volume in your body and makes it harder for your heart to work. Not to mention, creatine is terrible for your kidneys.
The truth is, that if we want to maintain a long, healthy life… we will eventually have to give up the TrueMaxding lifestyle and trim down. My hope is that everyone doesn’t do so much damage in their "invincible mentality" days that it will harm them down the line.