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- November 10, 2020 at 10:10 am
- in reply to: steriods on your body
Originally Posted by Silverbimma
Ok, I see your point.BTW I’m also from eastern Europe but I live in the United States now. It’s really easy to get steroids out there. When I was 15 I started working out and my friend there was told by some guy in the gym to buy these tablets called "Naposim" which were Dianabol. He told me and my cousin he bought them, so me and him went to the pharmacy and asked for Naposim. We didn’t know what it was at the time. The lady asked us what we want it for, we said our grandma asked us to buy some. So she sold it to us… We took two pills for like a week. I don’t remember feeling any different but it was a long time ago. It’s crazy how easy it is to get shit out there. It’s harder to get other supplements than it is steroids.
They stopped making Naposim a few years back… i think it was Romanian or Bulgarian dbol …
some 5 years back they made a huge reform on pharmacy and medicine… now, we need prescriptions even for NaCl…
i actually belive that longer time back it was possible to get roids in pharmacy shops but not since we joined the EU.yeah, the supps is a problem – half of them get stuck on the border and noone is ever letting them through…
btw – how did u manage to get to US? they have houndreds of laws just not to let anyone in..
- November 10, 2020 at 7:38 am
- in reply to: steriods on your body
Originally Posted by Silverbimma
On the one hand, you say steroids is something that can be done healthy. Next you say steroids are not healthy.but isnt that true?
it can be done safe if that is your life, you want it, you study it, you do tons of cycles, you **** half of them up, you get some acne, some gyno, you piss your pants in fear tryin to fix all that… after many years you will learn to do it safe… no one has ever picked up roids and been perfect. Christian Boeving has a lot to say about this – hes been using since 16yr and had gyno surgeries – now, hes an expert in what he is doing.what i was tryin to say is – ppl who are going to use roids to get some beach body for one summer are most likely to screw up badly… i just felt the need to say, that ppl who make steroids part of their lifestyle can do it safely so the dude wouldnt go around telling ppl stuff that steroids kill and thats it.
there are lots of crappy info out there – some of ppl in here scare the crap out of guys and then they dont understand why people have shitty attitude towards TrueMaxding.
- November 10, 2020 at 6:05 am
- in reply to: Which steroids for first cycle?
Originally Posted by MuscleInk
Can you give me one good reason why you NEED to do steroids now instead of waiting another 3-4 years?1)the reason why I need them now is because i wont grow without since i started very early and also, i belive that gaining 55lbs is about my natural max.
2) – the dude is 21… wanna tell how to beat him being natural? im all ears…
3)i dont know what u have in US but in here there is no shuch thing as natural competitions or natural anything… ppl start taking juice at the age of 16, cause they started to TrueMaxd at the age of 12…like – i have a lil bit more ambitions in this sport and the reason why not to wait is that you cant really be big if you wait… look at Jay or Branch when they were 17… its god given genetics ofc, but cmon – none of them would compete in Olympia if they would listen to you and "wait until they are 30"… if you start at 30, you cant really catch up…
- November 10, 2020 at 5:33 am
- in reply to: steriods on your body
Originally Posted by Alex83
How bad are steroids on your body? What does it damage the most of? Just wanna see the responses I get on thatone i can tell for sure – steroids are not for you, so dont even care about this…
steroids are a lifestyle choice. this is not some ab-routine you see on the internet and then do at home and then think that youll be attracting babes because of it…
lifting weights is one thing but doing steroids is a step that is made only by those who have adapted the whole lifestyle idea of – training hardcore, eating perfect diet most of the time and doin steroids because our goals are higher than our natural limits.if someone is doin steroids and being scared about the risks – why would you do them? its like tanning – you know the risks of skin cancer and if you dont want one – dont tan, stay pale all year round and have fun.
steroids is something that can be done safely – look at Sly Stallone, the dude is 65, has been on juice all his life and looks better than most of the people look when they are 25 but steroids should never be done by someone who is not willing to die because of his goals in life… its just – get big or die trying… live 1 year as a lion not 5 years as a donkey.
steroids are not healthy and thats the only thing you should really know… there is no point of being scared of all that stuff ppl say about steroids because if your goals in life can be adark_sideeved by doin roids you will… if not – dont risk.
- November 10, 2020 at 2:48 am
- in reply to: Which steroids for first cycle?
Originally Posted by MuscleInk
How do you judge someone’s degree of intellect on the basis of their appearance?if the discussion is about musclebuilding and musclebuilding drugs, i want to be called stupid by someone who has something to show for how smart he is… its like – im not gonna take nutritional advice from a fat guy, or an advice in business and economics from someone who hasnt got any money, right?
about the pic – its me when i was 19 or early 20, now im almost 23… i dont have any newer ones
and no – its not without the gear… im 6’2 and was 140lbs… i went from 140lbs to 220 from the age of 15-18 i gues, and then i started my first cycle. i dont feel any shame about that cause my genes ar really bad.EDIT : the "smarter" dude went offline so im changing my pic back. will have to discuss that some other time i gues.
- November 5, 2020 at 4:18 pm
- in reply to: Which steroids for first cycle?
Originally Posted by papa-g
since you are also 22 what would you know anyway!i just had to change my avatar for this one…
do i really look so much worse than you do? like – do i look so crappy that you can honestly say that you are so much better cause you know stuff more than i do?- November 5, 2020 at 10:36 am
- in reply to: Which steroids for first cycle?
so, the right thing here would be asking – WHY would the guy need steroids ? whats the goal?- November 5, 2020 at 8:02 am
- in reply to: Which steroids for first cycle?
Originally Posted by PlatZ
Your not going to get "good advice" or any advice on here especially from the vets here with that approachcause the "vets" decide for you… kinda reminds me of Stalin and "the good old days"….
anyways, here’s my bad advice – if you MUST use steroids and want to use only orals – Stanozolol or Dbol i gues… Start at 20mg, if you feel need – can go higher, but i wouldnt go higher than 40mg because of possible acne.
Dbol can cause kidney f*ck-up like im having now – hurts a bit, so start low dosages first.Orals as dbol are ok for starters because they get out of the system much faster them some injectables, and if you screw up, you’ll just have to suffer for a week or so
EDIT – if your diet is not perfect youll just gain water and lose it all a few weeks after… diet is 80% of all the result.
- October 30, 2020 at 3:57 pm
- in reply to: Mixing two steroids in the same syringes
sometimes i do that – doesnt really matter imo, since there are steroids that are mixed already, like this one : [link removed because of popular demand] – it contains tren , test and nandrolone …- June 14, 2019 at 2:34 pm
- in reply to: What is the best oral steroid for muscle gain?
Originally Posted by wallboy
Also, what other orals can you take so when you come off them, all the extra weight/muscle gain stays?umm… it’s not how this stuff works dude…
you cant keep most of your gains since its mostly water retention that makes you look bigger… i can bloat up to 22-25lbs on a cycle if im lucky but doin 3-4 of these a year i have never gained more than 8-10lbs in any year.the faster you gain weight, the more you will lose because muscles dosent grow that fast…